Wilhelm Gauf - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, fairy tales



Wilhelm Gaufi, the famous German fate of Wilhelmu Gaufy, took very little time in order to reveal the potential of a creative person with an amazing imagination and recognized literary talent. For a short life, the writer managed to work in many genres and leave the trail in the German literature of the XIX century as the author of poems, novels, stories and popular magic fairy tales around the world.

Childhood and youth

Wilhelm Gauf was born in Germany on November 29, 1802. The family lived in Stuttgart and occupied a prominent social and social situation. Father of the future writer, August Friedrich, went in the footsteps of ancestors, high-ranking statesmen, and held an office position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The mother called by Jadwig Wilhelmin Elzestor, was a triveting nobility from Alsace, the historical region of France, which from the 17th century was considered the subject of wars and political conflicts.

Monument to Wilhelmu Gaufu

Wilhelm held early childhood in the company of three brothers and sisters, as well as cousins ​​named Louise. When the boy turned 7 years old, August Friedrich unexpectedly left his life, and Jadvig transported children to the estate of his own father, who was in Tubingen and famous for the high level of education and a large selection of educational institutions. A new city, which was distinguished by a romantic situation, fascinated the boy and reflected in his worldview.

Before going to school, Gauf learned to read, he sat for the books of the classics of world literature for a long time, in abundance of the grandfather who belonged to his grandfather. The adventure novels of the world-famous Scottish Prose Walter Scott and the magical fairy tales of German folklorists of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimmov had a special influence on the boy.

Wilhelm Gauf in youth

Book plots deeply penetrated the heart of the impressionable child and, mixed with his own fantasies, became the basis of the first fairy tales told before bedtime younger brothers and sisters. When it was time to think about the future, the mother sent a young Gauf to learn from the church school at the monastery, hoping that the descendant of a noble family would eventually become a priest and drive a new page in the history of the honorable surname.

Wilhelm was an obedient teenager and, subdued by the will of the parent, graduated from an educational institution and entered the oldest University of Tubing at the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology. As a diligent student, Wilhelm was perfectly mastered theory, but before practice it did not reach, and the young doctor of theological sciences instead of the church row put on the form of the teacher, setting up a tutor in the Baron Ernsta Yegen von Högel.

Portrait of Wilhelm Gaufa

Shortly before that, in 1824, Gauf Anonymously published a poetic collection called "Military and People's Songs", containing folklore works of German romantics and 2 poems of their own essay. The young man stretched to the literature, but constrained in the means forced him to continue the teacher's career in the house of a rich aristocrat.

Rising children von Högel, Wilhelm got the opportunity to see the world. He visited several cities in Germany, including the birthplace of the Grimm brothers, Kassel, and then visited France and Belgium and familiarized himself with the sights of the capitals. The impressions of Gauf enjoyed the literary shape and, supplementing fabulous plots, published 8 magical stories in Almanane for children from the noble estates of 1826.


The first years of the literary biography of Gauf were shrouded in secret anonymity. Following a pair of poems, the novice writer composed and published 2 parody works, ridicuing the style and manner of modern German authors. "Excerpts from Satan Memoirs", which ended with Ernsty Theodor Amadeu Hoffmann, passed unnoticed, and the story called "Man from the Moon, or Heart Gusts There is a voice of fate" caused a scandal that revealed the real name of the author of a miniature novel.

Writer Wilhelm Gauf.

The cause of public perturbation and subsequent trial was the fact that in the work of Wilhelm used the signature of the famous German novelist of that time Heinrich Claureen. The young author of Evil ridicked the nithewed syllable and mediocre colleagues and was forced to pay 50 thalers in compensation for an insult.

Happing so strangely, Gauf began to compose the original historical novel "Liechtenstein", who narrowed about the adventures of heroes in the era of the Peasant War, who seized Germany in the 1st half of the XVI century. Proximity to the people and the use of national flavor determined the success of the work.

Liktenstein castle

Interesting is the fact that the book that you liked readers was subsequently perpetuated in architecture. Based on the descriptions of Gauga, his fan, Duke Wilhelm von Urah, in 1840 built Lightentein Castle on the ruins of the family fortress in Baden-Württemberg in the south-west of Germany.

After the output of the novel, the audience looked in a new way on a young writer and his work. Fairy tales published from 1826 to 1828, gained popularity and made Gauff one of the favorite German authors. Despite the fact that magic stories have plunged young children in horror, they carried knowledge about the world, full of good and justice, and condemned the indifference and meanness of heartless and evil people.

Illustration for Wilhelm Gauf's fairy tale "Little flour story"

So, in the "Stories about the Little Flour", Gauf told about the lonely fate of the boy, turned by a sorcerer in the freak and forced to wander around the world in search of human heat. And in another fairy tale, called the "Cold Heart", the author created the portrait of the hero, who was deprived of emotions and stuck in the path of cruelty and indifference.

The most terrible of Gauf's fairy tales was considered the "History of the ghost ship", which was included in the "framework" story called "Caravan". In it, the writer drew a terrifying picture of the murder by pirates in any no obey monk and the heroes were punished for eternal flour for a terrible crime.

Illustration for William Gauf's fairy tale "History about the ghost ship"

This work, together with the "history about Califor Aist" and "Fatima's salvation", was filled with the eastern flavor and everyday wisdom, which stars that a person is responsible for his own words, thoughts and actions.

In 1827, in Germany, the second "Almanac for sons and daughters from noble class" was printed in Germany, which included 9 Magic Gauf's stories. Unlike the previous collection, this writer dedicated scenes from the life of the Motherland, drawing them in the genre of traditional German fairy tales. In addition, a grim tone, characteristic of the works of the 1st cycle, was replaced by entertainment and life-affirming.

Wilhelm Gauf - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, fairy tales 12675_8

A striking example of the tales of the second "Almanach" was the story called "Dwarf Nose", who narrowed about the life of a enchanted boy who knew how to cook well and, despite the repulsive appearance, glorified at the court. This work has become so popular in Germany and the rest of the world, which has formed the basis of theatrical performances, films and cartoons, but was one of the last, published during the author's life.

Total Gauf wrote about 20 fairy tales, 2 novels and 11 stories. His poems became folk songs, and writings for children entered the history of the classics of German literature.

Personal life

About the personal life of Wilhelm Gauf knows a bit. Biographers considered a writer with a happy man, contrary to the traditions of the married girl in love, and not by agreement of relatives. His chosen was the younger Kuzina Louise, which the storyteller admired from an early age.

Wilhelm Gauf and his wife Louise

The girl answered reciprocity, and as soon as Gauf rose to his feet, setting up the editor into the daily edition of the "Morning Leaf", young people got married and lived a short, but happy life.

On November 10, 1827, a few months after the wedding, the wife gave birth to the writer daughter, which Wilhelmina called in honor of the Father.


In 1827, Gauf worked on a new novel that was supposed to become a stylistic continuation of the sensational "Liechtenstein". For the material for the new work, the author went to the Alps, but on the way he was seriously ill and was forced to interrupt the journey.

Vilgelm Gauf's grave

At home, the writer has become better, and the family hoped for a quick recovery. For a while, a young organism fought with infection, but did not stand the head of the deadly virus.

On November 18, 1827, Gauf, who was only 24 years old, died in his own bed in Stuttgart. The cause of the death of the storyter, allegedly, became the abdominal typhoid.


  • 1826 - "Othello"
  • 1826 - "Caravan"
  • 1826 - "History of Califa-Aist"
  • 1826 - "History about the ghost ship"
  • 1826 - "History of little flour"
  • 1826 - "Liechtenstein"
  • 1826 - "Excerpts from Satan Memoirs"
  • 1827 - "Dwarf Nose"
  • 1827 - "White and rose"
  • 1827 - "Fyshmagoria in the Bremen wine cellar. Autumn gift for wine lovers "
  • 1827 - "The controversial sermon Klorena about" Man from the Moon "in front of the German public at the autumn fair of 1827"

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