Malluba Alimova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Uzbekistan - Russia - Uzbekistan. Then again Russia, and then - again, Native Uzbekistan. For the first time, Matluba Alimova arrived in Moscow, moving the dream of acting. In the second - to somehow live. And always returned back. The favorite of millions, one of the most exotically beautiful artists of the Soviet Union at the peak of popularity, did not know the feather from fans and roles, and in the end some time was forced to be interrupted by random earnings.

Childhood and youth

August 12, 1954 in Andijan, a city that gave the world of Poet Muhammad Yusuf, the surgeon of Renat Akchurina, the commander Valentina Komarov, a girl appeared to the world, who later turned out to be the object of admiration of Soviet citizens.

Matluba Alimova in youth

And although many of them later, focusing on the main roles of Matlube (Matlube), have no doubt that she is really a gypsy, in fact, her father Farhat Uzbek nationality, and the Germans and the Germans, and the Poles, and Georgians, and Russians. Probably, the result of mixing such a considerable amount of blood and has become an unusual sensual appearance of the actress.

Parents met by chance - in the Bashkir capital of Ufa during the passage of the urgent service, the soldiers of Alimov passionately fell in love with Blonde Beauty. And he took to her homeland - to create a family and educate children. But numerous relatives resulted in "someone else's", and soon, despite the three daughters (Malluba - the average of them), the spouses divorced.

"When Mom sent a dad to another wife, we, all three sisters, took the side of the mother. But the Father was never resentment. Dad always treated us well, so my soul is now free from evil memory, "Tatyana Ustinova told the actress.

Interview, where Alimova shared unknown facts of his biography and rare photographs with the writer, occurred on the television program "My hero" in April 2017.

In the young years, Matlube and did not guessed about his own attractiveness - the boys then they were offended and touched over the neighbor, and in the school office, when the roll church was walking, everyone turned around, on the place of Alimov or not.

According to a personal comment, the feeling of the "ugly dunchon" is a consequence of a kindergarten, or rather, the incident, when it was brought to the sobbing and inner breaking, the morals of the harsh teacher in the presence of other kids. The fact that something in it has changed, the girl realized in the 9th grade, when, stretching over the summer to the growth of 176 cm, collided in the corridor with a two-way and the fashionista Sashka Samoilenko - the guy almost broke the guy.

Matluba Alimova

Uzbekistan Her childhood - blooming cherries in spring, red poppies, mint, mute herbs, sun and a constant hum from bees. And, of course, the Mulberry is a treat for the guys. From an early age, Matluba could always come up with a lesson independently - sewed outfits for dolls, playing with water, imagined that it was waterfalls, and adding around a few colors, fantasized the fabulous world.

In an average educational institution, preference was given exclusively Russian and literature who led the "Beautiful Soul" - the class teacher Vasilina Petrovna.

Actress Matlub Alimova

A serious decision is to enter the metropolitan theater institute - it came unconsciously, as if they sent to the true path on top. Plus - the confidence of the mother who did not end the daughter. At that time, the older sister had already lived in Moscow with his family, and Mallube stopped at her. Documents submitted to the only university - VGIK, having learned the monologue of Zemfira from Bakhchisarai Fountain for the entrance exam.

By the end of the 1st year, Student Alimov was expelled for the uniformity. But soon returned back. And then the adorable Alexey Batalov came, radically overgrown life and work at the institute.


The debut in the movie came in the 1979th. Alimova entrusted the role in Pushkin's "small tragedies", where its partners were recognized by Matra - Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Sergey Yursky, Vladimir Vysotsky. Talking about cooperation with the latter, Malluba Faryatna recalled:

"He does not fake, open to the entire coil. There was no such that he would somehow come or carried himself - not a second, I was easily with him, as if we were working together for a long time. "
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In the same year, the "Gypsies" came out on the screens and brought a novice actress with mad all-union popularity. Including the recognition of "its" among the nomadic people. To disappoint a multi-million dollar Soviet audience, the director even decided to change the final - Flywly, as you know, returned.

However, in the filmography of Artists a lot of work, where she reincarnated not only in the Gypsies - in Vasily Buslaev, she is the Byzantine Empress, in the "Isa of Faracon" - the Egyptian Queen. Matluba was actively shot and a lot to the dashing 90s.

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After the collapse of the country, Alimova left home and took up the restoration of the national ancient embroidery. Her loss with television screens some media and spectators were associated with alcoholism and begging, but this information is far from truth.

When this case ceased to make a profit, and the apartment on the outskirts of Tashkent was arrested in mind the non-payment of utilities, the woman was again filed to Moscow. From embraced despair helped to find the path of the Moscow priest. Soon, Malluba decided to adopt Orthodoxy. But even in the moments of soulful, she did not occur to her, the thought came to the principles and agree to the role not like - such is "Batalovskaya" gave.

Matluba Alimova in a swimsuit

In zero, she returned to the shooting, playing in the "ballads about the hussars" and "Taras Bouvuba", attended film festivals. For example, in 2003, the view from it could not take a look away from it not only on the official reception, but also on the beach, where she was in a snow-white swimsuit.

Personal life

Malluba wound married early - when he just began to master the basics of his beloved profession. The main mentor Alexei Batalov did not comment on the news of the marriage of the student readers, but simply measured. But the girl was overwhelmed by strong feelings, to resist which he could not, to Muratu Akhmetov.

Matluba Alimova in 2019

For 3 years of marriage, nothing left. And the fault of this is an unfortunate jealousy of the spouse, led to the divorce. In the future, the beauty received a lot of hands and heart offers, but loacious answered questions about personal life:

"My first experience was enough to not want to marry the second time."

Malluba Alimova now

Matluba Farhatna willingly takes invitations to talk to souls with journalists, coming specifically for this from Tashkent, for example, with Julia Little in "Alone with everyone" or with Andrei Malakhov in "Tonight."

The woman is also engaged in the design, occasionally agrees to shoot in the cinema: by the beginning of 2019, the last work was "Muhamors" of 3 years ago.


  • 1979 - "Little Tragedies"
  • 1979 - "Gypsy"
  • 1983 - "Vasily Buslaev"
  • 1983 - "Fairy Tale of the Star Boy"
  • 1986 - "Return to Fauy"
  • 1989 - "Little man in a big war"
  • 1991 - "Wild Field"
  • 1992 - "Sniper"
  • 1992 - "They"
  • 1993 - "Red Train"
  • 2005 - "Ballads about Gusary"
  • 2009 - Taras Bulba
  • 2010 - "Gift of Fate"
  • 2010 - "boiling point"
  • 2016 - "Muhamora"

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