Raphael Sabatini - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Books



The works of Raphael Sabatini will lead the reader into the world of incredible adventures, noble husbands, violent battles and passionate love. The work of the writer was born as a fascinating hobby, and recognition came in maturity when he had already received experience in British intelligence. The author wrote more than 50 beautiful novels and the novel, but the famous "Odyssey of Captain Blady" brought him to the top of the glory and wealth.

Childhood and youth

Rafael Sabatini was born on April 29, 1875 in the city of Yezi, Italy. Father - Italian Vincenzo Sabatini, Mother - Anna Trafford Englishwoman. Both parents are famous opera soloists (tenor and soprano), and toured a lot. At this time, the boy grew at the mother's homeland - at Grandparents, in a tiny village under Liverpool.

Raphael Sabatini and his family in Italy

The patriarchal gesture of the English village perfectly had a self-development, and the boy plunged into reading books, improving the knowledge of the English language in addition to the native Italian. When Rafael's parents completed the singing career and settled in the port by opening their school, he went to Portugal. Here I studied in a Catholic school, coming to the knowledge of Portuguese. Complete Education Parents sent her son to Switzerland, where French and German were added to the knowledge of the polyglot.

Brilliantly knowing 5 European languages, Sabatini returned to England (Liverpool) and began his career of a merchant. He entered the service to a large trading company, where he oversaw foreign correspondence with partners. But this work has a young man. From the boring world of business letters and declarations, he was drawn to the reality of his writings and romantic.


Rafael Sabatini begins to write in the late 1890s. And already in 1902, the first novel "Fans of Ivonna" appears. After 2 years, from under the pen of the author, the historic novel "Knight of the Tavern" comes out, telling about the struggle for the power of Oliver Cromwell, unfolding against the background of England of the XVII century period. This work brings Sabatini the first success. The author concludes an agreement with the publisher and leaves the unloved work in trade.

Writer Rafael Sabatini

In 1905, Sabatini married, moved to London and close to writing activities. In the 1910s, he writes a number of works devoted to the biography of his beloved politician late Middle Ages - Cesare Bordjia. This historical character appears in the novels of the "Court of Duke" and "Life of Cesare Bordjia", "Banner Bull" (1912).

During the First World War, Sabatini returned to translating activities under the auspices of British intelligence. But does not throw a literary field. Overlooking the theme of palace intrigues, the author is immersed in adventure topics. This is the hero of his novel "Marine Hawk" (1915) - Cornish Gentleman Oliver Trescilian, who will be the will of fate, having survived the betrayal of loved ones, becomes a noble robber - the Grozny Corsary on the nicknamed Sacre Al Bar (sea hawk).

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While the readers enjoyed the new essay of the beloved author, Sabatini took the next work. The idea to write "Nights of Stories" (1917) came while working on archival documents. Exploring the events of the past years, the writer has repeatedly stumbled upon white spots, strange and unproved facts and decided to collect together the most mysterious stories and crimes of the last centuries with a small share of author's interpretation. As a result, 2-volume work was obtained in the genre of historical prose.

In the first decade of the new century, the name of Sabatini was already well known to British booklers. But the author's apogee of the author reached in the 20s. The reason was the output of two bestsellers - Nomans "Scaramush" (1921) and "Odyssey Captain Blade" (1922).

Raphael Sabatini

The first work introduces the reader with the events of the Great French Revolution, against the background of which the lives of a young lawyer, Andre-Louis Moro, is forced to fight his enemies under the mask of the Skaramusch comedian.

In the work on the "Odyssey ..." Sabatini returned to the favorite marine theme. This time his protagonist is Peter Blad, a bachelor of medicine and a former military. On suspicion of state treasure, Blood was sentenced to hanging, but instead of execution sold to slavery in West India, from where he began his pirated wrappings on the waves of the Caribbean.

It is believed that one of the prototypes of Captain Blad is the legendary English pirate of the XVII century Henry Morgan. However, it is obvious that the author took the basis of only the large-scale identity of this person, its perfection in the art of fleet management, but not excessive cruelty and heartlessness. The hero of Sabatini is a person of honor and faithful to his covenants, and in his heart lives real love, which in the end and leads to a peaceful life.

"Odyssey Captain Blad" was at the height of readership. Publishers are also requested to conclude an agreement for reprint. The work began to translate into other languages. Such a pleasant excitement inspired the writer to continue. Thus were written 2 more books included in the trilogy: "Chronicle of Captain Blady" (1931) and "Luck Captain Blad" (1936).

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The third book came out after the screening of the novel in 1935. Outstanding American director Michael Cartizz, the main roles in the film played the stars of Hollywood Errol Flynn and Olivia de Haviland played in the film.

Also on the wave of success "Pirated theme", Sabatini writes the novel "Black Swan", which devotes directly Henry Morgan and his adventure. By the end of the 30s, the writer writes the novels "Venetian mask" (1934) and "Sword Islam" (1939). By 1940, the disease made Sabatini slow down the creative process, although he wrote several work during this time. One of them is the novel "Columbus" (1941) about the life of the great discoverer. The last novel in the Master Bibliography, "Player," saw the light in 1949.

Personal life

In 1905, Rafael Sabatini married the daughter of a large Liverpool merchant - Ruth Dickson. The son was born the son of Rafael Angelo on nicknamed binkes. In 1927, the guy tragically died in an accident: they went to the new car with the mother, which the young man received a gift from his parents for the successful end of the school. Ruth, which threw out of the car, survived, and the guy died from injured injuries.

Raphael Sabatini and his first wife Ruth Dickson

The death of the only son immersed the writer in severe depression, against the background of which the divorce with Ruth was followed in 1931. A lonely writer leaves London and settles in Clifford, bought a small cozy house by the lake. Here, behind the work and quiet bachelor joys in the form of fishing, he turns time, gradually healing from longing.

The new tide of the vital forces writer feels after change in his personal life: in 1935 he marries the former sachet, sculptor Christine Dixon, accepting her adult son Lancelota as a native.

Rafael Sabatini and his second wife of Christina Dixon

However, a strange rock seemed to persecute a writer. In 1940, Lancelot, who had just received at Britain's Air Force, was divided into a plane crash right in front of Sabatini and his wife, making maneuver over their home in Clifford. It happened, again by the strange coincidence, on the day of the death of binkes. The reasons for the ignition of the aircraft are never clarified.


Marrying Christine, the writer every winter began to ride the Swiss resort Adelboden - skiing. In January 1950, they and his wife, as usual, went to the long-awaited trip, although Sabatini was already very weak. The experienced losses of children could not not affect his health. Almost all the time the writer spent in bed, and on February 13, 1950, Sabatini died.

Rafael Sabatini in old age

An outstanding novelist historian is buried in adelboden's beloved. His grave is decorated not a photopline, but an excellent monument, made by hand of Christina's spouse. Sabatini is depicted fallen, face down, his hand squeezes his handle, the faithful tool of his creativity.


  • 1902 - "Ivonna fans"
  • 1904 - "Knight Taverns"
  • 1906 - "Bardellis is great"
  • 1911 - "Derzoga Court"
  • 1912 - "Life of Cesare Bordjia"
  • 1915 - "Sea Hawk"
  • 1917 - "Night of History"
  • 1921 - Skaramush
  • 1922 - "Odyssey Captain Blad"
  • 1931 - "Chronicle of Captain Blad"
  • 1932 - "Black Swan"
  • 1934 - "Venetian mask"
  • 1936 - "Luck Captain Blad"
  • 1939 - "Sword Islam"
  • 1941 - "Columbus"
  • 1949 - "Player"

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