Iron Patriot - character biography, appearance, character, actor


Character History

This is essentially a character, but an exosciling armor that exists in the fictional universe comic book "Marvel". The costume of the Iron Patriot used various characters, and the position occupied by the hero depended on who concretely wears this armor. At different times, Norman Osborne and James Roads were used by the Iron Patriot costume.

History of creation

Iron patriot in comics

For the first time, Iron Patriot armor appeared in March 2009 in the first issue of Dark Avengers comic, or Dark Avengers. Armor came up with Writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Mike Deodo.

The first costume of the Iron Patriot began using the villain Norman Osborne, also known as Green Goblin. Events associated with Iron Patriot Osborne are described in the "Dark Reign" series. Osborne is trying to influence public opinion and create a heroic image for himself, combining the traits of Captain America and Iron Man.

Captain America

The villain used to embody these plans an old model of the armor of an iron man, which repainted, using the colors and the symbolism of the American flag. It was assumed that in such a way the surrounding will begin to perceive Osborne as a superhero. The villain collects the team that gets the name "Dark Avengers". Osborne is trying to strengthen its own power, but real superheroes disrupt these villainous plans.

Later Osborne declares that the inhabitants of Asgard pose a threat to the national security of the United States and under this sauce initiates an attack on the world of Asov. Ultimately, the battle between the "dark avengers" and superheroes ends with the fact that Asgard fell on the ground.

Suit iron patriot

The next time the exoskeleton of the Iron Patriot appears in the Marvel NOW comic book series. This armor heroes comic to Nick Fury Jr. and Daisy Johnson are seen at the exhibition of weapons.

Later, the costume of the Iron Patriot steals Andrew Forson from the organization "AI." This is a group of villains, which includes arms dealers, scientists engaged in the development of weapons and terrorists. The purpose of this organization is to overthrow all the world's governments. Andrew Forson - a member of the Supreme Council of this criminal office. With "A.I.m." The team "Secret Avengers" is fighting.

Later, the Iron Patriot armor receives the Colonel James Roads. The costume of the hero reports Phil Kolson, the Agent of the organization "Sch.I.T.". Colonel Roads in an iron patriot suit performs the function of the bodyguard of the President of the United States and the defender of the country during the supersloy attack, known as Mandarin. This villain engaged in the spread of a certain virus, under the influence of which people initially experienced incredible pain, and later became immortal invulnerable creatures with super-superflueline power.

Iron Patriot - Art

During one battle, Colonel Roads in the ice patriot costume faces a woman's infected with a virus and in the process of combat the armor was noticeably injured. The facial mask was destroyed, and part of armor at the level of belly was simply melted. The battle Colonel Roads lost consciousness and eventually the damaged Iron Patriot armor was in the hands of the mandarin. Later, Tony Stark returns captured armor and frees the Colonel Rhodes.

Forces and abilities

The hero dressed in an iron patriot armor acquires the ability to fly on supersonic speed and superhuman power. This armor is unusually durable and equipped with numerous technical pieces - explosive long-range missiles, miniature lasers, energy repulsors. The armor can directly contact the President of the United States, the White House or headquarters.

Iron Man

However, the Iron Patriot armor is still inferior to the combat costumes of Tony Stark - Iron Man. In addition, Tony Stark has a password to each personally developed armor. And since the costume of the Iron Patriot was created on the basis of developments Stark, Tony was able to turn off this armor during the siege of Asgard. Later, a new Iron Patriot armor was created, where the problems of the previous model were eliminated.


Iron Patriot armor appears in cinema, cartoons and video games created based on Marvel's comic. In 2013, the film "Iron Man 3" was released, where the armor uses the Colonel James Roads, the role of which was the actor Don Cheml. Iron Patriot Here - this is the final version of the old armor Tony Stark.

Colonel Rhodes in the film considers it necessary to create an iron patriot armor, which would be used by the US government and embodied the image of the "American hero". With this request, Roads appeals to the President of the United States. Later, the armor is kidnapped by people from the terrorist organization "A.I.M." And use to kidnap the president. Even later, Colonel Rhodes returns stolen armor.

At the end of the film, the Iron Patriot armor remains the whole, unlike the rest of the iron man costumes, which Tony Stark destroys to make a pleasant Potts pepper. However, in subsequent films, Colonel Roads is no longer useful for an iron patriot suit, returning to his old armor "Warrior".

Iron Patriot (Frame from the movie)

In the cartoon "Iron Man and Captain America: Heroes United" you can see how the Iron Patriot fights against the Iron Man. This is a training fight, and Captain America is inside the costume of the Iron Patriot.

The image of the Iron Patriot appears in the animated TV shows "Avengers, General Collection!" and "Perfect Spiderman". In the Avengers, the costume of the Iron Patriot turns out to be in the hands of the villain of Altron, and he uses armor against Captain America.

In the second season of "Man-Spider", Iron Patriot armor uses the villain Norman Osborne. In the image of the insane green Goblin, Osborne made a lot of atrocities, after which he decided that it was obliged to become a hero, and for this he decided to use the costume of the Iron Patriot.

Green Goblin

On the basis of Marvel comics, many video games and mobile games have been created, where the Iron Patrice has become a game character or is used as one of the types of armor, which can wear a gaming character. This is "Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3 "," LEGO MARVEL SUPER HEROES "," MARVEL HEROES ", etc.

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