Valentin Bryleev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



Full Valentin Bryleev was considered the leading episodic of the Soviet cinema in the 50s and 1980s of the last century. His bright images complemented the main line of the film with interesting details, and the heroes that appeared for a couple of minutes were immediately remembered by spectators, especially children. Director Alexander Row loved him: Characters of Bryleyev added magic in the fairy tales "Morozko", "Mary Skintan" or "Golden Horn". The actor was faithful to his profession for almost 50 years.

Childhood and youth

Valentin Andreevich was born in the usual Tula family on May 1, 1926. His mother Zinaida Fedorovna Okuneva worked in accounting, Father Andrei Ivanovich Bryleev worked on the railway. According to one information, there was a worker, on the other, a mechanical engineer. It is known that the man fell under the repression of 1937, and the family was forced to move to another place. Bryleev stopped near Moscow, in Lianozovo.

Full Valentin Bryleev

When Valentina was 16 years old, he found work at the local bakery No. 9, where she was taken by a mechanic. The young man worked here exactly one year. In 1943, Bryleev becomes a student of the Moscow Architectural and Construction Technical School. With its future specialty, chooses building machines and equipment.

Ends on an educational institution in 1947 and is immediately satisfied with the Rostockinsky plant of construction machines as a constructor.

Valentin Bryleev in youth

In his youth, Valentine loved to dream, and one of his biggest desires was to become an artist. The dream began to come true in 1950, when he entered VGIK to Boris Bibikov's course and Olga Pyzhova. Together with him, the ancorption stars of the Soviet cinema as Yuri Belov, Nadezhda Rumyantseva, Valentina Berezutskaya, Gennady Yukhtin, Maya Bulgakov and others.

VGIK actor finished in 1955. Almost immediately was taken to the service in the Moscow Theater Studio of the film actor. On the stage, he created such memorable images as Efim in the play of Gorky "Varvara", rehearsals in the Griboedovsky "Woe from Wit", Christ from the "Director" Nagin and others. Bryleev worked here until 1989.


To film Valentin Andreevich began in student years. He got the first role in the 1955th director Yuri Vyshinsky in the film "In Square 45". Bryleev played a radar pepelov. The picture refers to the adventure genre, talks about the work of pilots and parachutes serving in the border area.

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In the same year, Valentine receives two more roles. One of them is the main one in the Kinolent "New Bicycle" on the Scenario of Sergey Mikhalkov. The actor played the owner of the bike Misha, who in his own experience realizes the importance of compliance with the rules of the road. In the second film, in the social drama "Son" directed by Yuri Lake, Bryleev acts as a precinct. But Valentina Andreevich, as well as several other episodic actors, did not indicate in the credits.

In 1956, the artist played in two films, which still remain loved by the Russian viewer. This is the legendary Spring on Zarechnaya Street, directories Marlene Huziyev and Felix Mironer. Bryleev got the role of Ivan Migulko, one of the disciples of the main heroine. The second picture was the Ryazan "Carnival Night" with a brilliant acting ensemble. Valentin Andreevich played sound engineer costume.

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Almost every year Bryleev was busy in several projects. In another year, for example, in 1958, starred in 9 filmmakers. Often he was invited to the role of fabulous characters. The first fairy tale of the artist was the Sampo tape - a joint project of the Cinematographers of the USSR and Finland. The script is written on the reasons of the Karelian Finnish epic.

Another role that secured a place for actors in the episodes of fabulous stories, became a pirate in "Marya-Prikernitsa". After that, the director Alexander Row always invited the Master to his film. In the fairy tale "Morozko", Bryleev brillally performed the role of the bridegroom, who tried to dive together with Mother to divelly, but then fell in love with Nastya. A young actress Inna Churikova played the bride-butt, and Tatiana Peltzer presented the mother of a loser.

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The full list of the actor filmography includes 132 filmmakers. In addition to filming, Bryleev engaged in voice acting films.

Many actors in the 90s could not be filmed. The cinema in the rearrangement period survived as he could. Bryleyev was lucky, director continued to remove him. Compared to the past years, not so often, but still the artist was in demand. In 1990, he was invited to the role of the captain in the film Vladimir Naumov "10 years without the right of correspondence", which affected the topic painful for the actor - repression.

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In 1996, Valentina Andreevich was called to the Russian series "Ermak", in which he played a twin delica. The filming of the film was conducted since 1986, and after 10 years he saw the audience. In the late 90s, Bryleev can be seen in the "Wheel of History" program, in which the actor, along with colleagues, put the scene from various eras. On account of Valentina Andreevich and acting troupe more than a thousand roles.

With the onset of 2000, the cinema of Russia began to actively develop serial production. Bryleyeva was invited to projects on episodic roles. He managed to play in such series as "Return of Mukhtara", "Cobra. Antiterror "," Totalizer ". The last work of Valentina Andreevich was the series "The Secret Sign - 3. Formula of Happiness" in 2004.

Personal life

About the personal life of Bryleyev in his biography of information. It is known that his wife was called Galina Andreevna. She was younger than her husband for 5 years. The woman worked in a sanitary and epidemiological station, left life in 1989. In marriage, the son of Alexander was born, who learned the dentist's doctor.


Date of death of the actor - December 18, 2004. He died in Moscow, the cause of death is unknown.

Valentina Bryleev's grave

He has no grave - the dust of Valentina Andreevich Bryleev rests in Columbia Don Cemetery, in the same cell along with his wife Galina. There is a memorable plate with photos of the actor and his wife.


  • 1955 - "Square 45"
  • 1956 - "Carnival Night"
  • 1959 - "Marya-Skinnitsa"
  • 1962 - "Hussar Ballad"
  • 1964 - "Morozko"
  • 1971 - "Seventh Heaven"
  • 1974 - "Love earth"
  • 1976 - "Golden River"
  • 1977 - "Used Nyan"
  • 1980 - "Ladies invite cavaliers"
  • 1986 - "At the golden porch sat"
  • 1990 - "Ten years without the right of correspondence"
  • 1991 - "Five abducted monks"
  • 1996 - "Ermak"
  • 2004 - "Secret Sign-3. Formula of happiness "

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