Sergey Troitsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Corrosion Metal Group 2021



Sergey Troitsky is known not only to his brilliant musical activity - the "Metal Corrosion" group created by him since 1984 they do not cease to adore and respect lovers "Snarely." The frontman's account also participate in the political life of the country and filming movies, the organization and holding of festivals, search for talents, writing activities, several high-profile statements, scandals and arrests. That he and the spider, to grasp everything at once.

Childhood and youth

At the end of May, the 29th day, Alexander Abdulov, Barbara Brylsk, Yegor Titov and two sisters Michael Jackson, celebrate their birthdays, in 1966, Moscow was replenished with a new resident. In the family of academician and his dentist's wife were born Son Serezha.

Sergey Troitsky

In the printed work "Thoroughly in the USSR", Trinity shared valuable biographical information. The pedigree of the future Tresh-Metalist originates from the bellion, which convened the people to the confrontation with the enemy in the famous battle on the Kulik field. The priest grandfather, who was presented by the icon himself, John Kronstadt, shot on the denunciation in 1937, and the grandfather saved from the Malaria epidemic in 1942 many lives, among them - the mother of the avant-garde writer Edward Limonov.

Sergey's childhood passed on Sevastopol Avenue, where parents, exchange room, drove into a 2-room apartment in a 5-storey "Khrushchev". According to the tradition of the door, they never closed into it, the neighbors loosely came to each other. In the courtyard - almost the forest, where a decent amount of fungi can be gained to dinner, a football field, a sandbox and a domino table.

Sergey Troitsky in youth

On TV, nothing interesting was shown, so the whole life focused on the street, somewhere and the point there was drunk disassembly, fights, mate broach and screams. A separate chapter in the book deserved Kolya Samovar - Frontovik-cripple, a former tanker who lost both legs and told about the horrors of the Great Patriotic War and its consequences.

In the early years in the summer, the boy often seen in Nizhny Novgorod at the teacher's grandparents and a medical grandparents who were acquainted with the beauty of the Volga, steamboats, a huge library and stories about the past. For example, about a cousin Nurea - soloist of the Opera Theater, which in the war, fascist pilots dropped a chocolate drawer.

Sergey Troitsky in youth

As for the school years, held in the educational institution of the "Problem District", then a bright memory - non-baggage cutlets, mandatory for eating. Seryo, such a split did not like the soul, and he raised the meat dish of the ps. Bobby could not survive. Soon Trinity moved to a new district. Sergey received a certificate of secondary education in 1983. Labor activity began with the printing house, continued in the editorial office of the international publication, and the dreams of MSU did not come true.

"I did not accept me to the faculty of journalism on ideological reasons, so I had to hack metal. Soon I formed "corrosion of a metal", where and ruble on the bass guitar to this day, "Troitsky told in his inimitable manner.


Interest in the rock arose at a teenager for another 13 years, when in Pioneroger, his consciousness turned the cassettes "Bitles" and a presented photo card with the image of the American group Kiss. After acquaintance with Led Zeppelin, Sergey with friends, Bob and Morgom decided to create their own project. To do this, it was necessary to tighten your skills on the instruments, which was done in the Poland of Pioneers. The first attempts at the public in the public were invariably ended with imposed prohibitions.

Sergey Troitsky in youth

The name for his brainchild came up in his youth - on the exam in chemistry. With members of the future of its own team, Trinitsky met on informal parties, with someone first listened to Scorpions together, and then called to play.

The musicians rehearsed on the basements and DK and at the end of June 1985 gave the first concert, dispersed by the vigilant Soviet militia. Later, Boyz-Bend legalized, hitting the metropolitan rock laboratory. The debut full-length album is recorded in 1988, and saw the light only in 1991.

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By the end of the 80s, the main composition of "corrosion" was formed: bass guitar - spider (Sergey Troitsky), vocals - Borov (Sergey Lights), Guitar - Kostl (Roman Lebedev), on the drums - Lizard (Alexander Bondarenko). In the early 90s "Tresh and Ugra", created by them with the help of the show in the costumes of monsters and the spreading girls at concerts and in the clips, captured the entire Soviet Union.

"This is a holiday for people. And naturally, it's all together - show, music, performance, avgar. All in aggregate. Everyone can spill out their emotions, without harming the society and other people, "the group's leader of the group characterized the importance of" corrosion ".
Sergey Troitsky

In the entire history of the existence of the collective, the composition changed a decent number of times. The media contained various words of former participants about the change of work, especially about the collision of the interests of Spider and Borov, who spilled out for the latter in the ban on the performance of "corrosion" songs.

However, this proceedings are only flowers. More seriously prosecuted accusations of extremism, all the creativity of the team was eliminated from many music services, and the Spider himself is now not entitled to make a profit from the sale of albums. But the artist of art can not stop anything - and in 2018 it is presented to the court of students a new collection "Goddess Morga".

Politics and social activities

To get into the political whirlpool of events Sergei Troitsky tried a little less than 10 times. The first time - in 1993 per mayor of Moscow, repeating this maneuver in 20 and 25 years. During this period of time, attempts were made to run into the State Duma, participation in the election of the city-pointer village of the Moscow region (victory), Khimki, Zhukovsky, Novosibirsk. In June 2018, in an interview admitted:

"Elections are a social platform, with the help of which you can convey to the public some new ideas, which can take advantage of the power of people and technically to implement them. So we also take part in the revival and salvation of Russia. "
Sergey Troitsky in a business suit

Spider's election campaign causes admiration: teachers should come to work in satisfying condition, establish anti-aircraft tower to normalize weather and heated of the Moscow River. Previously, of course, clearing it with the help of mussels.

Created by the "Heavy Rock" Corporation still helps to promote the creativity of young groups in the mass, and Trinity himself pleases readers with works by his own essay (in 2016, for example, "Battle for Vodka"), and viewers - participation in kinocartines (" Porifutball "," Londongrad ").

Personal life

Sergey's first wife met on the Crimean coast - Jeanne then worked by the leader in the Pioneer camp "Artek". Before the charm of the outrageous metal, it was difficult to resist, soon the pair knits himself as marriage. And 5 years after the wedding, he decided on a wedding, held in the temple with the symbolic name - Sergiev-Troitsky.

Sergey Troitsky with the first wife Zhanna and daughter Catherine

Favorite gave her husband's daughter Katya. However, the family came a divorce, according to one of the versions - Zhanna did not accept the presence of nude girls on the stage during Sergei's speech.

The second wife became Irina, there is no details of the dating. But it is known that she cooked an insanely tasty jam, and also gave birth to a child's spider - a daughter Masha, who, who, who, who loves his father's redhead. In March 2017, a woman appealed for help in the liberation of her husband from the Montenegrin prison, and already to the final of the year their joint personal life was over.

Sergey Troitsky and his second wife Irina

In April 2018, the fans of "corrosion" were horrified: her creator is a heart attack. Initial information appeared on the personal page in the social network "VKontakte" that the musician allegedly poisoned as Adolf Hitler - Cyania Calizy and fell into someone. But all this was not the truth, but the photographer of the group and spoke at all like this:

"She picked up a password for his account. They have some kind of family disassembly there, he divorced it, she is offended at him. I tried to suck not only me, but also his daughter Catherine, the girl Svetlana and so on, it wrote it not. "

Sergey Troitsky now

In early 2018, Sergey Evgenievich pleased the fans with a new record, and on the night, when the 2019th-duet was attacked by Alena Sviridova in the "apartment of Margulis" and filled with a cover version for the song of the cult "Agatha Christie."

Sergey Troitsky in 2019

A little earlier, in November, Troitsky did not refrain from the commentary on the award of the airport of Omsk the name of Egor Letov. A man believes that opponents of such a decision support the idea of ​​"targeted extermination of cultural figures that have a union and meaningful impact on people."

Not alien to the spider and the world of social networks, "Instagram" he leads in an inherent inimitable manner, filling truly surrealistic photos.


  • 1988 - "Order of Satan"
  • 1989 - Russian Vodka
  • 1990 - President
  • 1990 - "Cannibal"
  • 1991 - "Order of Satan" (remake)
  • 1992 - Sadism
  • 1993 - Russian Vodka (Remake)
  • 1995 - 1.966.
  • 1997 - "Computer-Hitler"
  • 2002 - "Pagan gods"
  • 2003 - "White Wolves"
  • 2005 - "Lonely Hearts"
  • 2010 - "War of the Worlds"
  • 2013 - 666 Like
  • 2018 - "Goddess Morga"

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