Jabba Hatt - character biography, photos, quotes, actors


Character History

Character of film "Star Wars", created by the director and screenwriter George Lucas. Gangster from the planet of Hutta, a huge spontaneous alien alien from the race of Hutt, the growth of incomplete four meters, similar to a slug or toad with orange eyes. Hermaphrodges - has sexual signs of male and females at the same time. Belongs to the Khahatt clan.

History of creation

The concept of Jabba Hatta changed from one film to another as the film industry grew and developed and new opportunities appeared. Initially, George Lucas thought Jabba as a shaggy creature, reminding Vuki. Then there was a concept of jabba as a fat, similar to the Tarry slug with a huge ugly mouth, eyes and tentacles.

George Lucas

Invited to the role of jabby. Actor Declan Malkolland during filming read the character replicas. The actor was put on a shaggy brown suit, and at the post-production stage, a person had to replace a character created by the means of puppet animation. The scene, where Jabba was involved, was to become an important storyline, but as a result, George Lucas cut out this episode from the film due to budgetary and temporary restrictions.

In 1997, working on the anniversary edition of the "New Hope" tape, George Lucas returned this scene, and the disturbed sequence of narration was recovered. Technologies at that time allowed to realize the image of the jabb at a higher level compared with 1977. In 2004, with the next reprint, the scene was finalized again, and the appearance of the villain was still improved.

"Star Wars"

Jabba Khatt

For the first time, Jabbe is mentioned in episode IV "Star Wars: New Hope", released in 1977. Jabba there is an episodic character - a criminal authority and the leader of the gang of smugglers on the planet Tathuene. Pilot-smuggler Han Solo owes the jabbe a round sum of money for failing the delivery of smuggled cargo.

Khan Solo was supposed to bring Jabbe from one asteroid cargo shipped under the ban, however, on the tail ship Solo sat down an imperial patrol. Solo preferred to reset the dangerous cargo. The angry Jabba appointed Hana Solo as a seductive award for the head, which all hunters for heads in the universe began to chase.

Khan Solo.

In 1980, the name of the jabby again pops up in the episode V "The Empire is negotiated." Han Solo never returned the debtors, and Jabba sends to the search for the debtor of the hunter's heads of Bob Fetta, promising for the capture of solo a decent Kush. Later, Khan Solo finds himself in the hands of Darth Vader, and he sends the hero to Jabbe, pre-frozen in carbonite, so that the solo did not run away. Friends of the solo at the end are sent to the revenue to snatch the hero from the jabby paw.

In the third tape - "The Return of Jedi", published in 1983, was used to create a composite doll, a complex animatron doll was used to create a jabby screen. In the first tape of 1977, Jabba Hatta played Irish actor Deklan Malkolland, caught in a fluffy costume. But the scene where he appears, it turned out to be carved from the final version of the original film. When reprinting the "New Hope" in 1997, a jabbo scene was returned, but the living actor was replaced by the CGI image, and the voice was renovated. New Jabba spoke on the fictional language of Hutt.

Actor Delan Malkolland

In the cut scene, Jabba, accompanied by Gangsters, comes to the hangar, where Khan Solo holds the ship. Jabba requires the hero to return the cost of lost cargo. Han Solo promises that he will give money as soon as he receives a fee for a new job. Han Solo just sought to deliver Luke Skywalker, Obi-Vana Kenobi and their droid satellites on Alderan.

Jabba demands that the solo returned with money as soon as possible, and threatens otherwise put on solo all criminals in the galaxy. Solo, however, will not fulfill obligations to Jabboy.

Luke Skywalker

In the first part of the film "The Return of Jedi" Jabba mocks numerous servants and appoints a generous remuneration to someone who drags Hana Solo's head to his feet. Bangit Bob Fett brings Jabbe Khan Solo, and the criminal boss exposes a frozen hero as part of the exposure in his own throne room.

However, Khan's friends of the Solo do not sleep and hurry to help. They manage to penetrate the Palace of Jabb, but at this good luck turns away from the heroes. Princess Leia itself turns out to be captured by Jabba, and the villain turns the girl into slavery. Gangster tries to deal with Luke Skywalker when he arrives to conclude a deal with Jabboy about the liberation of Khan Solo.

Princess ley.

Under the throne hall is a pit, where the monstrous monster sits, and the hatch drop there. The hero destroys the monster, but Jabba does not stop at it. In the sea dunes, a giant worm creature is found on Tatooin, and Jabba decides that the glorious idea would be raised by this monster of Luke and Khan Solo.

However, heroes manage to defeat the guards of Jabba, and the princess of the princess itself is killed by the villain himself during confusion. Jabba overtakes a very symbolic death - leya shrinks it with slave chains. Jabby sailing barge explodes, and everyone who remained on board is dying. However, leu, hatch and other heroes have time to escape.

Jabba Hatt on the set

In the hidden threat hidden, published in 1999, Jabba can be seen in the episode of the submission race. The villain sits on the podium, surrounded by minions, and is completely not interested in what is happening. In the end, Jabba turns over and skips the finals of the race.

Jabba Hatt is depicted in Kinoshaga as a major criminal boss, constantly surrounded by a piggirl and gangster retinue, which work on it. Jabbe about six hundred years. In submission at the villain there are numerous murderers, smugglers and head hunters. The character is in the center of the Criminal Empire, which manages.

Palace Jabba Khatta.

On the desert planet Tatuene, Jabba has its own palace, where numerous slaves, droids and all sorts of alien creatures are serving the criminal. Jabba loves torturing those who are touched by hand, not indifferent to young slaves and abundant food, fond of gambling.


"If I had told you half of the fact that I heard about this Jabbe Hatte, you would most likely have a short circuit!" "By the time of our next meeting, he was already a much larger figure - in every sense. And besides, he managed to wave me. "

(Phrase Khan Solo)

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