Spencer Trit Clark - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Young grantee of Hollywood Spencer Trit Clark from those actors who prefer to take not the number of roles, but their quality. In his filmography, there are not so many works yet, but each is memorable. Gladiator Ridley Scott, "Mysterious River" Clint Istoda, "Nanniki" David Ross is only a part of films that the actor flashed, whose bright film engineer has long been destined for critics.

Childhood and youth

Spencer Trit Clark was born on September 24, 1987 in New York, USA. Parents of Spencer are not related to cinema, but the older sister Eliza Clark is a famous playwright and screenwriter.

Spencer Trit Clark as a child

Children and young years old guy passed in Connecticut. Here he graduated from Hindley Elementary School's elementary school in Darien. Then he moved to high school TAFT SCHOOL in Watertown.

Spencer began to be filmed in television and film projects in childhood. The debut is considered his role in the TV film "IT WAS HIM or US" - the young actor was 8 years old. Further, his career develops simply rapidly. Already in 1999, he gets at once 2 roles in paintings that have become hire hits.

Spencer Trit Clark in his youth

Spencer played a small grant - the son of the main hero of Michael Faraday in the Anti-Terrorist Drama "Road to Arlington": the famous Jeff Bridges became the actor's on-screen father. Also, Young Clark appeared as Matti in the detective drama "Double Oblision" with Ashley Judd and Tommy Lee Jones in the lead roles.

At the end of the school, Spencer entered the prestigious Colombian University in New York, studied political science and economy. Having received a higher education, the guy continued his career in the cinema.


The takeoff of his youth career in the movie was the work of the Hollywood Matra Ridley Scott in the epic drama "Gladiator" (2000). Clark played the young Luce faith - the consolidated brother of the Roman emperor Mark Aurelia. This experience became for a young actor truly dizzy. Its partners were stars such as Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Oliver Reed, Richard Harris. The film, which took 5 Oscar awards and gathered in global boxes more than $ 450 million, to this day - the loudest job in the spencer career.

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Immediately after the "gladiator", a fighter "invulnerable" with Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson comes to the screens. Hero Spencer, Joseph - Son of the main character David Danna. One day, Joseph with amazement learns that his father has the physical abilities of the superhero and decides to experience how endless its possibilities are.

After filming the clint Istud in the criminal drama "Mysterious River" in 2003, Spencer plays in the painting "Pet". This tape was lifted by the director Kevin Baken on the novel by Victoria Radel "Lapp".

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Clark Hero - a 16-year-old floor - suffers from the obsessive love of his mother Emily. Her love for his son borders with madness. In order not to let go from myself, she does not even give him to school, does not allow playing with other children. In one fatal day, this leads to the tragedy. The actor coped perfectly with a difficult psychological role and deserved universal recognition of critics.

After a short role in the independent film "Nyanki" in 2007, Clark first performs in a negative image. His hero Justin in the criminal thriller "The Last House on Left" (2009) is the son of a runaway criminal, a weak hazardous being, which becomes an instrument in the hands of a monster father. And again critics make many compliments regarding the acting game Clark.

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The guy is really not looking for lungs and same roles. In the choice of character, the inner drama of the character is important for him. And, I realized her, he seeks to rely deeper the image, without sparing his acting talent. So it was when working on the film "Disposable", in which he and Nick Eversman played two brothers, Neuta and Skylara, respectively, which during the hunt accidentally fired in the mayor of their town. The shot turned out to be fatal. And although it produced his older brother Neut, takes the guilt of the younger.

In Spencer filmography, there are films of the horror genre. So, in 2013-2014, the guy is filmed in the paintings "Last exile of the devil: the second coming" and "the city that was afraid of the sunset."

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In 2015, the actor stands for a long time on the shooting platform of the series "Agents Sh.I.T.", telling about the struggle of the anti-terrorist organization "Sch.I.T." and criminal syndicate "Hydra". Spencer embodied the image of Verner von Steproker - the son of the head of the "Hydra" Wolfgang von Steproker.

After the death of Father, Werner is trying to establish the work of the criminal car. The actor played the project 3 of the season, until 2018, and thanks to the popularity of the show increased the army of his fans at least twice.

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In 2016, Clark appears in the new Teedram of the Kingdom of Animals on the life of the Cody's criminal family, which manages which Mamas Janin (Ellen Barkin). Smourf - So the whole name is a woman - the head of the gang of thugs, consisting of her relatives and adoptive sons. Her Junior Son Diran is a secret homosexual. The character of His lover Adriana went to Spencer Trita Clark. At the actor in this project a regular role.

Personal life

Fans adore their idol, but do not forgive him, perhaps, only one feature - secrecy. The guy does not like to disclose the details of his biography, and even more so - to share the facts of personal life. Fans are in vain seeking the answer to the question - who is his girl. Clark leaves the topic of his wife and children even in an interview with mastitis journalists.

Spencer Trit Clark in 2019

Therefore, as soon as a new women's photo appears in the "Instagram" of the artist, rumors are beginning to walk about the new kinos star hobby with an incredible blue-green eye.

Now Clark lives in Los Angeles. He loves to travel, playing the guitar, ride mountain biking and play hockey.

Spencer Trit Clark now

In 2019, Spencer again starred in the role of Joseph Danna in the film "Glass" - Sicvel "invulnerable." His hero helps his father - Superhero David Davna (Bruce Willis) - Fight crime.

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A new wave of crimes is the abduction of young girls - is connected with the next villain, wrapping in the city, Kevin Camp for nicknamed Horde (James McAvoy). David and Joseph will have difficult job to destroy evil.

Spencer Trit Clark continues to be filmed in the TV series "The Kingdom of Animals".


  • 1999 - "Road to Arlington"
  • 1999 - "Double miscalculation"
  • 2000 - "Gladiator"
  • 2003 - "Mysterious River"
  • 2005 - "Pet"
  • 2007 - "Nanniki"
  • 2009 - "Last house on the left"
  • 2013 - "Disposher"
  • 2015 - "Agents Sh.I.T."
  • 2016 - "The Kingdom of Animals"
  • 2019 - "Glass"

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