John Dillinger - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Crime



John Dillinger is one of the greatest gangsters of the United States, managing in the era of the Great Depression. For his short life - 31 years - devastated 24 banks and 4 police plots, fled twice from prison. For the FBI, he was the enemy of society number 1, and for the press - "Robin Hood is modern."

Childhood and youth

John Herbert Dillinger was born on June 22, 1903 in Indianapolis, Indiana. After Sisters, Audrey (1889 r.) He became the second child in the family of John Wilson Dillinger and Mary Ellen Lancaster.

John Dillinger in childhood with sister Audrey

Father brought up children on the principle of "Roga I will regret - a child will spoil." Especially got the boy. The situation was aggravated when Mary died - shortly before the 4th day of the birth of John, in 1907. In 1912, his father married Elizabeth Fields, which was 10 years older than Audrey. At first, the dillinger swore with a stepmother, and then fell in love.

Being a teenager, John often got involved in fights, stuck, took money from young children. The rebellious character did not allow the beginning of the criminal to receive an education - he threw school and settled on the plant in Indianapolis.

John Dillinger in his youth served in the fleet

The father believed that the city corrupts the Dillinger, so in 1921 transported the family to Mursville, Indiana. In rural areas, the behavior of a young man was not corrected - in 1922 he was arrested for the hijacking of cars. John managed to avoid imprisonment.

For several months of 1923, the Dillinger served on the US Navy, engaged in the repair of cars on the USS Utah battlefield. Once, when the ship moored in Boston, John escaped. I have not been able to find a young man, the command of Lincher has sent a report about his dismissal from the service.


After returning to Mursville, Dillinger tried to find a job. An empty vacancies market and rapidly impending poverty pushed a young man for the first crime. John and his friend Ed Singleton cleaned the grocery store, staring $ 50. The clergyman who was at the crime scene, recognized young people and reported to the police.

Arrested John Dillinger

Both were arrested the next day. Singleton did not recognize the guilt, and the Dillinger on the council of his father confessed to the crime. The transaction with the police promised a conditional punishment, but John sentenced to 10-20 years in prison. Singleton was given from 2 to 14 years of imprisonment. On the way to the camera in the state prison of Indiana, which was his home 9 years, from 1924 to 1933, Dillinger voiced the prophetic statement:

"When I leave here, I will become the most pious bastard you have ever seen."

John's neighbors were experienced bank robbers: Harry Pete Pierfont, Charles Maclie, Russell Clark and Homer Wang Meter. Men dreamed of going to freedom and together to make a robbery of the century. A long imprisonment allowed them to develop an ideal crime plan.

John Dillinger in youth

Thanks to the active Father's campaign, the man was collecting signatures in favor of the early liberation of the Son - May 10, 1933, after 9.5 years of conclusion, the Dillinger was free. In the midst of the Great Depression, it was not easy, so he returned to criminal activities.

On June 21, 1933, the Dillinger cleared his first bank - made an institution in New Carlisle, Ohio, $ 10 thousand. Alone, he robbed 5 banks in Ohio and Indiana. The common kush was $ 47.2 thousand. Seen by the police at the crime scene, John was arrested. He was charged with a bank robbery in Bloffton, Ohio. With it, they discovered a plan of escape from prison. For police demands, the criminal did not respond about the appointment of the plan.

Policeman leads John Dillinger

Even before the liberation of the Dilling of the Indiana prison, the conspirators - Pierrefont, Clark and 6 more of the prisoners - made a plan of escape. Bribeing the guards, the men took out weapons and were at freedom in September 1933, 4 days after the capture of their leader in Ohio.

In the group, known as the "First Dilling Band", consisted of 6 people: Pete Pierfont, Russell Clark, Charles Maclie, Ed Show, Harry Cupland and John Hamilton. On October 12, 1933, Pierponte, Clark and Maclie arrived in Ohio and, introducing an Indiana police officers, demanded to give them a dilliner to transfer to prison. Exemption has passed successfully. Robbers accomplished in Indiana.

John Dillinger and his gang in the courtroom

In the commission of crimes, the gang used the tactics developed by an experimental robber of German Lamm. The scheme is based on the linking of roles: observers, drivers, delivery workers, in whose tasks included transporting money into the car, and hackers.

Members of the gang always wore body armor, enjoyed modern weapons, such as Thompson's machine guns. Operations used "workers" machines - spacious, with a powerful engine, most often the Ford brand. They were called the workers because, after committing a crime, cars were left on the street. Gangsters did caches with gasoline in case of chase, in the car kept a first-aid kit for treating injuries.

Fingerprints John Dillinger

From October 1933 to January 1934, the Dillingar gang robbed 4 banks, the total amount is $ 136.8 thousand. During the last operation in Tucson, Arizona, the grouping leader was pleased with the hands of justice. The criminal was placed in the prison of Crawon Point, Indiana, from which, as the local police claimed, cannot escape. March 3, after a month and a half after the conclusion, the Dillinger made escape.

They say that when shooting, the criminal had a real gun with him, however, according to the official data of the FBI, the weapon was a fake - a revolver carved from potato.

Sheriff Lilian Holly, Prosecutor Robert Estille and John Dillinger in Chicago

March 6, after 3 days after escape, the "second dillinger gang" as part of the baby Nelson, Homer Van Meter, Tommy Carolla and Eddie Green stole $ 49.5 thousand from the bank in South Dakota. In the same month, the criminals obscured the Bank in Iowa ($ 52 thousand). To the death of the Dillinger, men robbed another 2 banks, the total Kush was $ 46.8 thousand.

Increased interest FBI, the status of the enemy of society number 1 forced the dilliner to change appearance. According to the surgeon, William Lozer, John wanted to remove a smell on the chin, characteristic moles on the forehead and under the left eye, change the shape of the nose, tighten the corner of the mouth and put on the face of the scar. In addition, the criminal wanted to wipe fingerprints.

Personal life

John Dillinger's love in Machekh turned into a secret novel. Elizabeth was 25 years older than his chosen one, their relationships launched 3 years.

Beril Hovius, wife John Dillinger

Returning to Mursville after the service in the US Navy, the guy met Beril Ethel Hovius. April 12, 1924, lovers became husband and wife. Happy personal life for some time restrained the tendency of the dilliner to the unlawful action. After the first major robbery, family relationships began to deteriorate. Couple divorced 2 years later.

In October 1933, Dillinger met Evelyn Freolett, known as Billy Frecett. They, in love with each other without memory, wanted to get married. The wedding detained the fact that the girl was in the process of divorce.

John Dillinger and Billy Frechett

After the arrival of the prison, Crowon Point Dillinger became the most wanted criminal, the hunt behind him was carried out around the clock. Frecett helped provide his safety. On April 9, 1934, Billy and John went to a meeting in the tavern. As always, the Frechett entered the institution of the first. She was arrested and convicted for 2 years for the shelter of the criminal. They say, the Dillinger fell into a despondency, during the day and night the elected escape was planned, but I never saw the pair.

In June of the same year, Dillinger got acquainted with Rita Hamilton, a prostitute. It was she who unwittingly became a link between federal agents and a criminal. They met until the very death of John.


The information about the location of the Dillinger with the FBI shared a prostitute Ana Kumpany - Romanian refugee, who was threatened with the deportation for the "low moral appearance." She knew that on July 22, 1934, the criminal was going to take Polly Hamilton to the movies. Despite the help, the girl still deported.

John Dillinger's body exhibited in the morgue

On the appointed day at the exit from Biograph Theater in Chicago, Illinois, the Dillinger was waiting for the Opener group of federal agents. The criminal tried to hide in the alley, the shooting opened. One of the bullets was fatal for John - entered the back of the neck, sacheling his head through. It is said that the passers-by lowered the chickel's chickenpiece in the puddle and the dresses podola - in memory of the famous criminal.

Funeral John Dillinger

John Dillinger was killed 2 months after the death of other famous robbers - Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow. The body of the dilliner stored in the morgue was available for visiting. For a year and a half, more than 15 thousand people looked at the enemy of society. From the person of the criminal, 4 posthumous masks were removed.

The grave is located in the Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis. The tombstone was replaced at least 4 times, because visitors took care of a memorable stone on souvenirs.


John Dillinger's biography served as the basis for tens of books, artistic and documentaries. The image of the criminal at different times experienced the actors Humphrey Bogart, Leo Gordon, Nick Adams, Mark Harmon, Martin Sheen.

Marco Ferreri's documentary "Dillinger is dead" (1969) includes personnel and photo of the criminal before and after plastic surgery, shooting from ships and interrogations.

John Dillinger - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Crime 12663_13

The most controversial is the film "Johnny D." (2009) With Johnny Depp in the role of Dillinger. The fighter shows the exact images of the key moments of the criminal's life, but important historical details are distorted - for example, the circumstances of the death of the handsaws of Floyd and the baby Nelson, the accomplices of the Dillingier.

History of the enemy of society number 1 tells in films:

  • 1935 - "People's Hero №1"
  • 1941 - "High Sierra"
  • 1945 - "Dillinger"
  • 1973 - "Dillinger"
  • 1979 - "Lady in Red"
  • 1991 - "History of the Dillingier"
  • 1995 - "Dillinger and Capone"
  • 2012 - "Death of Jack Hamilton"

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