Gio Peak - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Rapper 2021



The Russian Rapper Gio Peak is a famous musician among the "boys from the area" and people who offer punishment in prisons. His songs are impregnated with anger of angrily to everything that is happening, and a leopard chute allows you to completely imbued with tracks.

Childhood and youth

Repera's real name - Gio Gioev. The future artist was born on May 8, 1978 in Tbilisi, by nationality - Ossetian. The boy was brought up in the family of musicians, he had a strict father and an older brother, who often "replaced" the parents and loaded the guy by affairs, invented that tasks.

He visited a music school, went to vocals, in the struggle section. Father and mother tried from childhood to instill with the love of music and all did everything for this. However, the young man attracted the cloud life more, the guy constantly tried to get out to walk and only felt himself in his plate.

Because of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict, the Rapper family often moved. From Georgia, they went to North Ossetia, which they did not want, and already from there - to Moscow.

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Parents of the musician wanted the younger son to become a doctor. And after graduation, the guy arrived at the medical university in Moscow. As Gio is recognized in his interview, the competition was huge, and he did not have a Bolt. So the Russian and literature he passed without difficulty, but to get a high score on biology, I had to give a bribe.

The young man did not burn with the desire to treat people, but gave way to the opinion of his parents. In general, he dedicated to this profession for 11 years. In addition to his studies, he worked as a nurse, a medical staff, a doctor in the ambulance, and after the course of retraining - anesthesiologist. At 30, a man left medicine, and his parents were seriously afraid that he was crazy.

In 2006, Geno moves to the Komi Republic, where his older brother took his business assistance.

Personal life

With the future wife, the artist met in the mid-2000s, when he moved to the Komi Republic. From this marriage, a man has an amine daughter. For some information, with his wife rapper divorced. But this is just one of the numerous rumors about the personal life of the musician. Gio himself says:"I have a wonderful daughter, loving wife near, I am happy in my personal life absolutely"

The peak lay out a lot of photos with her daughter, judging by the pictures, they have a good relationship.

The artist leads to the "Instagram" pages and in Vkontakte, where the new songs, the presentations of the albums and concerts announce. In his free time, time likes to listen to such groups as "Caspian cargo", "Eastern District" and Petrozavodsk musicians Chemodanclan.


The first speeches of Gioeva are not related to his current career. The young man understood that he was able to sing, but did not immediately determine what style was closer to him. Initially, the artist performed with blues programs. As it came to rap, Geno does not understand himself, because I never tried to engage in author's music.

Career Raper began when he lived in Syktyvkar. The guy had many friends engaged in music. In one of the evenings, Geno came to his bitmeiker's comrade, known by the pseudonym DRZ, which included listening to the music written by him. After listening to men, the first poems were born, which formed the basis of the "Syktyvkar Quarters" track. So in the biography of a novice musician, songs gradually began to appear, many of whom are hearing today.

Gioeva had and other acquaintances associated with work in recording studios or having the necessary equipment to create tracks. Therefore, with the recording of new songs, the musician never had problems, friends did not require money from him for the work done, and after the creation of new compositions, they were listening together.

Talking about music, the singer notes that it is criminal or even imprisoned. Rap guy "Northern", old formation, most of the texts are looked at the system of Gulag (the main management of camps and places of detention).

And although Gio was not attracted to criminal liability, it does not have a conviction and did not sit in prison, he believes that it objectively assesses the criminal situation in the released songs, since he grew up in this society and was friends with guys related to this topic. The peak itself calls this genre Chanson, which is executed in the form of a cleattee and imposed on the bits, although the lyrics are more cruel and evil.

In 2014, Gioyev recorded a song called "Fountain with Black Dolphin", which talks about a colony for convicted to life imprisonment. After 2 years, the artist fans saw on the video hosting YouTube clip on this track, which was filmed on the backdrop of prison.

Raper Debut Album called "Comicraim: Part 1, Black Flower" came out in 2016. It included the tracks "Buyno's head", "Hell Kolyma", "The Law of the Thieves", "pack" and a number of other compositions.

Gio is now working in a team. Music for songs still writes the Bitmeaker DRZ. The guys started together in this composition and continue to work and to this day, sometimes work with other guys responsible for the sound. As a peak is recognized, his music is popular in prisons.

The next disk "Blue Stones" Artists presented in a year. It entered the single single, recorded in collaboration with Sloves, as well as 11 songs, among which the "black zone", "in mind", "thought and wondered" and others. At the end of the same year, the musician removed the video reception for fans of creativity together with the executor SH KERA on the song "Vladikavkaz - our city". Then they just planned to hold a concert in this place.

In 2018, the man pleased the listeners with a mini-album "Giant", consisting of 4 tracks. Also this year came the studio album of Raper Kilativ.

Although the concert activity of the musician began in Syktyvkar, now Raper rarely stands there, and over time plans to stop there trips that require high costs, because the fans in this city it remains less and less. With a large warmth, the artist is met in Yekaterinburg, Siberia, St. Petersburg and Moscow.

As the musician admits, to ensure that there is no successful life with performances and concerts yet, since Solniki has not yet been collecting big halls, and the organizers already agreed, often tolerate them. In addition, you have to spend money on moving and accommodation, so there is no need to talk about stability.

In 2019, his discography was replenished with the album "Comicraim". This year, rapper spent in the tour and visited solo concerts in Moscow, Voronezh, Saratov, Yekaterinburg and Perm.

In September 2019, the premiere of the clip was held on the composition "I was not enough" (feat. Kravts). In addition to new tracks, remixes on the songs of Gio "two authorities", "pack", "Poet", etc. have not less popular.

Gio Peak Now

In April 2020, a new plate "Marty" with 10 tracks came out. She entered "Peter Gangsky", "Peter Blues", "Spirit Taiga", etc.

In the work of the musician there are successful collaborations with other singers. For example, together in the rappers of endgame and mantana peak, the joint compositions "X2", "Palevo" or "Cold Summer" recorded with a rap performer Slimus. And in 2020, the artist presented 2 collaboration records - "Picabidze" with the participation of DJ Puza TGK and Memento Mori with True.

With concerts in 2020, Gio visited Moscow, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi, Vladivostok, etc.


  • 2016 - "Comer: Ch.1 Black Flower"
  • 2016 - "Ethnic"
  • 2017 - "Blue Stones"
  • 2017 - "Chronicles"
  • 2018 - "Giant"
  • 2019 - "Enzas Province"
  • 2019 - "Blue Stone"
  • 2020 - "Memento Mori
  • 2020 - "Marty"

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