Emiliano Sala - photo, biography, personal life, news, plane crash, disappeared



Argentine footballer Emiliano Sala played on the position of the attacker in various football clubs of the native country, as well as in the French league. A young man showed good results, and therefore his career could go uphill if it were not for the tragedy that occurred in January 2019.

Emiliano Sala and His Mom

The biography of the future football player began in the city of Kululu, the Department of Las Colonsian, Argentina, where he was born on October 31, 1990. His full name Emiliano Raul Sala Taffarel. The boy's father worked in the field of freight. For a while, the family lived there, and later moved and settled in a small town, 600 km from Buenos Aires. In addition to him, two more children were brought up in the family - Romina and Dario.

Salah since childhood was dreaming football, the guy grew up active and mobile, Yaros was ill for the Argentine Football Club "Independent", and Gabriel Batistutu was a favorite football player. He himself has been engaged in football since the small years and already at 4 years old came to the Youth Club "San Martin de Progress", for which he spoke until 2005, after which he moved to the "Crescent" and the following 4 years played there.


A professional career footballer began in the French "Bordeaux", debuting in the club in early 2012. Since he could not be able to get into the main composition on an ongoing basis, the player was transferred to Orleans football clubs and "Nyaru", the fans were observed behind the ladies in the next two seasons. Speaking in these teams, Emiliano showed excellent results - before returning to Bordeaux, played 74 matches and scored 39 goals.

Emiliano Sala in the Bordeaux Club

Despite the ability of the attacker, he was still not able to entrenched in "Bordeaux", and when half of the 2014/2015 season passed, he was sent for rent again, but this time already in the French "Kan", which before was trying to sign Salu, but The club "Bordeau" opposed. The debut athlete in the new composition took place in February 2015, but the first goal of Sala scored only in the third game.

After six months, Emiliano changes the club again. It was the French team "Nantes", serving in League 1, there the footballer played before the beginning of 2019. The debut took place on the opening day of the 2015/2016 season, but the first goal in the new composition athlete scored only in December in the game against Ajaccio. And although in that season, the footballer sent only 6 goals to the opponent's gate, finished it as the best club scorer.

Emiliano Sala - photo, biography, personal life, news, plane crash, disappeared 12607_3

And for the second season of performances in the club, this figure was halved, again by making the salty of the most productive player of the team. For the third time, in a rort of becoming the best scorer, he succeeded in the 2017/2018 season, which allowed Emiliano to get the status of the record holder.

In the new season in Nante Salu waited for not the best news. The team has happened to the replacement of the head coach, now Miguel Cardoza, who immediately after joining a new position, preferred to make changes. Instead of Emiliano attackers, Califa Kulibali falls into the main composition. In the meantime, the Turkish club "Galatasaray" is attempting to buy a player, but this step was not crowned with success for him.

In the course of further games, Sala has not exceeded their goals scored. Cardoza caused him from the bench already after the start of the matches, and seeing the result that Emiliano shows, the coach decided to return it to the main composition even before the autumn of 2018 Miguel fired. Under the leadership of the new mentor, Sala did not pass position, on the contrary, in October of the same year, a young man recognized the best player of the month.

In early 2019, football fans became aware that Emiliano moves to play the English Cardiff City club and will continue his career there. The management of NANTA received about $ 20 million for the player. By the way, the salary of a football player in that club was € 30 thousand.

Personal life

About the personal life of the football player is known not so much, he does not want to share details with the public. At the very least, the information that the Sala has a wife and children, the network has not yet appeared. But it is just known that the guy met with the Argentine model of Berenis Salira.

Emiliano Sala and Berenis Salira

Despite permanent employment, Emiliano found time on maintaining a page on social networks. Photo guy regularly appeared in "Instagram", mostly shots from numerous games and training. Also in his profile there are also personal photos on which he is captured with friends or one.

Plane crash

By signing the contract with a new club, Emiliano held a medical examination in the city of Cardiff, and then returned to Nantes. The guy wanted to pick up personal belongings and say goodbye to comrades on the former team. Return athlete intended on January 21, as a training with a new composition was waiting for him in the morning.

Emiliano Sala in the Cardiff City Club

It seemed that nothing foreshadowed trouble to return back, the sala of January 21, 2019 sat on the plane and moved from France to Wales. This aircraft was granted to him by the Football Agent Mark McKeight. Besides him and the pilot, there was no one on board.

However, after takeoff, something went not according to plan, and the pilot requested permission to land. It happened near the airport of Guernsey Island, which is part of the Norman Islands. After that, the dispatcher lost contact with the pilot, and at an altitude of 700 m, the plane disappeared with radars.

Last photo Emiliano Sala

Almost immediately, special services moved to the search for the missing football player, immediately organized a search and rescue operation. The team leaders put forward an assumption of a possible aircraft crash, as the plane flew low, and the distance to the nearest island was 24 km.

This tragedy has shocked in the shock of coaches, team members and family of football player. The planned training was canceled, and people began to bring flowers to the stadium. All prayed that the guy was found, and the football players have encouraged each other in social networks.

Emiliano Sala in 2019

For searching for the footballer, 5 helicopters and 3 aircraft were involved, for 3 days they examined a huge territory, however, it was not possible to notice the traces of the aircraft, pilot or passenger. After analyzing all the data attracted to the case, specialists decided to stop searches. They believed that the plane crashed and the chances of the survival on board were extremely small.

The relatives and fans of the football player perceived this news negatively and tried to convince search detachments to continue working on the spot. Everyone hoped that the athlete was still alive and needed medical care. Even Lionel Messi remained not indifferent and in an interview to the Internet edition called the local police not to stop rescue operations.

Flowers in memory of Emiliano Sale

Also on the personal page in Twitter, his girl, or rather the former girlfriend Sala, placed the post in which he expressed doubt about the accident and request to the police officer about a thorough investigation. After some time, the search continued, and in the afternoon of February 4, 2019, the press appeared information that the wreckage of the aircraft, which was missing on January 21, was found.

Detect them succeeded at the bottom of the strait of La Mans. After the search for the plane, the crash, the police declined, was refused by private vessels for this. Coordinated the operation of the Family Player family - Oceanographer David Mirsh. Argentine player, like the pilot, died instantly. Now relatives and colleagues are in Touréra and still do not believe in the tragedy that happened.

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