Jessica Rabbit - biography, image, character, quotes, growth


Character History

Red-hot curns, a breathtaking thin waist and the legs of an incredible length - Jessica Rubbit for several decades firmly occupies the position of the sexiest cartoon person. However, in such a bright appearance there are disadvantages - the beauty is constantly suspected of mercenary plans. In fact, only love is needed by the Sweet Singer, which is fully Mrs. Rabbit gives a charismatic rabbit Roger.

History of creation

The bright image of Hollywood Diva was born in the head of the writer Gary Wolf. Jessica took a prominent place in the novel written in 1981. The work "Who was referred to Rabbit Roger?" Interested boss of film studii, and soon the "father" of beauties for a large remuneration sold the right to the decreement of a detective.

Creating a script for the future film sedserva instructed Jeffrey Place and Peter Syeno. The female character of the novel instantly caused the destructive disputes. If the common Canva of the film of men satisfied, then the role of Mrs. Rubbit in a detective is not. The scripts decided to make a cunning villager from the rabbit wife, but at the last moment changed his mind, leaving the singer a little righteousness.

Having learned that the prototype and the muse for creating Jessica served Rita Hayworth, Fairy Din-Din, Marilyn Monroe and a hot red hat (cartoon heroine of 1943), price and synan decided not to move away from the original. The only addition to the image of the heroine was hairstyle, borrowed from Veronica Lang, and makeup characteristic of the kinodyav of the 40s.


Jessica Krasnik was born in the suburb of Los Angeles in a low-income family. Nothing is known about the parents of the girl, the beauty did not tell anyone about his own childhood. And Jessica did not consider attractive himself at all.

The future Mrs. Rubbit did not use cosmetics, wore loose clothes and preferred to pull hair into a strict beam. Becoming older, Jessica got out to work as secretary at the radio studio. The gray mouse did not attract the attention of even his own boss Otto.

Everything has changed after the familiarity of the girl with Rabbit Roger. Merry and popular cartoon saw for an invisible appearance. Good heart. Thankful for the sincere signs of attention and care, Jessica began to flourish.

Gradually, baggy clothes changed the stylish wardrobe, and the unbroken hairstyle turned into a lush red mane. Similar changes noted not only the beloved secretary, but also the Boss Jessica. Otto - the underground agent of the Third Reich - stole the beauty and forced the secretary to read the news for Nazi soldiers. Girl impressed by the exciting voice, men spent a lot of time listening to propaganda.

Hairstyle Jessica Rabbit

Saving it from the unpleasant job Rabbit Roger. The influential actor found out where Jessica hide, and stole the girl from the Nazis. And without that in love, the heroine lost her head. Soon, playing a wedding, newlyweds settled together.

In order not to miss the house while the beloved rabbit makes a living, Jessica is satisfied with the singer in the nightclub "Ink and Paints". An impressive appearance and languid voice makes their job, and soon Mrs. Rabbit becomes a star of the institution.

Despite the obsessive attention of men, Jessica remains true to her husband. A rabbit seems to be surrounding an inappropriate companion for such beauty, truly understands a woman. Soon, the musical career of Rodger's wife overshadows the success of the artist.

On the girl, suggestions for filming in magazines and cinema. Influential fans in a row offer a languid girl and heart. To help her husband, which such a state of affairs drives into depression, Jessica agrees to substitute one of his workers.

Rabbit Roger.

But the plan that the star suggested the head of the film studio gives a failure. Now the beloved man's singer is accused of murdering her lover. Jessica is confused. The singer understands that the beloved is not capable of bloody disassembly. Yes, and the heroine itself is not to blame. But who will believe Beauty in such a causing dress?

Jessica is ready to go to everything to rescue her husband out of trouble. The girl fearlessly rushes in battle with bad cartoons wishing to substitute Rabbit Roger. Despite the image of the appetizing diva in the misfortune, the singer will return love to himself and make it damn charming.


The first appearance of the attractive Jessica Rabbit took place in 1988. The scene in the film "Who subordered Rabbit Roger", where the singer stands in front of the audience, a year was created. Most of the time the animators spent on the creation of a transfusion dresses of Jessica.

Critics appreciated painstaking efforts - Kinokartina received Oscar for the best visual effects. By the way, the style of the dress is borrowed from the Vicky Dugan model, which built a career thanks to frank outfits. The voice of Beauty presented Kathleen Turner, and the heroine title song performed Emi Irving.

In 1989, Jessica appeared in the cartoon "Tombell Problems." She got the role of a caring nurse, which helps Rabbit Roger to cope with the child. To voice the red-haired savior again entrusted Kathleen Turner.

In the short Cartoon "Rabbit on the American Gorka", the attractive Mrs. Rubbit appears in the image of the victim that fell into trouble. Save the beauty can only be a scratching rabbit.

In 1993, another Multsedev, dedicated to Roger, was released. In the "tangled track", Jessica again appears the right companion of her husband, cutting and supporting the rabbit in difficult life situations.

Sometimes the girl appears in the TV projects as an independent person. One of the bright comewo girls on the screen happened in the Sabbath Evening show. With the help of modern technologies, the cartoons made a leading transmission company.

Interesting Facts

Katy Perry in the image of Jessica Rabbit
  • The image of the fatal beauty has been trying on Heidi Klum, Katy Perry and Anna Sedokova.
  • Accurate growth is not indicated by the creators of the character. But the fans of the girl were calculated that it is approximately 170 cm.
  • In pursuit of a figure resembling Jessica, girls sometimes make madness. American Piercy Challenge took 19 operations to become a similar to Mrs. Rubbit.
  • In the original version, "who substituted Rodger's rabbit?" Spectators also appreciated the figure of the girl, and underwear. Later, the scene, where Jessica Rubbit is randomly shared during autoavaria, cut out and inserted the response option.
Manicure with Jessica Rabbit
  • The image of the diva is mercilessly exploited in numerous areas. For example, the manicure is popular with the image of Jessica on a unnamed finger.


"You do not know how hard to live a woman with my appearance."

"I'm not bad, I just have so painted."

"I want you to know that I love you. I love you more than a woman can afford to love the rabbit! "

"For the sake of her husband, I am ready for everything. For all…"

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