Alexander Plushenko (Gnome Dwarf) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Evgenia Plushenko 2021



In the shade of such famous parents, like Figure of Evgeny Plushenko and the producer Yana Rudkovskaya, remain unnoticed simply impossible. Therefore, an eminent couple did not hide the son of Alexander from the attention of fans and press, from early childhood, attending him to secular and glamorous life and, of course, to sports records. Little Sasha Plushenko, who is all names to Gnome Dwarf, already makes the first progress on the ice and is the desired guest of the capital's parties.

Childhood and family

Alexander Evgenievich Plushenko was born on January 6, 2013. The birth of a son became the crown of a beautiful love story, which all fans of a star couple know. Zhenya and Yana met in 2007 and after 2 years of romantic courtius became her husband and wife.

For both spouses, the current marriage is the second. Yana was married to the oligarch Viktor Baturin, from which two sons gave birth to Kolya and Andrei. And Eugene a year was married to the fan of St. Petersburg Maria Ermak, who gave him the Son of Egor. So the little Sasha has 3 senior pivot brothers. A happy mother told about the birth of Alexander. On the night of January 7, Yana wrote in Twitter:

"I am happy, our long-awaited gnome dwarf was born! We called him and Zhenya. He is very similar to dad. "

A funny nickname for the baby appeared no coincidence: the boy was born a tiny - weighing 2 kg of 800 g. Some of the newly minted parents joked:

"Oh, well, just a true fabulous gnome!" ".

Well, and to call Son Alexander suggested that Eugene.

"I want the Son to grew up athlete and the name of the name helped him to win victories just as helped Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Macedon or Alessandro del Piero," said the skater.

At 4 months, Sasha was baptized in the Moscow temple of Ilya Prophet. The ceremony gathered the closest friends of the couple: Dima Bilan, Joseph Prigogin and Valeria, Lera Kudryavtseva, Nikolay Baskov and others. And then all guests moved to a luxurious children's party in the style of a funny "Gnome" topics.

About the wonderful biography of the son of the Son Parents took care of the first years. The child was surrounded by attention and care, a little later attracted teachers for creative development. The first photos of the kid appeared in the social networks of Yana and Eugene. And the Gnome Dwarfs so loved to fans of the couple that soon Yana began his son a separate page in "Instagram", which he began to fill out with pictures and posts from his saturated childhood life.

Figure skating and model business

When Sasha was only born, the leaders of the fourth riding fourth skating of Russia gave him the smallest skates in the world, as a hint that the heir to Evgenia Plushenko must go in the footsteps of the Father. The figure skater himself did not want a career on the ice for the son, but then he began to prepare a baby to performances.

And in 3 years Sasha has already entered the ice along with his famous father in the ice show "Snow King - 2" in St. Petersburg and "Nutcracker" in Moscow. If the father took over the sports training of his son and his hardening, then the active Yana Rudkovskaya, as a producer, began to oversee his model career. The woman hired agents in Europe and the USA for creative promotion of the son and his portfolio.

"My children should not be idlers, they must do business," Yana said in one of the interviews.

There is information that the first advertising contract of the Gnome Dwarf was in a year and a half. And by 3 years already confidently posed for all sorts of photo sessions and promotional videos. In 3-4 years, he appeared on the covers of children's publications of such magazines as Elle (Russia), L'Officiel (Russia), Magnificent Magazine (USA). And the American edition for the first time placed a photo of the Russian boy on the cover.

"Sasha became them," Yana joined social networks.

In 2018, young Alexander Plushenko entered the top 50 most beautiful children of the world - the Rating of L'Officiel magazine. When choosing, as it turned out, the activity in "Instagram" and the number of subscribers, the number of promotional contracts and conquered journal covers, as well as frequency of requests in search engines, was taken into account.

Since 2017, Gnome Dwarves has been strongly engaged in open Evgeny Academy of figure skating "Angel Plushenko". The result of intensive classes was confident riding with a partner: together with Eva Burunova, they performed an incendiary dance under the concert "Kalinka Malinka".

When the Second Academy "Angel Plushenko" opened, now in St. Petersburg, Sasha became a star of the evening, fulfilling the dance in the style of Michael Jackson. The first competition in which the young athlete was attended was the "Eugene Plushenko Cup". The 5-year-old figure skater tried so much that she took the 1st place and received a gold medal than very pleased with the star father.

However, not all viewers reacted to this fact favorably, some stated that there was no "pure blond, and there is no hint of a talent in the boy." Plushenko himself shallow indignation, stating that his son actually performed better than others, even senior participants, and the champion himself would not allow injustice in his cup, because he often came across it in a personal career.

On the eve of 2019, Evgeny Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya presented to the audience a new ice show "Swan Lake", in which ballet and dancing on ice are elegantly united. The director of the performance of Performance was the famous Balletmister Sergey Filin.

In addition to such stars as Emanuel Sandu, Garrett Smith, Adelina Sotnikova, and Sasha Plushenko in the role of Prince. True, at the beginning of the solo program, the boy slipped and fell, but immediately gathered, got up and accurately rolled out the number to the end.

Alexander Plushenko now

Now Gnome Dwarves still leads a saturated lifestyle: curly skating, shooting for magazines and TV, traveling with star parents to different countries of the world. By the way, not all fans of the couple approve such a hard graph of the preschooler. Users noted that the photographs Sasha looks sad, tortured and tired.

In 2018, the scandal was even flared around the information leaked in the network that Rudkovskaya is harshly punished the Son for disobedience and reluctance to work. In response to charges, the producer gave an interview to the Rain TV channel, which announced the applied methods of education.

"To educate the Olympic champion, of course, it is necessary that children have some kind of ban. Therefore, Sasha knows that there is a belt (it shows the belt), there is a dark room. But this does not mean that Sasha beat the rogue and that he is sitting in a dark room for hours, "the star mother shared.

And in the spring of 2020, another scandal broke out around the small athlete: one of the publications published information that the defectologist noticed a serious illness in the Gnome Dwarf - Asperger's syndrome. The portal referred to the telegram channel "Neumhakhov". The parents of the boy were indignant and stated that they intend to apply to the court.

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