Yuri Koval - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



In the stories, the titles and novels of the writer Yuri Koval, several generations of Soviet children rose. And so far, his work remains attractive for a modern reader, which appreciates the living, bright and capacious word. There were failures in his life: accused of antishetism, they did not want to print books. The literary leadership of the 70s of the last century demanded clarity from the writer, and he continued to invent his worlds in which it was possible to travel in search of the main island of Truth.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Josephovich Koval is the younger son in the family of Joseph Yakovlevich and Olga Dmitrievna. The boy was born on February 9, 1938. It is known that the father served as the head of the criminal investigation department, and during World War II struggled with banditry in Moscow. Mom worked as a head physician of a psychiatric hospital in Polyvanovo.

Writer Yuri Koval

During the war, the family was in evacuation in Saransk. Olga Dmitrievna was appointed to the position of Republican Minister of Health, she was entrusted with one of the important areas of work - the activities of the rear hospitals. Childhood, Yura was difficult - the military lipholes were affected. I had to fully experience hunger and cold, struggling with bone tuberculosis. But the writer in his biography has never complained about difficulties.

The family reunited in Moscow, and in 1945, Yura enroll in school No. 657 on Chaplygin Street. It is not known how his writer fate would have developed, if not meet with amazing people. Among them, the Literature Teacher Vladimir Nikolayevich Protopopov, who was described by Kovalle in the story "from the Red Gate".

Yuri Koval in youth

He was called strange and talented at the same time. But it was the teacher who saw an outstanding personality in a quiet student and tried to fully disclose the talent of the future writer and the poet. Koval, together with classmates, began to write poems, and in the 8th grade created a secret union of poets. The creative association made the pedagogical team and parents, but adults, fortunately, figured out.

"These were comic poems and lyrical poems, we wrote them in the lessons instead of solving tasks on algebra," recalled Yuri Iosifovich.

After school, the choice of admission was predetermined - in 1955, the young Kowal submits documents to the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin, at the Faculty of Russian language and literature.

Artist Yuri Koval

Popy Installation of those times experienced his so-called golden age. Lovely teaching staff, brilliant students in their talents - famous in the future Yuri Vizbor, Julius Kim, Peter Fomenko, Yuri Ryashetsev and others formed Koval's worldview.

The first stories of Yuri Josefovich appeared in 1956 in the newspaper of the Peace Institute "Leninets", for which he received the first award in the amount of 50 rubles. In addition to literary creativity, Koval manifests itself as an artist. He is engaged in monumental sculptors Vladimir Lemport, Vadim Sidura and Nikolai Silisa. Examines drawing, painting, mosaic, fresco.

Yuri Koval with teachers and students of the Emelyanov school

Upon completion of the pedigree, Koval receives two diplomas - teachers of Russian, literature and history, as well as teachers of drawing.

Yuri goes to his first place of work. By distribution, the writer falls into the village of Emelyanovo Tatar ASSR. According to his memories, the first stories were the texts of dictations. Koval called it with light hooliganism. Having worked for a period, Yuri Iosifovich returns to Moscow and already here writes several stories related to Tataria.


One of the stories "October Soon" The writer shows Yuri Dombrovsky, with whom he met as an illustrator of his book. An eminent writer was so impressed with the prose of Koval, which makes the decision to attribute the story to the magazine "New World". But Dombrovsky was denied. Koval understands that it will never be printed and he does not break through the world of adult literature:

"Whatever I wrote, no matter how I wrote, no matter how very I wrote, no matter how beautiful I wrote is not printed. Never".
Writer Yuri Koval

The future of the writer decides the case. His poem for children Poet Igor Kholin refers to the editorial office of the magazine "Spark", where they were accepted and printed. So Yuri Josephovych is selected to his main purpose - to children's literature. During this period, Yuri Koval works as a teacher at school of working youth. Soon he is invited to work as a editorial board "Children's literature", from where they are fired in six months.

Koval is adopted in the magazine "Murzilka", which at that time was considered a forge of writing personnel. He is sent on a business trip to the border, to border guards. From there, he brings the story "Scarlet" and the stories "Kisak", "White Horse", "Elets" and "Special Task". For the writer, the period of torment ended and a lot of work began on prose, which made it a famous and favorite children's writer in the USSR.

Yuri Koval

In 1970, a collection of stories "Clean Dor", which describes the life of the village and residents: Uncle and His granddaughter of Nyurki, Mironi, Shurki cells and other characters. In his work, many stories that are still included in the school curriculum on the study of literature. Among them, the "zero class", "Fan", "Gray Night", "Hare Trails", "Kolobok" and others. Yuri Koval understands the main writer's credo and begins to change the genres of works.

In the genre of a humorous detective, a story "Adventures Vasi Kurolesova" was written. It turned out so lucky that the Writer receives the third award on the All-Union Competition for the best children's book. Koval continues the militia trilogy and writes the story of "five abducted monks" and "Promach a citizen of Lisakov", in 1991 the film was shot.

Yuri Koval and Boris Schgin

In 1972, Yuri Iosifovich is adopted by the Writers of the USSR on the recommendation of Boris Shergin, whom he considers his spiritual mentor. Koval printed in the "Murzilka" of his fairy tales, and in the late 1980s wrote scenarios for cartoons on the works of Shergin.

During the trip through the Urals, the writer loved to travel very much, Yuri Koval hits the beverser with the sands. After that, a story appears "not allowed" about the freedom-loving animal, which runs out of the cage and seeks to get to the North Pole.

Yuri Koval and Rudolph Anapolis with rustic children in the Urals

However, in this harmless plot, the censors saw the anti-Soviet hint of the "Jew raning in Israel". Despite difficulties, the story of the lurch is still published, but from the planning plan, the next book of Koval "five abducted monks" is drawn. The writer had to defend his rights to the colleague of the Print Committee.

In the late 1970s, cinematographers are removed by the works of Koval two films "Napacon Napoleon III" and "Border Dog Scarlet", in which the song of the writer sounds behind the scenes.

Yuri Koval - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books 12652_9

A movie story continues when Rolan Bykov offers him to try himself as a scriptwriter. Film director wanted to shoot a film by the story of E. Setton-Thompson "Royal Anal Station". In 1990, Koval on the basis of filmceneuria will write a story about the Cat "Shaman".

The writer loved rustic traditions, he liked the Northern Russian life and language. He visited small villages in which he lived for several months. After the journey along the North Rivers, Koval will write the story "The easiest boat in the world", for which in 1986 will receive an honorary diploma of the International Council on Literature for Children and Youth.

Yuri Koval in Karelia

Shortly before the death of Yuri Iosifovich finishes work on the novel "Souser-outer", which became the largest thing in terms of the work. In 1996, the author posthumously awarded the "Wanderer" award of the International Congress of Fortist Writers.

On sites dedicated to the work of Koval, there are works of Matra, as well as a photolesale with rare pictures from a family archive, interviews and articles about him.

Personal life

Details about the writer's personal life is not so much. It is known that he was married twice. The first wife was his first love of Nikolaevna Pestov. In marriage, daughter Julia appeared. The second wife was Natalia Alexandrovna Degtyar. Spouses had a son Alexey.

Yuri Koval with son Alexei

Children of the writer are also creative people. Alexey - actor, and Yulia by education doctor, but performs with concerts, performing songs under the guitar.


Date of death writer - August 2, 1995. Koval died at home, in Moscow. The cause of death was an extensive heart attack. Yuri Josefovich buried on the Lianozov cemetery, next to his parents.


  • 1968 - "Scarlet"
  • 1971 - "Adventures Vasi Kurolesyova"
  • 1975 - "Not allowed"
  • 1977 - "Five abducted monks"
  • 1984 - "From the Red Gate"
  • 1984 - "The Most Light Boat in the World"
  • 1987 - "Walking fairy tales (tale of long-time)"
  • 1990 - "Promach a citizen of Hosakova (Kuroles and sailor are connected)"
  • 1990 - "Shaman"
  • 1998 - "Souser"
  • 1999 - "Monochroons"
  • 2000 - "Kuklacta"


  • 1979 - "Border Peel Scarlet"
  • 1982 - "Mystery of the Chest"
  • 1988 - "Laughter and Mountain in Bela Sea"
  • 1991 - "Five abducted monks"
  • 1991 - "Mister Stonka"
  • 2001 - "Evstital Wolf"
  • 2003 - "Walking Tale in Three Pancakes Long"
  • 2004 - "About the ram and goat"
  • 2005 - "Pro Goat and Baran"
  • 2008 - "Stupid"
  • 2008-2010 - "all year round"
  • 2010 - "Shatalo"
  • 2010 - "Phenomenon of Nature"

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