Yuri Levitansky - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, poems



The poet Veteran Yuri Levitansky was famous for the melodiousness of verse and the philosophical understanding of reality. Tests who fell to the share of the writer in his youth, put the imprint not so much on topics as the tone of the works.

Yuri Levitansky in childhood

Yuri Levitansky was born in January 1922 in a tiny town called Kozhelets, one of whose streets since 2015 is the name of the poet. The small birthplace of the writer is the north of Ukraine, and the mother languages ​​of the boy were both Ukrainian and Russian, and the language of the ancestors, Idish, was not familiar with him.

The place of birth of Levitansky is the reason for the amazing fact that in different sources the middle name of the poet is written in different ways: that Davidovich, then Davydovich. Also differ about the exact date of birth: then 21, then the 22 number.

Yuri Levitansky in childhood

In a few years, the Levitansky family moved to the southeast of Ukraine - the Father offered work at the coal mining company. The capital of the Miner's Region then wore the name of the leader of all nations, and it was in the city's urban newspapers for the first time a gifted guy verses.

After graduating from school, Yura went to Belokamena and entered IFLI - the forge of the personnel of the Soviet humanitarian intelligentsia. Boys of the young man broke the war - Levitan volunteer went to the front. According to the memoirs of the poet, students recorded in the Red Army were convinced that before the beginning of the school year, Soviet troops would win over the aggressor.

Yuri Levitansky in youth

In fact, the war for Levitansky lasted even 4 years, and as many as 6 years, because after the warrior "sipped in Plastunski in Europe" and met the Victory Day in Prague, his part was transferred to Mongolia. Yuri passed the way from ordinary to Lieutenant and received many combat awards, including the Order of the Red Banner and the Medal "For Martial merit".

After returning to a citizen, Levitansky settled in Irkutsk, where parents had already lived - David Isaevich and Raisa Evdokimovna. The mastted writer Georgy Markov helped with employment and housing: Yuri began to manage the literary part in the local theater operetta and got a room. Although at the end of the 1940s, Levitansky left the first collection of poems, in the mid-1950s, the poet decided to continue his studies interrupted by the war, and finished two-year literary courses. From this time, Yuri Davidovich lived in Moscow.


Director Eldar Ryazanov, who dedicated to Yuri Davidovich, a series of project "Conversation in the Fresh Air", believed that a person who was not familiar with the Poet of Levitansky, unwittingly depletes his life. The creativity of the poet appreciated the writers such as Evgeny Yevtushenko, Vladimir Vysotsky and Joseph Brodsky.

Poet Yuri Levitansky

Despite the front-line experience, in mature works, Levitansky rarely spoke about the war. The exception is the poem of the poem "Well, with what I was there." Yuri Davidovich's melodic poems were often complemented by music. The most famous example is the "dialogue of the New Year tree", which sounded in the film "Moscow does not believe in tears."

To turning poems in the song, Levitansky treated without delight, considering that the storage of works in pristine would be a big subject for the pride of the verse, and not in supe. The writer was not afraid of the verb rhymes, so, in the poem "Sleep about Royal", the complex rhyme "Zalo-Adahio" is adjacent to those uncomplicated, as "finished - sheed" and "stirred - outweighted."

In most works, Levitansky speaks with the reader of love, the frequency of life ("Lie a calendar" long ago), the moral choice of man ("everyone chooses for themselves"). In the poem "Cinema", the poet compares life with a black and white film, whose script is written by the Most High.

In addition to lyrical poems, Yuri Levitanan has books consisting of translations from Eastern European and Central Asian languages, and collections of parody of the works of Russian-speaking poets.

Personal life

According to the memories of contemporaries, Yuri Levitansky purred all the neighboring cats and wanted all counter-dogs with tails. There were always children and women around the poet. The writer possessed a pleasant appearance (as evidenced by the photo, in his youth he looked like Lermontov) and amazing charisma. Three women played a special role in the biography of Levitansky.

Yuri Levitan with daughters

The first companion of the life of Yuri was the girl Marina, with which the young veteran concluded the Union in Irkutsk. After returning to the capital, this marriage gradually came up.

The second time Yuri Davidovich married only in 40 years. The wenchant was the student of the literary institute Valentina Skarin, who gave birth to the poet of three girls - Catherine, Anna and Olga. The former "walk" Levitansky turned into a wonderful caring father, who adored and all days of the nursing daughters. Literary creativity Yuri Davidovich was engaged only at night.

Yuri Levitansky and his wife Irina Mashkovskaya

When my daughters grew up, the poet, "late learned to live" and, seemed to catch up in the ripe years, cared for the time of war, fell in love for the third time. The last love of the writer became the levitan in his granddaughter Irina Mashkovskaya. With the third wife, Yuri Davidovich began life with a clean list, leaving the previous family a multicorate apartment, library and cottage. This union did not give the veteran of children, but became an inexhaustible source of inspiration for him.


Death, to which Levitanian on the front remained "Four Steps", shelted the poet 3 days after he celebrated the 74th birthday.

The heart of Frontovik demanded the operation in 1990. Emigrant writers who wrote in Russian (first of all, Vladimir Maximov and Joseph Brodsky), helped collect money and organize medical intervention in Germany. The operation was successful, and the poet with fervor included in the Russian political life, seeking that at least the grandchildren of the winners live no worse than defeated.

The grave Yuri Levititansky

Levitansky advocated the ban on the Communist Party and for the Stop of Counter-Terrorism Operation in the North Caucasus. The need for the cessation of hostilities, the poet told President Boris Yeltsin at the presentation of the State Prize in the Kremlin in 1995.

The attitude of the creative intelligentsia to the fight against Chechen separatism was also discussed at a meeting in the metropolitan government in January 1996, in which Yuri Davidovich participated in spikes of medicines. The heart of the veteran could not stand, the cause of sustainable death became a heart attack. On the day of the funeral of the Levitansky, Joseph Brodsky died on the Vagankovsky cemetery.


  • 1948 - "Soldier's Road"
  • 1949 - "Meeting with Moscow"
  • 1951 - "The most expensive"
  • 1952 - "Our days"
  • 1952 - Morning New Year
  • 1956 - "Leaves fly"
  • 1957 - "Secret Surname"
  • 1959 - "Parties to Light"
  • 1963 - "Earth Sky"
  • 1969 - "flow of years"
  • 1970 - "Cinema"
  • 1975 - "Remembering Red Snow"
  • 1976 - "such a day"
  • 1980 - "Two Time"
  • 1981 - "Letters of Katerina, or a walk with Faust"
  • 1982 - "Favorites"
  • 1987 - "Years"
  • 1991 - "White Poems"
  • 1996 - "between two heavens"
  • 1998 - "Someday after me"

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