Alexander Rudazov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Alexander Rudazov - science fiction, whose worlds are striking readers with a variety. The writer knows how to portray unlike each other reality, talentedly describing both the technique, and magic, and worlds on the verge of destruction.

Alexander Rudazov was born a day laughter

Thanks to this, Alexander attracts the attention of fans like fantasy and man-made fiction. Over the years of creativity, the author created dozens of novels, each of whom found admirers.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Valentinovich Rudazov was born in Samara a day of laughter, on April 1, 1981. Interest in creativity in the future writer woke up early - in 6 years. Then the little Sasha for the first time read the book "Three Stories about Baby and Carlson".

First literary work by Alexander Rudazov

The ability of Astrid Lindgren to communicate the words among themselves to the boy, and he decided to try himself in the writer's craft, immediately after reading by writing the first story. However, the interest in the literature did not affect the choice of the place of study: Alexander Higher Education received in Samara State Aerospace University. S. P. Queen, at the Faculty of Engineers of aircraft.


Children's passion for literary creativity did not pass: at 16, Alexander finished work on the first in the biography of Roman. After that, another 4 things were created by the writer, but he began to be printed only with the fifth novel, the "archman". The work, putting the beginning of the series, turned out to be successful. In 2005, Alexander received 2 awards for him: "Bronze Caducet" at the International Fiction Festival "Star Bridge" and the Sword Award.

In the future, the author wrote another 8 books in the world. In total, the series was caught 12 years old - from 2004 to 2016, when the last romance of the cycle was released - "Dawn over the abyss."

The first book of Alexander Rudazov

In parallel with this, Alexander worked over one series, "Yatschen" - heroic fantasy, whose hero is the fruit of genetic experiments with 3 eyes and 6 hands. Despite the rather terrible appearance, serves Yatschin, rather, good, becoming a resident in the demonic world and hearing as far as possible.

In the bibliography of the writer, predominantly literary series, but there are also individual books, the plot of which begins and ends in the framework of one work. An example of such creativity is the Roman "Arifmomoman", affecting the popular theme "Chervotocin", breaks in the tissue of space-time.

Writer Alexander Rudazov

Alexandra can not be called a commitment of any particular fantastic genre. From under his feather, novels in the style of fantasy, and science fiction, and post-apocalyptic works. As a plot base, the writer also uses various styles: in his books there are mystical elements, detective plots and, of course, the topic of "Piatzens" is popular with modern fiction.

Alexander writes in different ways - sometimes seriously, often with alive and topical humor. Some of his characters have real prototypes. For example, Colonel Shuchchenko "sred" from one of the teachers from SGAU, and a relative of the author himself became the prototype of Kolobkova.

Roman Alexander Rudazov

Do not mind Alexander to joke and over himself. In the preface "Stories from the right shoe", he told the readers that the ideas for him prompted the green goblin, who lives, as can be guessing, in the author's right boot. In the left boot of Alexander, also, by the way, Goblin lives, but he no longer listens - he, according to the writer, grows shaped nonsense.

Despite the diverseness and genres, and plots, all the works of the author belong to the same reality - thoughtful, albeit inhomogeneous "metavlane". It consists of a variety of worlds, in which there is a place for anything - and magic, and technique, and civilizations of any stage of development, from primitive to incredibly developed.

Alexander Rudazov

Taking advantage of the variability of "parallel measurements", Alexander is not shy to attract in the plot and historical characters. Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler, and even Theodore Roosevelt, and the role of an insane scientist appeared on the pages of his books in Unexpened Amplua.

About political preferences, the writer is decided. He does not hide that she had previously divided the opinion of the main character of Yatschhen and supported Vladimir Putin's president.

Alexander Rudazov calls himself a moderate oppositionist

Now Alexander calls their views on politics moderately opposition. There is also a few man and relatively religious views: it says that it does not consider himself to any confession and is rather agnostic or yesystem.

Personal life

The hobbies and interests of Alexander are well known to fans of the writer. Unlike many popular authors, he actively communicates with fans on his pages in the social networks "Vkontakte" and Facebook. You can also ask a question to Alexander on its website: the writer regularly responds to them without shifting all the work on the resource administrators.

Alexander Rudazov

Favorite science fiction writers - colleagues by the genre of Sir Terry Pratchett and George Martin. Dares Alexander and books Joan Rowling about Harry Potter. His hobbies in the field of music are interesting: in the author's personal play list, there was a place as "red mold" and Joseph Kobzon. Hobbies at Alexandra Muzhnoye: He is interested in mythology, the history of the peoples of the world, biology, geography and many more things.

In 2018, Alexander Rudazov married

At the end of 2018, changes were made in the personal life of Alexander - he married. The spouse of Ksenia Egorova after marriage took the surname Rudazov.

By profession, the wife of the writer is a physician, and they met after the Internet. Ksenia liked Alexander's books, and she first attended his forum, then began correspondence with the science, and a few years after the meeting, a wedding took place in reality. Photo from the celebration of the Writer's fans can see on the pages of the spouses in Vkontakte.

Alexander Rudazov with his wife Ksenia

There are no children at the pair, but in Samara, a red-haired peach cat lives with them, notes about which the writer often publishes in social networks.

Alexander Rudazov Now

At the end of 2018, Alexander Rudazov "Kriabal" was published, which united 2 works: "Darkness at the gate" and "light in the eyes." Later, the author announced that he had continued to work intensively on the final volume of the cycle of the "dedication of antiquity of the deep", the novel "The End of Fairy Tale".

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The writer continues to actively share with fans of the nuances of life. For example, in early 2019, Alexander posted on the Internet photo of his children's creative attempts - fun sketches about the pictures of animals, which he wrote in 5 years, barely learned by the print letters.


  • 2004 - "Archmag"
  • 2004 - "Three eyes and six hands"
  • 2005 - "Three wisers in one pelvis"
  • 2006 - "Deadian of the old old"
  • 2008 - "Stories from Right Boot"
  • 2009 - "The Mystery of the Kidnapped Tower"
  • 2010 - "Lord"
  • 2011 - "Sumerian Nights"
  • 2013 - "Battle of Pulling"
  • 2014 - "Zvelov"
  • 2016 - "Arifmomoman"
  • 2016 - "Dawn over the abyss"
  • 2018 - "Cryabal"

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