Dana (character) - paintings, biography, myths and legends, image, description


Character History

Dana - Character of ancient Greek mythology. Mother Persea's biography made her chastity symbols. And the images of the princes became a popular plot in the painting of Western European artists.

History of character creation

Greek mythology is full of testes and legends about beauties who have become victims of the lovingness of a powerful Zeus. Tsarevna Argos, first mentioned in Iliad, was no exception.

True, unlike the rest of his mistresses, the beauty saw the meaning of life in the upbringing of his own son of the demigod and did not even try to arrange a personal life. Not all the characters of the myths treated the cultivation of heroes with the same trembling and respect.

The first physical evidence of the myth of Danae is located on a vase dated by the times of Eschil (525 BC). This gives reason to assume the time of formation of the legend. Researchers admit that the tale of the beauty, fertilized by the golden rain, was described in the people, and was also set in an ancient Greek theater.

Despite the non-trivial characteristic of the plot, the description of the legend did not get much spread. No sculptures depicting beautiful daughter Acricia. Perhaps the reason is that the myth about the girl was more chastener than other similar to the story of myths. Beauty, for example, depicted exclusively dressed.

Later, under the influence of the time, the myth acquired a different meaning. Drama, which told about the cruelty of people to beauty, was replaced by a comedy. Now the mistress of Zeus was portrayed completely bare, located on the bedspread waiting for the golden rain from coins.

Dana in mythology

The beautiful Dana was born in the family of the ruler of the city of Argos. Shortly after the appearance of the baby to the light, the old provider predicted by Eurydice and acrycia, the girls' parents that the grandson, born at her daughter, would kill his native grandfather.

When Tsarevna reached a childbearing age, the ruler of Argos, who did not forget the words of the old sage, locked his beloved daughter in a copper dungeon. Krasivita put the maid who did not take away from Mrs. for a minute.

Long languished the charming alone, not suspecting that Zeus-Studzzz is carefully watching her from Olympus. To fool the maid and penetrate into an impregnable fortress, God turned into a golden rain and covered the closer from the head to the legs. Soon the beauty gave birth to a boy, who called the Perse.

Acrylices, tormented by the meal of conscience, often passed by the fortress, where the princess languished. During the next visit, the man heard children's crying and realized that the imprisonment did not save from predicted fate. In rage, the ruler of Argos killed a negligent maid, and the daughter and a newborn grandson closed in a wooden box, which dropped into the sea.

A frightened beauty has long drifted in salted water until he attracted the attention of the playing nonreide. The ocean daughters looked into the box and, seeing a girl with a beautiful boy, clenched over the unfortunate. Good Divine creatures delivered a box to the shores of the island of Serifos.

An unusual design came across the eyes of the dotsis - brother's local ruler. I liberate and Perseya, the man took the new acquaintances to his own relative - Tsar Pillhect. The ruler of the island at first glance appreciated the beauty of the girl and left the mother of Persea in his own palace.

But attempts to tie a close relationship failed. The girl did not want to enter a love relationship with simple, though crowned, mortal. Even the proposal of marriage did not seduce the beauty. For many years, Poland has tried to win the love of princes. Caring and marigos of the ruler of the island became more rusty and obsessive.

Fortunately, Perseus, who, since childhood, was distinguished by excellent physical data, was always there and defended his mother. To get rid of the unnecessary burdens, the Phatech sent a young man to get the head of Jellyfish Gorgon. And Dana lost his support in someone else's edge.

The only thing that remains pursued by beauty is to hide in the temple of Zeus and pray the lover to protect her honor. The insistent Phald setd around the shelter his own army, which would grab the recalcitrant, as soon as she came out of the temple.

Saved a woman from imprisonment Perseus, who returned home from the head of the monster. After presenting Medusa Gorgon Poulthet, the young man killed the failed stepfather. After liberation, the mother and son returned to their native Argos. Having learned about the arrival of his daughter, acrivia ran away from the city. Danae settled in the house where he was born, she lived in imprisonment and gave birth to Perseya. Beautiful woman did not get married, deciding to devote life to himself and the great descendant of Zeus.

Dana in culture

That part of the myth, where it expects a powerful lover, locked in four walls, gave inspiration to many Renaissance representatives. One of the first image of the beauties embodied Mabuzy. In the creation of the artist, the daughter of King Argos is still chaste.

"Dana" Rembrandt Wang Raina looks much frank. The model of the artist was made by the model when creating the canvas, Saskovia Van Eilenburh. After the death of Belmed Rembrandt gave the appearance of Danai of his own mistress.

In 1985, in the Hermitage, where the picture was exhibited, the canvas suffered from the hands of mentally defective hooligan. The painstaking work of the masters allowed to recreate a masterpiece with minimal changes. Differences "Danay" before and after restoration are invisible.

Tina Stapanelfeldt in the image of Danai

Beauty has become a muse and for Gustav Clima. Unlike predecessors, the artist depicted not expectation, and the process of fertilization of Danai Zeus.

Huge influence was the myth for the creativity of Titian Titional. From under the brush of the Italian painter, 5 options for images of the immaculate girl came out, and the Spanish King of Philip II ordered one picture. These works are called the "most erotic masterpiece" of the artist, since he managed to convey the warm glow of the sunset that enhances the atmosphere of the composition.

Tsarevna appeared as a secondary character in films dedicated to the adventures of ancient Greek heroes. In the film "Battle of Titans" (1981), the role of Danai performed the actress of the species of Taylor, and in the 2010 remake of the lover of Zeus embodied Tina Staplelfeldt.

Interesting Facts

  • In the late interpretation of the myth, the uncle Danai is mentioned. Allegedly Father Perseus became not at all Zeus, but a close relative of Beauty.
  • The meaning of the name is "Tomnaya Thirst" or, in another interpretation, "Greek". Based on the last interpretation of the phrase "Fear Danaytsev, the gifts of bringing" implies all Greeks and does not affect the princess directly.
  • In honor of the character of ancient Greek mythology, an asteroid was named, the opening of which took place in 1860.
  • The myth of the immaculate conception of Danai recognize the predecessor of the legends about the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin.


  • 1527 - "Dana", Mabuz
  • 1545-1546 - "Dana", Titian Vever
  • 1553-1554 - "Dana", Titian Vever
  • 1564 - "Dana", Titian Veverie
  • 1636 - "Dana", Rembrandt Wang Rhine
  • 1907-1908 - "Dana", Gustav Klimt

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