Tatyana Label - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Alexander Abdulov 2021



Actress and Ballerina Tatiana Label was not only a talented dancer serving on scenes of theaters and removing for various projects. Her novel with Alexander Abdulov was discussed more than one year, many and now recall this pair, which broke up and without creating a family. And I could get an excellent creative tandem.

Dancer Tatiana Label in youth

Tatyana was born in February 1946 in the city of Mesjlyany, Lviv region. The exact nationality of the label is unknown, as well as information about her family. Since childhood, the girl was in love with the dance, dreamed of shine in the cinema and on the stage of the theater. But in the native city of prospects for the future dancer was not, so she had to move first to Lviv and to know dance basics in the Opera and Ballet Theater. And later he moved to Simferopol and in the local musical and dramatic theater performed dance and gaming roles.

Dancing and films

The girl managed to go to a more professional level of the girl. In the capital, more opportunities have opened for the development of dance talent, as well as to work in large projects. So in the biography of the label soon after the next move, work appears in the Moscow pop team "Brigantine". And since 1970, she begins to speak in the team under the leadership of Vladimir Shubarina.

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So the label starts strengthened training and rehearsals, she with a team goes to tour, and she is also waiting for work in the cinema. For the first time, Tatiana appeared in 1974 in 1974 in the transfer of Yevgeny Ginzburg "Benefis. Sergey Martinson. " And a year later she played a dancer in the comedy "Bride from the North" director Nerses Oganesyan.

In the Drama "Two in the New House" in 1978 she got the role of the girl Yana. The picture shows the story of permanent family difficulties that almost destroyed the Union of two lovers. The young wife began to annoy study, work, private apartment and permanent searches for livelihood. The husband began to seem to be unsuitable stretching, and this did not promise hope for family well-being. But he, having learned about the novel by the spouse with the successful head of the department at work, continued to love himself as much and take care of his wife.

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The last picture in which the label was starred was the drama "Legacy" George Natanson, where the main roles went to Leonid Markov, Zinaida dehtyareva, Irina Miroshnichenko and Yuri Vasilyev. The film demonstrates the events of the 1980s. Here is a resignation, as well as about the relationship in the family of three generations.

The Men's grandson who did not arrive in the institute is forced to go to the service in the army, he becomes a border guard and is not disappointed. He likes it so much that the guy decides to continue the tradition of the family and becomes a military.

Tatyana Label and Vladimir Nikolsky

At the same time, the label begins to dance in a duet with a young and promising dancer Vladimir Nikolsky. With a talented partner, the girl studies new directions of modern dance. Joint work began in the 1972/1973 season in the Moskoncert workshop. The pleasure of the partnership was in the same temperament and the contagious greeliness of the pair, as well as in the similarity of the shapes and the community of views.

The first success they brought a performance with the production of Valentina Manokhin, the number "Cheerful Dixieland". The repertoire was mainly from purely dance and gaming miniatures. New plot numbers began to appear when working with a pair with choreographer Wakel Usmanov, among them the scenes "Moon and the Sun" and "Last Summer".

Acrobatic support, emotionality of dancing, the use of modern styles and new musical materials aroused critics disputes and brought even more success to dancers.

Young people performed not only in their native country, they actively toured abroad and visited all continents. In 1987, Nikolsky left the scene as a state of health, so the label had to speak with another partner. And soon the woman married and left the USSR forever.

Personal life

Life Life Label discussed for a long time after her novel with actor Alexander Abdulov. They met on a friendly party in 1975, as a woman admitted, it was love at first sight. When the party ended, Tatiana was left to sleep with him, and soon she moved to the tiny artist's room, which the theater hostel allocated.

Tatyana Label and Alexander Abdulov

Alexander called Label his wife surrounding it seemed that the wedding was not far off. The man even helped the dancer to enter Gitis, the Thanes envied all the artists "Lenkom" and dreamed of being in her place. At that time, Abdulov was only a novice actor, however, appeal, charisma and the ability to handle the attention of women.

As a result, a 2-year-old novel of two young people turned out to be a fairy tale with a sad end. Tatyana became pregnant, but Alexander insisted on abortion, and six months later admitted to the girl in treason with Irina Alferova. The label could not forgive betrayal, but did not cease to believe that the relationship can still be saved. But Abdulov had their thoughts on this.

According to Tanya, he admitted to her that Alferova would soon become a real star, and Lenkom's leadership wanted to create an exemplary acting acting family. In the case of a wedding, they promised 2-room apartment in Moscow. A woman told the leading program "Direct Ether" in May 2016. She even preserved several joint photos with the actor.

Although the dancer did not believe in a new union, Abdulov and Alferov got married. Later, the label admitted that a month after the wedding met with Alexander and spent the night with him. Tatiana by the time they also had new relationships. Boris Fastrov became the new chief of the artist - the filler star of the Magic Lamp of Alladina. Young people quickly painted, although the label did not love her husband. The woman just tried to forget with him. This novel last 3 years.

Tatyana Label and her son

In his youth, Tatiana was energetic, and her bright appearance attracted the attention of men. In 1983, she met a man who soon made her a proposal of his hands and hearts. And in 1989, the label and her husband moved to live in Canada, in the city of Montreal.

The last time with Abdulov Label seen a year before his death. When the artist was not, the media appeared information about the extramarital son Abdulov, who was born from Tatiana, after parting a couple. How reliable this information is unknown. Other data on children dancers in the network did not appear.

Tatyana Label now

Tatiana and now lives in Canada, like her already adult son. What a woman is engaged in 2019 - unknown.

Tatyana Label in 2019

It is already in old age, and a quiet life abroad without the closers of journalists, probably quite suits the former ballerina and actress.

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