Alessandro Precosia - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Alessandro Precosia is one of the most sought-after Italian actors who manage to combine theatrical activities with filming in the cinema. At his account - dozens of telecoms and full-length films, and the number of performances on theaters are calculated by hundreds.

Childhood and youth

Alessandro Precosia was born on April 19, 1973 in the Italian city of Avellino. Parents on debt profession - they are lawyers - often moved. The conscious part of his youth, the future actor spent in Naples, here he also received a classic education in Lyceum Umberto I, King Italy.

Alessandro precision in youth

For a long time, Alessandro walked in the footsteps of the parents. A young man with honors graduated from the Faculty of Faculty of Naplerian University named after Friedrich II, then settled an assistant for tax law to University Salerno.

Before Precina, the doors in the world of jurisprudence almost opened, but in 1995 the director Antonio Calende, noting the Natural Charm and the artistry of the young man, proposed to fulfill the role of Laert in the tragedy of William Shakespeare "Hamlet". Without a proper education, Alessandro entered the Milane Academy of Amateur Dramaturgia.


The debut performance under the pseudonym Axel Precosia was brilliantly, and the Italian left attempts to succeed in jurisprudence. In 1999, the actor first appeared on television in the soapy opera "Life in Italian". After the closure of the project, Alessandro returned to the stage, embodying the events of the "Orestea" trilogy, written by Eschil and Adapted Antonio Calende.

Alessandro Precosia and Vittoria Pucchini

Theatrical critics appreciated the natural charm and the artistry of the Italian in the theater, but the real glory came after filming in the television series "Eliza from Rivomboz" in 2002. The plot is based on the classic story of the love of the servant and the graph in the scenery of Italy the second half of the XVIII century. Precosius got the main role, his partner on the set, and later Vittoria Puccini became in his personal life.

The first season, on the shooting of which was spent € 18 million, gathered 14 million spectators from television screens, actually making the precosion and Pumpchini the stars of the national value. For your talent, the actors were awarded the prestigious Italian Prize II Telegatto. In the second season, Alessandro appeared only in 2 episodes, devoting himself to the theater. The main productions of this period of the biography of the actor were the "King Lire" William Shakespeare and the original play "Give me three caravels."

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In 2004, Precosius debuted in the full-length movie "Vanilla and Chocolate". After 20 years of marriage, his wife leaves an incorrect husband with three children. An abrasive man is aware of the first time that he is actually a father whose main task is to take care of the offspring. So far he is drowning in everyday life, his spouse twists the novels than the jealousy and a feeling of repentance in her husband causes.

In 2007, the filmography of the Precosi was replenished with the paintings of the Zhavorek and Vice-Kings. The latter was removed according to the name of the novel Frederico de Roberto. The book was banned by censorship for a whole century, but despite the long-term imprisonment in the depths of libraries, popularly now. Key thought is the superiority of political elites over the population.

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Mini-series "Commissioner de Luka" (2008) is the most appreciated project Alessandro Precosia. He awarded award for the best television film at the Venetian Film Festival, the prize of Agrigento Efebo d'Oro for the best adaptation of the literary work (Carlo Lucarelli novels). The actor received the same reward for the workshop of interpretation.

In the summer of 2009, Precosia with a colleague on the theater Tommaso Mattei Aldo Allegrini (Tommaso Mattei Aldo Allegrini) created the creative association KHORA THEATRE, which flourishes to this day. In the repertoire of the theater - mostly classic plays and works of their own essay: "Hamlet", "Don Juan", "Sirano de Bergerac", "Romeo and Juliet". The active participation of the troupe takes the ADRICESTA Charitable Foundation, which helps children with oncology.

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Precosia is a multifaceted actor to whom any roles are subject to. Thus, in the film "Hall shots" (2010) Italian played a homosexual, which because of his unconventional sexual orientation loses the place of the owner of the family business and respect for relatives. In the series "Love and Revenge" (2011), "Beauty and the Beast" (2014) with the Suarez form to Alessandro returns the familiar image of the heart.

Only by 2016, Precosius went to the International Cinema Room, starring in the series "Medici: Lords of Florence" along with Richard Madden and Dustine Hoffman. Alessandro acted as Filippo Brunlelleski - the greatest Italian sculptor of the Renaissance.

Personal life

Alessandro Precosia - Father of two children. Andrea Eduardo's firstborn was born on July 4, 1995 in Union with Scarlett Zito.

In 2002, during the filming of the series "Eliza from Rivombroza", the Italian met with Vittoria Puccini, who for many years became his beloved. Colleagues met from 2004 to 2010, and on May 16, 2006, Elena daughter was born.

Alessandro Precosia and Greta Carandani

Once in an interview with Puccini admitted that parting with "love of the whole life" was very painful, but now former lovers continue to build relationships with other people. Alessandro and Vittoria still unites Elena's upbringing. Often in the press appear photo family on a joint walk.

After a long novel with Pucchini, Precosi began to meet with the Greta of Kararandini, the daughter of the famous university professor, which is 17 years later than the actor.

Alessandro Precosia now

In January 2019, the film "Freedom to choose" was released on the Italian Canal Rai, in which Precosii fulfilled the role of Judge Marco Lo Bianco. The tape tells about Domenico Tripodi, who inherits the fate of his father and becomes a criminal authority. Hero Alessandro understands that a young man needs a different life, and helps him stand up true.

Alessandro Precosi in 2019

Now there is an active advertising campaign in support of the Nonmentire mini-series (IT. "Not VRI). Partner Precosia on the set was Greta Scarano.

Continues to precisely develop the theater career. In March 2019, show Show "Vincent Van Gogh - White Smell" from the creative association KHORA THEATRE. The actor plays the primary role of the post-imagressionist. Judging by the publications in the "Facebook" of the Italian, the reviews of fans in "Instagram" and "Twitter", the show is the "living" embodiment of the canvas Van Gogh.


  • 1999 - "Life in Italian"
  • 2002 - "Eliza from Rivomboz"
  • 2004 - "Vanilla and Chocolate"
  • 2008 - Commissioner de Luka
  • 2008 - "Blood defeated"
  • 2010 - "idle shots"
  • 2010 - "Saint Augustine"
  • 2011 - "Other Face"
  • 2013 - "Passion against Politics"
  • 2014 - "Leon and Bella"
  • 2015 - "Tango of Freedom"
  • 2016 - "Medici, Lords of Florence"
  • 2017 - "Undercover"
  • 2018 - "Nobody looks like us"
  • 2019 - "freely choose"

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