Balash Kasumov - biography, personal life, photo, news, team, composition, "What? Where? When?" 2021.



Fans of the intellectual show "What? Where? When?" Kasumov's Balash is known as a permanent captain of a bright team that spent more than 10 seasons behind the play table. Over the years, Balash earned authority and significant individual awards at the club, the main of which was the title of the Best Captain Club. This title is more honorable, which is awarded only once every 5 years. In addition, he heads the public television of Azerbaijan and holds the games of the elite club in Baku, acting as a lead and producer.

Childhood and youth

By nationality Balash - Azerbaijani. The full name sounds in the native language as a balakishi. He was born on October 20, 1978 and became the firstborn in the family of Alekper and Dilyara Kasumov, who lived in Baku - the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Over time, the couple had three more sons.

Balash is an older brother, and leadership and responsibility appeared in it early. Although he was an ordinary restless child with a stormy fantasy, strange ideas would easily infected others and could lead.

As the intellectual himself admits, it brought up the street: yard games to darkness, football and even fights. It was not fought because of aggression, but to prove that it could stand up for himself.

And the sport devoted all his free time: 7 years in childhood were given training. The boy participated in the competitions of urban and republican levels. To this day, football is a favorite hobby of Balash, he and now gladly chasing the ball with friends.

Sports had to say goodbye to high schools when the young man left the city secondary school number 1 and continued his studies at a technical and humanitarian lyceum. The priority was studied, and there was simply no time for football. From that moment on, the guy was seriously carried away by reading, before the list read was limited to the school curriculum in literature.

The accumulated knowledge required the exit, and in the 9th grade Balash for the first time tries themselves in intellectual contests. Already then, the young man is aware that he hates to lose, and perceives each game as a battle.

After graduating from a lyceum, Kasumov enters the university. He saw the future related to the business, and in 1999 it becomes a bachelor in the field of engineering economy and management. Two years later, Kasumov ends the magistracy in the same university.


After the university, the young man is building a career of economist. 4 years he works in the banking sector, making financial advisory and business plans.

Over the years, the vector of professional activity has changed: Balash Alekper-ogla moved to television. New work is closely related to the favorite hobby - the game "What? Where? When?". This show served as the starting point in the successful quarry of the TV presenter and producer.

Since 2007, a man is headed by the Gametv.Az Production Center, which is engaged in the release of intellectual programs on the television of Azerbaijan. Under the start of Kasumov, international Licensing Projects Brainist, "Brain Ring", "What? Where? When?". A man will produce the Azerbaijani televersion of the famous game, and also acts as a lead.

In the biography of Balash Alekper-oglu there is an experience of acting. He played a small role in the film "Do not be afraid, I'm with you! 1919. The picture came out on the screens in 2013.

In May 2018, Kasumov, at the age of 39, he joined the director general of Azerbaijani public television, and a year later he headed the information and entertainment channel "ITV Azerbaijan", while remaining a permanent leading republican television report "What? Where? When?".

Today Balash Kasumov continues its activities as head of ITV, being chosen for a 4-year term. According to the director of the canal, he wants to maintain the balance between the programs, in which the national values ​​of the Azerbaijani people are promoted, and modern shows filled with relevant information.

"What? Where? When?"

In "What? Where? When?" Kasumov came in 1993 following a cousin, Mikail Dzhabbarov, who consisted in the Baku Club of Exchange. At first, the future captain only sick for a relative, but gradually pulled away and daring to gather his own team. The first time the guys only lost, responding from force for 2 questions out of 15. But perseverance and accumulated experience gave the result, and the victories came.

From school years to this day, Balash heads the team of intellectuals who compete in "What? Where? When?" in different countries.

In Baku, the guy organized a team from citizens of Azerbaijan. From 2004 to 2010, the guys became winners and prize-winners of the competitions of republican and international levels. The main victory was the triumph at the World Sports Championship "What? Where? When?" In 2004, where young people unexpectedly occupied the 1st place.

A new stage in the life of Balash was departing to Moscow on the main games of the elite club, passing in the Neskuchny Garden. In 2007, the experts playing here in different years were united in a new composition, the Balash Kasumov became the captain of the team.

Initially, Dmitry Avdeenko, Julia Lazareva, Mikhail Skipsky, Elizaveta Odeenko, Vladimir Antohin, were part of the team. The place of the latter took the Elman Talybov since 2016, which passed from the team of Ales Mukhin. With the exception of Elman, all team members were repeated owners of the cherished "crystal owl".

2010 became generous for rewards for the Balash of Alekper-oglu. He won prestigious trophies - "Crystal owl", "Diamond owl" - and received a challenge of the best captain of the club.

In total, the connoisseur in 38 games participated in 38 games. In 23 of them he won.

On November 6, 2017, in the official Instagram account of the elite club, there were a photo of Kasumov as a winner of the Vladimir Voroshilov Prize. The prestigious award is complemented by a diploma "For a personal contribution to the development of the movement" What? Where? When?"".

Personal life

Balash Kasumov from those traditional oriental people who do not apply to personal life in the press, considering it a bad tone. It is known that a man is married and growing two children.

Relationships with his wife are built on mutual respect and trust.

"I am happy to state that my ideas about family life coincided with reality," a man confesses in an interview.

Of great importance in the life of the banner has faith in God. He confesses Islam and believes in the afterlife, so he tries to live in such a way that nothing to regret at the last minute.

A man does not smoke and does not drink alcohol, while not like a movable lifestyle. In his free time, he prefers to sleep, play a computer game or just wondering.

Balash Kasumov Now

Now Kasumov continues to support the reputation of the expertise at a high level. The Balash Alekper-ogla team won in the fourth game of the summer series of 2020, but because of the closed borders, the captain and Elman Talybov himself could not fly to Moscow and take part and the program.

The victory in the final of the autumn series of games of Kasumov team with a score of 6: 5 in favor of the experts made it possible to get into the final of 2020. According to the rules in the main game of the season, a team participates that wins the viewers with the largest account, and in the event of equality of the results, the advantage of that team, which was played later. Despite the highest rating of all the compositions in the winter series, the Balash Alekper-ogla team lost, missing the chance to get to the final.

2021 made its own adjustments. The Captain of the team in the first game of the series against viewers was the former member of the team under the guidance of Kasumov - Elizabeth Odeenko.

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