Ekaterina Tokarev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



Ekaterina Tokareva is a scandal girl, came to the show "Dom-2" to find his love. The goal of the future star of the project was one of the most chased participants Venetslaw Wengrozhanovsky. The story of their relationship is similar to the series - not a single quiet day. But the spectators were delighted - what else to expect from this strange pair.

Ekaterina Tokarev

The girl had to be shifted. The show in this plan is not much different from real life, except that everything happens in front of the millionth audience. Her story ended like in a fairy tale - Catherine met his love here and gained happiness.

Childhood and youth

Katya was born on February 28, 1989 in Rostov-on-Don. In her biography there is information that mom girls died in childbirth. The baby brought up the second father's spouse. From early age, Catherine showed a difficult character. He constantly quarreled with his father, but with a stepmother Yulia Viktorovna, her good relationship was lined up.

Catherine Tokareva in a swimsuit

The rebar constantly did the way she needed, and never listened to the advice of adults. For this reason, the girl quickly jumped out the first time married and left the house. The marriage collapsed, and still unknown, who was the first husband of Kati.

Tokarev was admitted to the Southern Federal University, which was safely completed in 2013 with a specialty "lawyer".

"House 2"

The girl came to the project after acquaintance with the participant of Wenzeslaw, Hungzhanovsky. First, the guys secretly talked on the phone, and then Catherine took a fateful decision, too, to become a participant of a television show.

Ekaterina Tokareva and Vezseyslav Hungzhanovsky

It appeared on the perimeter of the program on February 21, 2011. And immediately created a scandalous intrigue said that he came to fight for the Heart of the Vencesslav. The guy by that time was already in relations with Kristina Belana. After two tricks between the rivals, Catherine took a place near the beloved.

Vezseyslav became interested in a girl. Catherine is the most pretty of all the girls with whom the "House-2" participant built relations. Katya immediately showed her difficult character, so there was not a single day in a pair without disassembly and scandals. But the fact was and more interesting to watch the guys when they tried to talk to each other and find a way out of the situation.

Ekaterina Tokarev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

To check the feelings of the vendeslaw, the girl decides to leave the project and leaves the gate of the show. Her young man without long inflatable follows. After some time, the lovers return to "Dom-2".

Wensezlav takes a serious decision - he makes Catherine's hand and heart offer. The girl agrees. But the romantic period is dying rumors about treasoning Tokareva with another member of the project Gleb Strawberry. Heap gossip encourages Check Catherine on a lie detector, which confirms the truthfulness of information. The guys do not agree with the results and for refutation to the project invite a hypnologist.

Wedding Catherine Tokareva and Vencesslav Wengrzhanovsky

Shortly before the planned wedding, stepmother Catherine comes to the project, which is trying to dissuade the girl from marriage. But Tokareva is happy in his relationship, and at the end of December 2011, "House-2" participants celebrate the 14th project wedding. Outfits of the bride and groom were long discussed by the audience show. On the head of Catherine's gloss crown, and Vezseyslav was closed in a golden suit. The girl's dress picked up to him.

Already in January, the newlyweds are decided on a serious purchase. As a wedding gift, the guys received a decent amount of money. The young husband insisted a care of the apartment for the purchase of an apartment, but Catherine persuades it to buy a car. So the participant "House-2" became the owner of the new Chevrolet Spark.

Ekaterina Tokareva and Vezseyslav Hungzhanovsky

Family life couple looks like a volcano. Clarification of relationships continues. Catherine and herself is not averse to pour oil into the fire. In one of the release shows, the girl reports that it is waiting for a child. Later she admitted that the invented pregnancy was just an unsuccessful joke. To confirm your words, the girl again has to be checked on the detector of lies.

After the next portion of the Scandal, Vezseyslav and Catherine, sign a marriage contract, which indicates that the spouses are entitled to free relations. The result of family life was a divorce, which also passed within the television show.

Ekaterina Tokareva and Yuri Slobodian

In 2012, a new member Yuri Slobodyan appears in "House-2", from which the girl loses his head. With his arrival on the project, it is increasingly approved in the thought that Veseleslav is not at all her man. Although he tries to return the former location of Catherine, constantly provides her attention and gives gifts.

In the new pair of Tokar Passion, they drill in the same way as with Wengrzhanovsky - again scandals, disassembly, loud clarification of relationships. But the project of Yuri and Ekaterina leave in July 2013 together.

Personal life

After the project, Slobodyan and Tokarev continue to live together. In October 2013, the couple officially signs and in 2 years he is wary in the church. In 2018, the pair celebrated the first anniversary of family life - a wooden wedding.

Catherine has a profile in "Instagram". It is closed for outsiders, however, the girl has a crowded army subscribers. With them, she is constantly divided by fresh information about themselves, puts photos from travel, answers questions.

Ekaterina Tokareva and her husband Yuri Slobodian

There are no Slobodyan and Tokar Children's family, but the spouses dream to call the daughter of Miay or Yehemy. Son name has not yet come up. Catherine stated that she did not want her children to go to the Russian kindergarten. She believes that they will not teach them anything good.

Spouses dream of moving to live in Europe and already there to think about adding in the family. The guys are trying to find their place under the sun, tried to live in Poland. Planned to find a job and stay in the country, but something did not work out. After some time, the couple returned to Russia.

Ekaterina Tokareva now

Now Tokareva, together with her husband, lives in Rostov-on-Don with the father of the girl. In 2019, she changed the image, painting his hair into a light color, and posted photos in social networks.

Ekaterina Tokareva in 2019

With colleagues in "Home-2" does not communicate. Catherine believes that they are gloating about her life.

"People are gloating, well, God's judge. We love each other and happy together, and everything will be overcome. God where love is there, "the former participant" House-2 "was shared in a personal microblog.

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