John Carpenter - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



"The first pancake is always coma" - approves the folk proverb, but the director, composer, screenwriter John Carpenter proved the opposite - his debut full-length film "Halloween" in the first years of release gained a cult status and became one of the most commercially successful film projects of all time.

The Manyak-Killer Mair Mair's image, who escaped from a psychiatric hospital, to finish justice, inspires horror meters, and to this day, and terrible melodies, written by John, force blood to push in the veins and in modern spectators.

Childhood and youth

John Howard Carpenter was born on January 16, 1948 in a small American town of New York State, but his youth spent in Bowling Green that in the state of Kentucky. In his youth, John was surrounded by music and art, since his father was the head of the Music Faculty at the West University of Kentucky. The choice of educational institution was obvious to the boy and his relatives - by the time he arrived at the university, he was already able to play immediately on several musical instruments - piano, guitar and Aerofon.

Director John Carpenter

The parents of the young man dreamed to be realized as a composer, but from 8 years ago, the carpenter junior began to be more for cinematography. John flew often with a home camera, trying to remove his first mini film.

That is why he continued his studies at the University of South Carolina, where the guy managed to show himself as a talented novice scenario and the mount member. Here he met Dan O'Bannon (by the author of scenarios to such a legendary picture, as "stranger" and "remember everything") and other talented students.

John Carpenter in youth

Creative like-minded people set themselves the task of removing the short-term fantastic comedy about the dangerous mission, which set up 4 drivers of the spacecraft. However, the work was delayed for several years and out of a short meter turned into a long one.

The full-length picture called the "Dark Star" Young scaffolding was demonstrated at the Los Angeles exhibition dedicated to the movie. A comedy, who has become a ticket for students, appreciated George Lucas himself (director of "Star Wars"). In her work on it, Carpenter showed himself as a high-hope director, producer, scenario and composer.


After the first joint success, John wanted to conquer Hollywood on his own. He removed the western "attack on the 13th section" and the short film "Return of Bronco Billy". And although his filmography was extremely scaret, the next work of the carpenter was the Halloween horror film, which subsequently contributed to the National Register for the cultural and historical heritage.

John Carpenter and Nancy Stevens on the filming of the film

Shot in 1978 Horror gave the start of such a new cinematic phenomenon, as Slachener - horror strokes for teenagers with the central maniac killer, hunting for the same teenagers. Lobook "Halloween" ($ 320 thousand took to create a picture) collected $ 35 million in global rental and became one of the most commercially successful independent films.

Two years later, John removed the one-and-a half-hour mystical thriller "fog" about the unwanted ghosts of dead sailors in a small fishing city. The main role in it was a muse director and the "Queen of Horror", part-time Jamie Lee Curtis.

Jamie Lee Curtis and John Carpenter

The status of the cult reached the following picture "Something", published in 1982. This time the horror machine expanded the genome range and tried the detective theme. In the film about the cosmic aliens at the polar station, which changes the appearance and kills anyone in his path, then starred the beginning of the starter Kurt Russell. "Something" accounted for to taste both lovers of bloody scenes and fans of detective and fiction.

In the biography of Karpenter, a project was not to appear, based on the work of the literary horror king Stephen King, so in 1983 he became a director and a composer of the film about Christina's venibolic car. The picture did not assemble the mad ovations of film critics, but received a nomination for the Saturn Prize in the category "The Best Horror movie".

John Carpenter on the set

The next project of John was a fantastic melodrama about a man from a star arriving on the ground to know the joy of love. Shot in 1984 "man from the star" although genre and differed from the previous works of the director, but retained the philosophical subtext and the fantastic component inherent in the carpenter.

Experiments on the form and feeding their tapes for a matre did not end up - after 2 years, he released a comedy fighter "Big Stir in Little China" about the Chinatown district in San Francisco, in which magicians compete for the opportunity to have an attractive Chinese woman with green eyes. The film failed at the box office, but later it still acquired a cult status due to the combination of American and eastern cultures inspired by the Mortal Kombal game creators.

Director John Carpenter

After the last failure, John stopped working together with popular film studios, removing a low-budget cinema to which he always had. During this period, the horror films "Prince Darkness" (1987), "Aliens among us" (1988), "Bags for the corpses" (1993), "In the mouth of madness" (1994), "Cursed Village" (1995). Although the paintings were warmly accepted by the audience, they could not surpass the success of the first work of the director and suffered a commercial failure.

For the absence of the best Carpenter returned to large studios, which not only financed his work well, but also significantly controlled. So, in 1998, the American-Japanese Vampire Tapes with James Woods and Sheril is starring, and in 2001, a fantastic thriller "Ghosts of Marsa", the narrative of a big danger that expects earthlings on the planet Mars in 2176 .

James Woods and John Carpenter on the filming of the film

For the first time in 9 years, the Master of Horrors released his new full-length work - Horror about a girl trying to escape from a psychiatric hospital and unravel the secret of the endangered patients. Hollywood beauty Amber Herd played the main character in the "Chamber". Film critics and viewers reacted to the ribbon is quite neutral and restrained.

Personal life

In 1979, after the release of the epochal "Halloween", John married a young actress and writer Adrienn Barbo, which he subsequently removed in his tape "fog".

John Carpenter and Adrienne Barbo

In 1983, the Cody's Son was born in a couple. However, the child could not save marriage, and the creative duo went away - the boy was one year old.

John Carpenter and his wife Sandy King

The personal life of Karpenter has improved in the 1990s, when he married the producer Sandy King. Although the director's children did not appear in the second marriage, John happily lives with his wife and now.

John Carpenter now

In 2018, John joined the creative composition of the new film about the return of Michael Myers, named as the original picture - "Halloween", and acted as an executive producer and composer.

John Carpenter in 2019

Now the director is practically not active in the media - he does not interview and does not postpone the photo on the Internet, so it is difficult to judge what his plans for 2019 are. Undoubtedly one thing - for whatever the carpenter would not take, it will sooner or later gain a cult character.


  • 1974 - "Dark Star"
  • 1978 - "Halloween"
  • 1980 - "Fog"
  • 1982 - "Something"
  • 1983 - "Christina"
  • 1987 - "Prince Darkness"
  • 1992 - "Confession of Invisible"
  • 1993 - "Bags for corpses"
  • 1998 - "Vampires"
  • 2001 - "Ghosts of Mars"
  • 2010 - "Chamber"

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