Evgeny Charushin - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Although Evgeny Charushin lived not a very long life, the biography of an outstanding artist is a rare example of the Creator, who managed to not change the vocation, safely survive wars and oscillations of the party course. The work of the animal was survived by the Creator, and the descendants of Yevgeny Ivanovich continue the glorious dynasty.

Childhood and youth

In November 1901, in the family of the chief architect of the Vyatka province Ivan Charushin, a joyful event was happening - the long-awaited son Eugene appeared. After 6 years, the spouses Ivan Apollonovich and Lyubov Alexandrovna acquired another heir - Vladimir, but Zhenya remained a family ballet, whose hobbies and shadows were died both parents and senior girls - Soviet sister Katya and the pupil of Zina.

Evgeny Charushin as a child with his father and brother

The childhood of the future animal was secured and happy. The boy grew in the atmosphere of love, creativity and labor. The position of the Father, built in Vyatka and the surrounding area of ​​over 500 buildings of secular and civilian, made it possible to live in a spacious house, filled with books and satin, cells with singers and aquariums with fish, contain hunting dogs and horses. Mother of Zhenya, in his youth, skilled rider, after the injury focused on raising children and care for the garden and greenhouse.

Family legends have been preserved about the spiritual and physical development of a boy in harmony with nature. So, he learned to swim, overlooking the river with the herd of cows and keeping their tails, and the pronunciation of the sound "P" overcame, imitating the Karkani Raven. Draw for a fury was as natural as breathing, talking and sled. In the photo made in childhood and adolescence, the young man looks positive and serious, but in fact was a big pamper.

Evgeny Charushin in youth

In 6 years, Eugene gave to the Vyatka Commercial School, famous for artistic education. Educational institution has long tolerance of the future artist, even the organization of "undermining the stove", even the charming and abilities of the young charushin took into account, but also the fact that his father was then the new building of the school.

But after Eugene painted Genitals angels in the textbook on the law of God, Volnodumz translated into a less prestigious Vyatka gymnasium, where he met and made friends with Yuri Vasnetsov - a distant relative of the author "Alenushka" and "Three Bogatyers". Adolescents together went hunting, engaged in gymnastics and created the literary and art group "Sorokood".

Yuri Vasnetsov, Vladimir Lebedev and Evgeny Charushin

After the end of the secondary school, by the time the Turgenev called the name and called the Labor School, Yevgeny Charushin went to serve the 3rd Army of the Eastern Front, where the skills in drawing and design were very useful. In 1922, the young man became a student of the Petrograd Academy of Arts, in which his friend Vasnetsov had already been studied.

Not loving systemics, not tolerant canons Charushin believed that the glorified educational institution did not give him anything, and much more benefit in becoming him as an artist brought frequent visits to the zoo. At the end of the forge of painters, Evgeny earned some time by creating signs for NEPMANs and only after a one-year service in the rifle, the shelf under the meadow showed a notebook with the pictures of animals by the artist Vladimir Lebedev, who worked in "Detgiz".


The first book illustrated by Evgeny Charushin became "Murzuk" Vitaly Bianki. In the future, the artist created illustrations for works by Mikhail Privina, Kornea Chukovsky and Maxim Gorky, Russian tales. Portraits of the hero of the work of Samuel Marshak "Baby in a cage" received the greatest recognition.

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Evgenia Ivanovich's beloved technique was lithograph. The illustrator usually neglected the image of the medium in which there was a bear and wagine, his thinking resisted the image of the space.

During the war, the artist who was with his family in evacuation in his hometown on the shores of Vyatka, was forced to move away from his beloved topics and technology. Among the works of Charushin of that time - the design of the performances of the dramatic theater, the creation of posters, illustrating the collections "Science of Hate" and "Combat Days", the painting of public premises of the city of Kirov - from the house of Pioneers to the factory dining room.

Artist and Writer Evgeny Charushin

Evgeny Charushin has repeatedly collaborated with a porcelain factory located in the city on Neva. Before the war, he created drawings for the painting of the porcelain and developed ways to apply to the settings, and in the postwar years, the miniature animal figures were sculpted.

To write prose Charushin began on the advice of Marshak, debuting the work of "Shchur". Almost all the stories and fairy tales Yevgeny Ivanovich are narrated by animals, works are safe on the tonality and finals - the characters do not become neither killer nor victims. Permanent Charushina-storyteller satellite - humor, frequent artistic reception - sound resistance (for example, "fuss-pour" in "Quail").

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In the artist's prose, there are many oral speech revolutions - vulgarisms and jargonis. Thanks to this, the reader has the impression that the writer did not compose history, and survived them (as a choice of a puppy in the story "About Tomka") or overheard and recorded. The artist and the writer almost never resorted to the dying anthropomorphism - the image of the world of animals to the same world of people, and, therefore, comprehensible for two-legs.

In every living creature, Charshina saw a mystery, and the mystery life of the animal was perfectly transmitted to the lack of contour drawing - drawing "stains" and "strokes", peculiar animalistic impressionism. The most interesting Evgenia Ivanovich considered animals - after all, in future trampling and patriotica, the features of the child and the beast were combined. This is evidenced by the names of the aimalist's works ("Bear", "Shaggy guys", "Volchishko").

Personal life

The main love of Evgenia Ivanovich was animals and birds.

"I love animals very much!" The artist admitted.

Animator has always shared her shelter with dogs and cats, crowns and other birds. Even to the hunt, Charushin believed not as fishery, but as unity with nature, the knowledge of instincts. In addition, it is a fascinating occupation of real men Manilo Creator Rituals, Legends and Terminology.

Evgeny Ivanovich patented several inventions - in particular, on the wheel running around the water, loved to make various crafts from toys to the glider. In his youth, the future artist and prose wrote poems to which in adulthood was very negative. Charushin loved the swimming, and with the advent of the first "Moskvich" - the villages for the city on personal transport. He played chess, but also in them, as in the pictorial art, did not like to "check the algebra of harmony."

Evgeny Charushin with a dog and a cat

Eugene Ivanovich's personal life was happy and calm. In 1928, a novice artist and the writer married a countrywood Natalia Zonovoy, and his wife lived together. After 6 years, the only heir was born and the successor of the Father Nikita. The favorite son became the main hero of the collection of the story of Evgenia Charushin "Nikitka and his friends." Works N. E. Charushina, illustrator of works, are stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum, Gallery of Foreign Countries.

Evgeny Ivanovich managed to see the granddaughter Natasha. Natalia Nikitichna Charushina-Kapustina is a member of the Union of Russian artists, Illustrator of the works of Selma Lagerlef, Vitaly Bianki and Nikolay Sladkov, author of the book about nature for children. In addition, the granddaughter of Evgenia Charushin was fond of painting tin miniatures.

Hispanic Evgenia Charushina is named after Santa. She is the author and illustrator of children's books, stands with lectures on the life and work of the representatives of the dynasty. In February-March 2019, in the Children's Library on Marat St. Petersburg, the Personal Exhibition Evgenia Charushina-Kapustina "Mysterious Tropins" will be held.


Heavy labor in the war years undermined the health of Evgenia Charushina. During the fulfillment of Kirovsky paintings, the artist repeatedly lost consciousness, because the works were carried out by poisonous nitrite paints. After the war, the Creator suffered a heart attack.

The grave of Evgenia Charuushin

The cause of the death of Charushin, as well as his father, has become an oncological disease. However, if Ivan Apolloovich overstep the 80-year-old frontier, Evgeny Ivanovich lived 63 years old. A few months after the death of Charushin, the artist won the gold medal at the exhibition in the GDR.

Evgenia Charushina's grave is located at the Bogoslovsk Cemetery of St. Petersburg.


  • 1929 - "Different Beasts"
  • 1929 - "Free Birds"
  • 1929 - "Shaggy guys"
  • 1933 - "Vaska, Bobka and rabbit"
  • 1935 - "Seven Stories"
  • 1942 - "My first zoology. In the woods"
  • 1958 - "About Tomka"
  • 1960 - "Why does not catch the birds"
  • 1963 - "Types, Tomka and forty"

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