David Gotsman - biography, actor, quotes, appearance and character


Character History

David Markovich Gotsman, a coordinated bachelor and principal lieutenant colonel, managed to conquer respect and their own colleagues, and from opponents - representatives of the criminal world. Last war and lost their relatives, a man lives according to his own laws that do not share people on good and bad. Such an approach was made by Lieutenant Colonel with a real professional, appreciating human lives.

History of creation

David Markovich is owned by Oleg Compassov, the creative director of the film studio "Santa Claus". A man who visited Odessa was so impregnated by the colors of the city that he returned to Russia with the desire to create a film.

Oleg Komasov

The further development of the idea was led by a compass to the book "Gangster Odessa", in which the writer Victor Faytelberg-Blanca outlined the history of the arrival of Zhukov to the Ukrainian city and the Carnival operations. The plot was interested in a man and pushed the director of "Santa Claus" to the launch of the series.

During debates with the scenarios, the project managers decided to make a central figure not the commander-in-chief, but an ordinary opera-fastened. Research and study of the archive of the Odessa Criminal District helped find a suitable prototype. He was the lieutenant colonel David Mikhailovich Kurland.

David Kurland

However, Native Kurlda and local historians Odessa insist that the image of Gotsman is collective. Despite the fact that the events of the series "Liquidation" unfolded during the times of the Curly, in the nature of the main character, the features of the Employee of the Odessa region of Viktor Pavlova and the Deputy Specialized Detachment on the Combatness of the Banditism of Yanlenn's Banditism are found.

The resulting character fell in the souls and residents of Odessa, and representatives of power. In 2008, after the premiere of the series, a monument dedicated to David Markovich was established in Odessa. Bronze creation is located in front of the building of the Odessa Regional Police.


David Gotsman

About his own biography, David Markovich Gotsman prefers not to spread. A man does not like to talk about the family, responding inappropriately curious that he does not have relatives. Even the housing of Gotsmana will not tell about close hero - David has long shot and hid his personal photos.

Gotsman fell to war already in adulthood. For a long time, the man served in intelligence and quickly moved along the military staircase. The ministry of the Motherland interrupted the heavy wound, which forced David for more than a year in a military hospital.

Frame from the series

Healing the wound, Gotsman returns to the native city - Odessa. As a former military, a man is glad to accept the police. David Markovich quickly achieves high position. Respect for comrades, analytical mind warehouse and good disclosure of crimes - all this contributed to the position of the head of the criminal investigation department to combat banditry.

Despite the title of lieutenant colonel, Gotsman always participates in arrests and ambushes. A man performs operational work without being enjoyed in the office. No crime in Odessa eludes the look of Gotsman.

Bear Karas.

But the amount of life violates the bold crime - military uniforms are drained from the military warehouse. The situation is complicated by the murders - when trying to take extraction, criminals shoot representatives of the law and set fire to stolen things. Mishka Karas tells about all this - a small unworpiece, who from the first minutes of dating caused a fatherly tenderness from the stern David Markovich.

However, besides crimes and ambuses, joyful moments occur in the life of Gotsman. Lieutenant Colonel, who did not celebrate his own birthday for more than four years, is forced to take a break in the investigation - a close friend of Gotsman Fim Petrov suits a large-scale feast. Among the many people, David Markovich notices Nura - the neighbor of Fima. A mysterious and a little-gloomy woman causes strange emotions in the soul of a strange emotion, about which Gotsman over the years of war and work in the throat has already forgotten.

Nora from the series

However, from the romantic feelings of David Markovich distracts reality. Fima, who wanted to help a better friend to disclose the crime, died of the hands of unknown bandits. From this point on, the ordinary investigation has become a personal line of lieutenant colonel.

Gotsman raises old connections, meets criminal kings and puts maximum effort to get to villains. But attempts do not bring results. Even the appearance of Assistant Military Prosecutor Vitaly Kregcheov does not help advance in search of murderers.

No less slows down the process of Marshal Zhukov, who only started the duties of the commander of the Odessa District. Hard military wants to deal with gangsters using methods that cause disapproval from Gotsman. As a result, for disobedience and reluctance to refer to representatives of the criminal world as nonhumans David Markovich are accused of an anti-Soviet conspiracy.

David Gotsman

Fortunately, the waste of the beetles does not give the cause of the progress, and Gotsman again comes to freedom. Having barely recovered from the conclusion, David Markovich again meets with the orphans of Mishka Carasem. The boy so much reminds lieutenant colonel about his own loneliness, that the man adopts the unworpiece.

Yes, and thoughts about Nore are not leaving Gotsman. Only inept attempts to care for beauty are stumbled on the coldness and women failures. The only thing that pleases David Markovich is progress in the investigation of the crime. The evidence suggest that the leader of the gang of thieves is someone related to a criminal wanted list.

History with a hole, torping the heart of the steady bachelor, is allowed to be happy finals. Beautiful woman marries lieutenant colonel and brightening a bear with joy. Fearless Gotsman even in happy moments do not forget about his own debt. And, despite the danger to the familiar loved ones, David Markovich finds a man who deprived the life of a funny Famot Petrova, robbed military warehouses and brought a lot of burning in the native city of Lieutenant Colonel.


Director Sergey Ursulak

The premiere of the film "Liquidation", telling about the life of post-war Odessa, took place in 2007. Sergey Ursulak spoke by the director of the painting, and the Actor Vladimir Mashkov was embodied by the image of Brava Gotsman.

Shots of a multi-sieuled painting took place in Ukraine in June-November 2006. In order for the actors to be born in the images of true Odessans, the producers of the films hired a specialist who put the artists recognizable talk.

Full Vladimir Mashkov

But Mashkov, such an approach seemed lightly, so the actor moved from Los Angeles to Odessa for a year. During this time, Vladimir Lvovich studied colorful habits and phrases of the local population and even talked with representatives of the criminal world.

So thoughtful work in the manner brought the fruit - Mashkov was awarded a statutory "Golden Eagle" in the nomination "Best Actor on TV" and "Tefi 2008" for the best male role.


"Fima, close your mouth from the other hand, give a doctor to quietly make myself an opinion!" "Do not do my nerves - they still have, where to spoil!" "Do not pull a cat for all the details!" "From you, nims, even alcohol on the frost I do not want! In the throat does not climb. "" Or you say to me, sho happened, or I am a mord of you with all my love. "

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