How scores in figure skating are considered: for elements, jumping, records


In 2004, adopted a new referee system ISU. It is used to estimate male and female performances, single and paired rooms, sports dancing on ice and synchronous figure skating. International competitions are estimated on the ISU system. Figurestones are investing all the forces in training so that there are maximum points on the speeches.

About how points are considered in figure skating and for which elements they are relying more, - in the editorial material 24cm.

For elements

The technical officer who follows each performance fixes all the shortcomings made by the skater (falling, pouring rotation). The calculus system has a level that is determined by this specialist. It happens the basic, first, second, third and fourth. In a table, which is not only in the "Technique", but also in judges, the cost of the element in points is indicated. The judges decide what was the level of execution from -5 to +5. Evaluation for the technique more than half of the basic value.

How are scores in figure skating

The speech should not be monotonous, so athletes are not allowed to use the item more than once. There are only two exceptions that do not obey the rule: jumping in single skating and jumping in pair skating. When counting points, the requirements are taken into account on which technique is present during the performance, and what to show is prohibited.

In a short program in the pair skating, the record was put on Russian figure skaters Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov. They scored 84,17 points. As the record holder admitted, scores in figure skating are not important. For them there is no additional surcharge, like at athletes. These are personal achievements that are needed for motivation.

For components

To determine the harmony of the speeches, the judges separately give an estimate for the components. The highest score receives the figure skater, which corresponded to five criteria taken into account when evaluating:
  • Skid hold. The judges pay attention to the manear of the sliding, speed control, ripe. If pair skating is estimated, glasses are accrued for the ability to ride unison.
  • Elements-ligaments. Steps, rotation, jumping on the jump. Bundles are different, complex and fulfilled without a "hinge" get a high rating.
  • Choreography. Figure skating is not just "tricks" on ice, which will not be able to repeat the viewer. In each speech there is an intention. This idea is interested in judges at the moment of counting points. The unity of the composition and the harmonious combination of expressive means is welcomed.
  • Execution. At the time of the speech of the skater shatter is confident, his physical and emotional state is normal. This is the condition of the maximum score for this criterion.
  • Music. It is not easy to choose musical accompaniment for the performance, because the jury estimates the matching of the figure to the style of the work and the selected rhythm.

For each of the five criteria, the judge assigns an athlete from 0.25 to 10 points. If the protruding received less than one point, his speech is considered terrible, up to three - weak, up to seven - average, and the values ​​above indicate the skill of the figure skateman.

For sports dancing on ice

Dances are assessed by one estimate, and the calculation takes into account the mandatory criteria. If the movements are coordinated and the rhythm of music coincides with the dance, the figure skater gets a score. The jury estimates whether the technique corresponds to the character of the performance. Even steps are observed exactly with the pictures installed. With pair skating, partners should dance close to each other. All these characteristics refer to the mandatory dance, all the varieties of three. In addition to the mandatory, there is an original and arbitrary. The figure skater chooses how to hit the audience.

The original dance is not performed on the same day, there must be a day. The Technical Committee for Sports Dance on Ice regulates the rules of speeches. The skater chooses orchestral music for dance, because vocal is not allowed. If such a composition does not like the athlete, folklore style is added to the selection.

How are scores in figure skating

During the execution of the steps of the original dance, it is not allowed to cross the roller axis located longitudinally. Partners are not disconnected, the exception is to change the position of the dance. The first assessment of the judge put for the overall picture of the performance and the choice of music. The second - for execution: how the couple coped with the movements, whether the style was observed.

The system of estimation of the original and arbitrary dance is similar. Dancers receive points for the technical aspect of performances and for decoration. The jury notes the complexity of the number, the quality of sliding, confidence in performance. There are no attention to: the posture, the selected musical composition, the smooth movement, the correspondence of the technique in the selected subject. To come up with the idea of ​​performances, the skaters take into account not only their capabilities, but established norms.


To understand how many points will eventually receive a skater, you need to subtract fines from earned points. The punishment system in figure skating is strict. If the skatehead fell, he takes one point. In the pair skating for each fallen partner, the point is removed. For an athlete who could not resist legs three or four times, deduction -2. If there were more than five drops, then -3. Partners, "collapsed" on the bundle, lose 5 points at once.

The jury does not welcome the delay of the speech. The artist finishes at the set time, not a minute later. If he picks up the wrong music, from his "piggy bank" will leave another point. Foreign items are not allowed. Costumes of skaters without unnecessary parts that risk tear off when performing elements. On the safety of the athletes are protected from accidents by these rules.

For example, the forbidden elements belongs to the flip. It is impossible to do it on ice. For this violation, 2 points take away immediately. The French figure skater Surya Bonali ignored this rule on speeches. She inserted into the flush program backwards than caused indignation of judges. When she realized that he would not receive a medal at the Olympic Games in Nagano, I made a forbidden element.

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