Frank World - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, UFC 2021



Frank Mir - Athlete-heavyweight, acting in MMA and UFC Associations. The fighter was a temporary UFC champion. According to experts, he is one of the best representatives of the heavyweight category. The world became the only athlete who managed to send to Nocauto Antonio Rodrigo Nogair.

Childhood and youth

Frank Mir was born on May 24, 1979. His biography was associated with mixed martial arts since childhood, because the father owned the Campo martial arts school, located in the hometown of the world, Las Vegas. The father insisted that the Son began to study Jiu-Jitsu, but the world-junior opposed. Nevertheless, he had to obey. The first battle of UFC Frank saw in 14 years. He was led to the admiration of the struggle of Rostis Grassi.

Frank World in Youth

In addition to the classrooms held at the Father's School, the world visited Bonanza High School. Being in the penultimate course, he began to perform in octave. The first 9 fights were failed, but in 1998 the guy managed to become the winner of the state championship for adult fighters.

The circle of sports interests of the young man was not limited to the struggle. The world was fond of mild athletics and football. He even became a record holder in throwing a disc, taking a 54 m's shell of 20 cm. In 2004, the fighter received a black belt on Jiu-Jitsu. After completing training, Frank did not immediately manage to apply the surveyed skills in practice. At first, he worked as a bouncer in the Las Vegas club, but the athlete was lucky: his talent noticed the matchmaker UFC Association Joe Silva.

Martial arts

The first professional Frank World fight took place in 2001. His opponent was the 4-fold world champion in Jiu-Jitsu Roberto Herb. It seemed that the beginp had no chance, but in the first minutes of the fight, the world conducted pain and defeated the opponent. The defeat suffered and Pete Williams, who turned out to be defeated by Sabmichn in the 1st round.

Frack Frank Mir

The first loss of the world was in favor of Yana Freman. Then Frank won 3 battles in a row and in 2004 it turned out to be in octave with Tim Silvia, competing for the champion title. The victory in the fight was awarded to the world. This evening he got a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu.

In the same year, a unpleasant situation happened in the life of Frank World: he fell into an accident, moving along the highway on a motorcycle. The vehicle crashed into the car, as a result of which the fighter received a fracture of the femur and break the knee ligaments. The athlete's career was threatened, but the operation on the restoration of the bone was thrown out comforting perspectives.

While the athlete was rehabilitation, producers recognized as a real temporary championship belt. In battle with Tim Silvia, Andrei Orlovsky won him. The world appointed with the triumphator could not pass, so the opponent became an absolute world champion, and Frank was forced to observe the success of the enemy.

Returning to the ring in 2006, the fighter fighters with Marciu Cruz and failed. Technical knockout launched a fighter. After 5 months, the world opposed Dan Christinson. During this period, Frank was not in the best physical form. An injury received in the accident made itself felt, taking technicality and speed. The athlete won the fight, but the audience and analysts were not delighted with his battle manner.

Tatu Frank Mira

Technical knockout brought defeat the world from Brandon Faith in the next battle. The athlete increasingly heard sharp criticism in his address. Experts stated that it was difficult to quickly return to former successes. It seemed that the fate of his career was predetermined. Frank had to skip the battle with Anthony Hardonk because of the injured shoulder. After some time, the transferred battle was won by a fighter in the first round. It symbolized the rebirth of the world.

In 2008, a meeting with Brock Lesnar took place. The debutant was defeated, and the victory was awarded the world. The subsequent fight with the enemy in the mini-tournament of Dane White for heavyweights brought him triumph. In the future, the world had to fall in octave with forest on UFC 98, but because of the injured knee a athlete was transferred, and the opponents were in one ring in the framework of UFC 100. Lesnar defeated the opponent with technical knockout.

But the victory in the duel with Chekom Congo remained over the world. Then followed the fight with Shane Karvin, in which Frank was defeated and gave way to the Title of the UFC temporary champion. In battle with Mirko Filipovich, the world has rehabilitated, pulling out victory in the 3rd round. By the decision of Judges Frank, the world overcame and Roy Nelson and went out into the octave with Junior Dus Santos, ready to fight for the title. The fighter was defeated.

The ex-champion subsequently lost in the ring by Daniel Kormye, Josh Barnettu and Alistara Obserim. To restore the shape, he needed a year, after which he spent a fight with Anthony Silva, and then a fight with Todd Duffy, who defeated knockouts. Losses brought the world meeting with Andrei Orlovsky and Mark Khant.

Personal life

Frank Peace has a verified account in "Instagram", where he publishes a photo from performances, public events and pictures in the family circle. Personal life athlete has developed successfully.

Frank World and his wife Jennifer World

His wife Jennifer The world gave birth to three children: daughter Isabella and the sons of Keig and Ronin Maximus. The world also accepted the Son of the Spouse from the first marriage. Now Markus is a full member of the athlete family, which he brings up as his own child.

The fighter continues the classes of mixed martial arts, demonstrating a good physical shape and muscle reliefs, complemented by Tattoo. Today its growth is 191 cm, and the weight is 118 kg.

Frank World Now

For some time, Frank collaborated with the promotion Absolute Championship Berkut, speaking in the role of commentators of sports meetings. He is often expressed in an interview with the planning meetings between the fighters. So, in the duel between Fedor Emelyanenko and Ryan Bader in 2019, the world predicted the last victory.

Frank World in 2019

Despite the defeat that Frank suffered in a fight with Havi Aaley in 2018, he does not yet plan to complete the soldier's career and continues to go out into the octave.

In 2019, the athlete will try his strength in professional wrestling as a participant in the show "Bloody Sport". This is a staged fiction on mats based on the movie of the same name, which came to the screens in 1988.

Titles and awards

  • Black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at the beginning of Ricardo Pisea.
  • 1998 - Winner Nevada State Wrestling Champion
  • 2001 - 1st place in Pan-American Championships: 2001 BLUE BELT PESADISSIMO
  • 2004 - UFC Champion
  • 2007 - Winner Naga Absolute Division Champion
  • 2008 - UFC champion

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