Natalie Wood - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



The bright life of Natalie Wood broke away the tragic death, the circumstances of which are still misty. Starting to act as a child, the actress presented the world many bright images, for which he was nominated for a "Oscar" three times and received a "Golden Globe". Westside History with her participation and today remains the classics of world cinema, and the name of the actress is forever insisted in the history of the cinema.

Childhood and youth

Natalie Wood, nee Natalia Nikolaevna Zakharenko, was born on July 20, 1938 in San Francisco, but soon after her appearance, the family moved to California Santa Rose. Girl's parents were Russian emigrants.

Natalie Wood and her sister Lana Wood

Father Nikolay Stepanovich, a leaving from Vladivostok, during the civil war joined the anti-Bolshevik forces. After Santa Natalie was killed in street battle between "red" and "white", Nikolai's parents fled to Montreal, and later moved to San Francisco.

Mother Maria Stepanovna was born in Barnaul in the family of the owner of the factory, and at the beginning of the civil war, her family also immigrated: first in Harbin, then in the United States. Before Natalie, Mary from the first marriage was born older daughter Olga. Later, Svetlana's younger sister appeared in the future actress, which also became the actress and speaking under the pseudonym Lana Wood. Zakharenko's surname family replaced a more suitable US Gurdin.

Natalie Wood in youth

The origin of the parents affected the religious choice of girls: both were baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church and faith did not change. Natalie positioned himself as "very Russian" and freely spoke in English, and in the language of parents, although with an American accent.

The mother of girls in his youth dreamed of becoming an actress or ballerina and handed it over the desire of the younger daughter. The family lived is not bubbing, so the only lessons on the acting skills were hiking with mom in the movies.


At the film screen, the actress made his debut in childhood and at the same time began to use the pseudonym Natalie Wood. At 4 years old, the girl played in the episode of the film "Happy Land", thanks to which the director of the director of Irving Picel was attracted, which later helped the early career Wood. In order not to miss a chance to professional herring in the daughter, the family at the insistence of Mary Gurdin moved to Los Angeles.

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In the second film "Eternal tomorrow" Natalie was already filmed with the first values ​​of the first magnitude - Oron Wells and Klodett Colbert, and Wells noted a 7-year-old girl, calling it a born professional.

Soon Natalie became among the Hollywood children-stars: this contributed to this the main role in the film 1947 "Miracle on the 34th Street". As a result, the child appeared in more than 20 films - so great was the relevance of the girl, which at 9 years old Parents called "the most delightful young star star."

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By the age of 16, Natalie broke up with a children's role and began to play adult characters. In 1955, the girl appeared in the film "Buntar for no reason" with James Din, and for the role of Judi was nominated for Oscar for the best female role of the second plan. The end of the 1950s was not very successful: preferably the actress played girlfriends girls, which she did not like.

The brightest picture of this period is the film "Marjori Morningstar", where Wood performed the title role of the Jewish girl, forced to search for a compromise between his own desires and family traditions.

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Pottable for the acting biography of Natalie was the screen version of the Musical "Westside History" of 1961, which became Cassov and earned the approval of critics. Today, this picture is considered one of the best works Wood. Later, in 1965, she appeared in the Comedy "Big Races", and the knowledge of Natali of the Russian language contributed to the acquisition of the role.

Despite the successful career and 3 nominations for Oscar, obtained by 25 years, the actress was repeatedly criticized. In particular, in 1966, the student humorous magazine "Harvard Pascvilint" called her worst actress of the year. However, Natalie was not so easy to confuse - she became the first actress in the history of the "Prize", which was not afraid to come to hand.

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In the 1970s, Natalie became pregnant and stopped active shooting for a large screen - from this time the actress appeared mainly in television projects, to the end of the career playing only 4 roles in the cinema.

In 1976, Wood appeared in the Laurence Olivier Presents British Laurence project: he fulfilled the role of Margaret in the film by the "Cats on the Roof" Tennessee Williams. And in the 1980s, the actress surprised fans who were accustomed to her image of a decent and refined woman from the middle class. She starred in the comedy "The last married couple in America", where during a quarrel with the screen "spouse" said the word "f * ck".

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This period was extremely successful for Natalie television career: critics highly appreciated her work in the painting "Cracker Factory" and especially the role in the mini-series "From now on and forever." For her, the actress was awarded the Golden Globe award for 1980 in the nomination "The best female role on TV". The last completed work in the filmography Wood was the picture "Memomy of Eva Riker" - the remaining ribbons were finished with her participation after the death of the actress.

Personal life

Natalie Wood possessed a bright appearance and a miniature figure: its growth was 152 cm, and the weight is 45 kg. The ratio was ideal - the actress was perfectly folded and safely posed for the photo and in luxurious outfits, and in swimsuits.

Natalie Wood in a swimsuit

Personal life actresses was violent and not always happy. In his youth, by Natalie statements, Kirk Douglas raped it. The celebrity said that the actor invited her to audition, but when a 16-year-old girl was in his room, Douglas had raped her, and so cruelly that Natali had bleeding.

Natalie Wood and Kirk Douglas

Before letting go to the sacrifice, the actor threatened that if she tells anyone about what happened, it would be her last words in her life. Natalie did not appeal to the police: the mother banned the actress to do this, fearing that the publicity would hurt her daughter's career.

At the dawn of the career, in 1956, the young Natalie met with the King of Rock and Roll Elvis Presley. However, these relationships lazy not long, and soon the couple was parted.

Natalie Wood and Elvis Presley

In 1957, Wood, despite the attempts of Mother to dissuade her, married the actor Robert Wagner, who fell in love with childhood. The marriage turned out to be a speed - in 1961 the couple broke up, and in 1962 the actors divorced.

The British producer Richard Gregson became the second husband of Natalie. The wedding took place on May 30, 1969, but by the time the couple had already met for 2 years, and Gregson simply waited for the end of the marriage process.

Natalie Wood and her husband Robert Wagner

These relations were also brief, although Natalie gave birth to Richard Natasha's daughter. In 1971, the actress accidentally heard a frank telephone conversation with a secretary, and by April 1972 marriage was officially terminated.

At the same time, Natalie resumed relations with Wagner. In July 1972, the pair again registered the marriage, which lasted the actress to death. In total, Wood had two children: in 1974 she gave birth to the younger daughter Courtney Wagner.


Natalie Wood tragically died in 43 years old, when they went to shoot in the film "Brainstorm" - the actress drowned during the waterfront to Santa Catalina Island. The exact circumstances of the death of a woman are still unknown. On November 28, 1981, she was on board the "Splendor" yacht together with the partner of the film Christopher Wacken and her husband, and the next day the body actress was found in a mile from the ship. Also on the beach was found an inflatable boat.

An opening report showed that bruises were found on the body and hands of Natalie, and the actress on the left cheek had an abrasion. The cause of death was suspended and drowning. According to one of the versions, Natalie drank, tried to sit on an inflatable boat and, slipping, fell into the water. Lana Wood expressed doubt in such a scenario: Natalie did not know how to swim, in view of which he was afraid of water and would not try to leave the board on their own. According to the testimony of 2 witnesses who were on the yacht nearby, at night they heard a female cry for help.

Tomb Natalie Wood

Natalie Wood was buried at the Vsyradsky cemetery in Los Angeles, and the case of investigating the death of the actress was renewed only 30 years after her death. In 2012, "Drilling and other uncertain factors" indicated as the cause of death. Waquean and Wagner categorically denied involvement in the death of a woman, however in 2018, Natalie's husband was declared a person in respect of which investigative activities are being conducted in this case.

Justin wondered in the role of Natalie Wood

In 2004, the film "Middle Natalie Wood" was shot. The role of the actress performed Justin Woddel. Despite the criticism, Bayopik was successful, and the acting game was wondering praise.


  • 1946 - "Eternal Tomorrow"
  • 1947 - "Miracle on the 34th Street"
  • 1950 - "Big Kush"
  • 1955 - "Buntar for no reason"
  • 1958 - "Marjori Morningstar"
  • 1961 - "Westside Story"
  • 1962 - "Gypsy"
  • 1965 - "big races"
  • 1966 - "Bob and Carol, Ted and Alice"
  • 1972 - "Candidate"
  • 1979 - "Spouse Hart"
  • 1979 - "From now on and ever and centuries"
  • 1979 - "Cracker Factory"
  • 1980 - "Last married couple in America"
  • 1983 - "Brainstorm"

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