Vladimir Nazarov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Pension Reform 2021



Vladimir Nazarov is an economist and statesman. Since 2013, the post of Director of NFI under the Ministry of Finance of Russia has been held by the Ministry of Finance of Russia. Nazarov's participation in an analytical project associated with pension reform, gave rise to a wave of discontent with economist and discussing his person on the Internet.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Nazarov - Russian by nationality. He was born in Moscow on December 23, 1982. Father of the boy, Stanislav Nazarov - Doctor of Technical Sciences. Nothing is known about the mother of the statesman.

Economist Vladimir Nazarov

The young man studied English and German in school. In 1995, he improved skills in the English Language Institute in the UK. In 2004, Vladimir graduated from the magistracy at the University of Western Ontario, receiving prospects to work in the field of public administration. Then followed internship in the Canadian Ministry of Finance.

In 2005, he finally graduated from the Institute of Financial Academy Management at the Government of the Russian Federation. In such universities, it is difficult to get people without protection or ambitions. Judging by this zeal, the economist is being implemented today in the profession, he had clear goals and plans for the future in his youth.

Vladimir Nazarov

Having received a specialty manager in the field of state and municipal government at home, Nazarov wanted to tie a biography with work by profession. The next step towards building a career was graduate school and protection of the dissertation about intergovernmental relations in the context of Russian federalism. Vladimir Nazarov became a candidate of economics.


As a student of the Financial Academy, purposeful Nazarov received an invitation to cooperate with the institution of the economy of the transition period. E. Gaidar as a junior researcher. In this institution, he worked as a scientific meeting of the laboratory, which studied the problem of fiscal federalism and subnational finances.

Director of Natift Vladimir Nazarov

Later, climbed by the career ladder, Vladimir Nazarov became the head of the laboratory of budget federalism, and soon he received the position of a leading researcher. Now Vladimir Nazarov combines this activity with the main, being director of NFI.

Before the state actor began working on a project of pension reform, he investigated the possibility of the reform of the economic sector and intergovernmental relations and developed the relevant techniques. Among the merit of Nazarova is to create strategies for assessing the effectiveness of the health economy, the work of local and regional authorities, the analysis of taxation.

Vladimir Nazarov on the podium

Since 2012, Nazarov is an expert on social policy "Open Government". He became the main contender for developing a strategy for reducing inequality and overcoming poverty. The man was the co-worker of the expert group who worked on this project, and the secretary of the expert group "Pension System Reforms".

Becoming an expert of the government apparatus, Nazarov made conclusions based on statistics and analytics indicators. The first major steps in the career were: the argument of changes in subsidies by region, the development of a strategy for the development of the economy for a number of regions.

Vladimir Nazarov

Vladimir Nazarov was awarded Dmitry Medvedev, then the post of President of the Russian Federation, the Order of Friendship for the contribution to the development of the social and economic model for the country by 2020. Over the shoulders of the official there are scientific publications implemented in co-authorship with Anton Siluanov, the head of the Ministry of Finance. Among them and the article on the prospects for pension reform.

The fast career growth of Nazarova is widely discussed by critics. Skeptics are seen in the near move along the career staircase mentoring Alexey Kudrin. Some even hint at the possible kinship of officials. Patronizing Policy In-laws explain the fact that by 29 years old the economist headed the institution developing financial reforms of the country.

Vladimir Nazarov and Alexey Kudrin

Considering the theoretical base for socio-economic innovations, Nazarov worked on the state procurement, which regularly mentions the media interview. The theorist did not have experience in the real sector of the economy, although quickly won the status of a retirement reform specialist. Several states of the statesman are dedicated to this topic.

Calls for raising the retirement age Nazarov expressed in 2016 in the "Financial Journal", describing it as the only option to hold the current amount of payments. At that time, the economist was not expressed relative to early release on a military retirement. In 2019, this issue is regulated by law.

Personal life

Vladimir Nazarov is married. Nothing is known about the wife of an economist, since he prefers not to advertise a personal life. For the same reason, it was not known whether he had children. Today, the media openly talk about the fact that the economist raises the Son.

Vladimir Nazarov

Staying aside from the attacks, which aggravated as a result of the adoption of innovations relating to the pension reform, Vladimir Nazarov excludes activity in social networks, so finding its account in "Instagram" is impossible. But the photo of the official is published on the Internet, which cause a rapid reaction and discuss the age of the statesman in the relationship with his position.

Vladimir Nazarov now

Formally, Nazarova cannot be called the author of the pension reform, since the projects performed are created under state orders.

Vladimir Nazarov in 2019

Now the official continues to combine work as director of NFI with the post of head of the Laboratory of federalism in the field of macroeconomics and finance. It also lists the deputy director for science at the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting of Ranjigs.

Vladimir Nazarov - Member of the Collegium of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and is part of the Expert Council under the Government of the country.

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