Artem ignition - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Artem Stony - one of the few writers, who can be prescribed and release several books throughout the year. For this, fans love him - the continuation of the beloved series does not have to wait tiringly. Moreover, the author rewrites with readers and posts on the personal site parts already written, tells, what is working on now.

Artem Kamenny writer

Stony writes in fantasy and fiction genre. His post-apocalyptic worlds are inhabited by strange and specific inhabitants who oppose the surviving people. There are many descriptions of battles in books. Together with the author's humor in Artem's works, a special atmosphere was created. She looks like a plot of an exciting computer game where you need to act and cannot be stopped.

Childhood and youth

Present name of the writer - Arthur Sergeevich Smirnov. Born in Donetsk. Birthday celebrates September 6th. Most of the life spent in his hometown.

Artem rocky in youth

Talking your biography, Artem Radok: By education - a mining engineer. The last time, according to the writer, was in the Donetsk coal mine at student practice. He worked in geology, specialized in geological survey, search and exploration. There is no literary formation.

It is known that he has Mom and Brother Konstantin.


Writing began to engage in 2006, after he entered into a discussion with one of the writers on the forum on the Internet. After careless critics, the author advised Smirnov to write something on his own, and not to engage in trim. According to the future writer, these words hooked him, and he "from the bald" wrote the first book "Forbidden Peace".

Artem Kamenny writer

Brother persuaded to send text to the publisher. The book was accepted, after a successful start in the writer, Smirnov focused on creativity. He chose the pseudonym it's no coincidence. Stony believes that Smirnovy is much and difficult to stand out from their set. Choose as a pseudonym foreign name and surname considered the vulgar. He stopped on the name of the stream, where he worked in the truck artel. So the writer Artem is rocky.

For the first book, the writer received a fee of $ 1.5 thousand. The circuit of the "Forbidden Peace" was 12 thousand copies. Artem is not offended when he is called a graphoman writer. Stony believes that it is so, because the "graph" is translated as writing, and "mania" is a passion.

Artem's books of the Stony "Forbidden World" and "Safari for winners"

Writer's books are in great demand among fiction lovers. In "Vkontakte", the group "Worlde Artem Kamennye" group is open, where the fans of creativity discusses the plots, ask questions regarding the continuation of the novels and rejoice when the answer writes himself.

In one year, rocky wrote 12 books. After that, the accusations fell on him that the books for him allegedly writes "Literary Negro." But this is not the case, and the writer even wrote the article "Himself a Negro." Stony admits that he can write quickly. The shortest period of writing one book is 21 days. There is a work on which it had to work for 6 years.

Illustration to Artem Stony books

Giving the overall characteristics of its works, the writer emphasizes that they do not have supermen and elves, philosophy and science fiction ideas. His heroes are ordinary people who fall into special conditions, beyond the human consciousness.

"The mass reader does not like difficulties. He loves everything to be simple, it is clear that there is a minimum of descriptions, more action. In this regard, the move with the nacre of a good one, "the author explains.

In the cycle "Ninth" chief hero, Danil doctors make a deadly sentence. The man enters the offer to penetrate into a parallel world in a new body and try to survive there, but you need to task. Danil becomes a ninth attempt, since his predecessors died. The main character along with the talking parrot on the shoulder is dealt with the new territory and the inhabitants who live on it. 6 books came out in this series.

Artem's books stony from the cycle "Ninth"

In the "Border River", earthlings fall into a hostile world in which they need to be entrenched at any cost. Fans who read the book found a similar plot with the "Robinsons of the Cosmos" Francis Karsaka. But rocky and does not hide that this work was a source of inspiration for him when creating first books.

The S-T-I-K-S cycle consists of 5 books. Three of them are talking about the adventures of the main character of the carat: "Human Beehive", "Man With Cat" and "Territory of Vezuchih". Two more are narrated about the adventures of Heroine Ellie in an alternative universe.

Artem's books stony from the "S-T-I-K-S" cycle

Styx is an unkind world, divided into clusters and parallel worlds in which evolving zombies live. Fans of creativity of rocky in full seriously study creatures living in the territory. By the way, "Styx" became an inter-keeper cycle, in which other authors write.

The "ChiTer" series is represented by 3 books - "Five Libeles of Cheter", "Eight Seconds of Good luck" and "eighteen plus." Here, the reader also has to face the Scheme Universe. But the heroes are endowed with several lives, which makes a narrative look like online game.

Personal life

Nothing is known about the personal life of the writer, as not in the social networks of personal photos with his wife or children.

Artem Konyomy

He opened the information about the family, when he told how Donetsk was trying to bring his mother from the city. But they changed his mind and returned back.

"Exported through the Lugansk region, there all people run, and our lonely car rides, everyone is watching and the temple has a finger. We have such a family that no one left, "said Artem rocky in one of the interviews.

Artem rocky now

The writer continues to work on books. In 2019, fans are waiting for the continuation of the ChiTer series. In addition, the rocky works on a fantastic militant from the S-T-I-K-S series "Karat 4". Artem does not like to spread about the plans for the future."I came across a kind of karma - as soon as you voiced something clearly and for a long time, unexpectedly begins. Look a year ahead - too far, "he explains.


  • 2006 - "Combat Unit"
  • 2006 - "Train"
  • 2006 - "World Heart"
  • 2009 - "Fourth year"
  • 2010 - "Single Time"
  • 2011 - "Ninth"
  • 2012 - "Paradise merciless"
  • 2013 - "Izuchadia Techno"
  • 2014 - "Slave locked land"
  • 2015 - "The most terrible beast"
  • 2016 - "S-T-I-K-S. Man with cat "
  • 2016 - "South Demons"
  • 2017 - "S-T-I-K-S Territory Vesuchi"
  • 2017 - "Five Libeles of the Cheatera"
  • 2018 - "Eight Seconds of Good luck"

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