Mikhail Levin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Astrology 2021



Mikhail Levin is a sign figure of Russian astrology, without which it is difficult to present this science in the post-Soviet space.

Astrologer Mikhail Levin.

Interest in the stars, which arose in childhood, brought mathematics and materialist to the path of spiritual growth and hobby of the science of predictions. He was not afraid to start promoting astrology in Soviet times and continues to popularize his favorite business to this day.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Borisovich Levin was born on July 25, 1949. Interest in the stars The boy felt early, in 6 years, but at first it had nothing to do with the prediction of the future - Misha became interested in astronomy and went to a special circle at the Poland of Pioneers, where he received the first aces to study the heavenly shining. He did not think about astrology: first, it was hardly known that such a direction exists, secondly, pioneers in the Soviet Union were brought up with convinced atheists.

Mikhail Levin became interested in astronomy in childhood

However, after graduation, I was still on another specialty: Mikhail finished the Mechanics and Mathematical Faculty of Moscow State University. According to the astrologer, his mathematics by that time he also became fascinated. In the future, scientific education went only to use: accurate calculations are very important in astrology, and this graduate mathematical was able to do in perfection.


Mikhail's path to astrology was unprecedented: from the first conscious interest, which appeared in 1973, 5 years have passed until the first consultations. On the existence of the science of prediction on the stars, the young man found out from friends: those moving abroad brought with them astrological tables and texts to help make horoscopes. New knowledge showing the sky with an unfamiliar side, fascinated Mathematics.

In one of the interviews, Mikhail admitted that the technical, the estimated part of astrology was made easily due to education. It turned out to be more difficult with the right interpretation - according to the astrologer, it is still learning this.

In the late 1970s, Mikhail Levin began to teach astrology

In 1978, Mikhail decided to a serious step - as a citizen of the USSR, he began to teach astrology. And after 10 years, he took the bar higher and the first in the country began to organize massive astrological conferences, and also engaged in popularizing science.

Years of labor demanded a solid approach. If astrology is a science, then the place that teaches it. So in 1990, Mikhail Borisovich opened the first educational institution in the country of a similar sense, albeit the non-state - Moscow Academy of Astrology.

Mikhail Levin founded the Moscow Academy of Astrology

In the biography of Levin there were also complex periods. Thus, in 1993 (according to other information, in 1994), the academy there was a split that led to the crisis. As soon as the first issue was held and the consistency created by the Levin program of study, 2 independent schools were separated from an educational institution. Natalia Markina founded the first, the second - Elena Cashienin. Markina's care turned out to be relatively harmless, she followed another school of astrology.

With the betrayal of Cashchenina, it was harder to terms - the woman adopted the experience of Mikhail Borisovich for years, so the Higher School of Classical Astrology, founded by it, largely copied the academy training system.

Rector of the Moscow Academy of Astrology Mikhail Levin

Thus, Levin did not just have a competitor, he also borrowed curricula and methods of education. The split was the cause of the financial problems of the Academy, however, over time, overcome these difficulties managed.

In 1995, Mikhail Borisovich has a scientific tituor of Dr. Astrology, this degree is assigned to a scientist Russian Astrological Council.

Levin is a person who has a serious weight in Russian astrological circles. The scientist was repeatedly invited to speak on TV channels and radio, where he willingly shared considerations about the fact that the future is in itself.

Astrologer Mikhail Levin.

Special interest journalists always showed political forecasts about the fate of peace and Russia. Astrologer's predictions regarding President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin are known. Mikhail Levin in 2010 predicted folk unrest, accurately indicating the date - 2012. It did not cost, however, without mistakes - an astrologer believed that on this period of Putin's power will end and the president will be forced to leave the post. Later, Levin "suffered" the date of the departure of Vladimir Vladimirovich for the 2016, but this prediction did not come true.

About Vladimir Putin, Mikhail Borisovich talks often and willingly - after all, any forecasts regarding the country can not be made in the separation from the head of state. The scientist repeatedly pointed to the astrological similarity of the President of the Russian Federation and the empress Anna John. According to Levin, due to the influence of stars similar to their methods of government and approach to power.

Mikhail Levin's forecasts about the departure of Vladimir Putin did not come true

The Moscow Academy of Astrology keeps up with the times: the educational institution has an official website. Also since 2016, there is an Astromagazine User magazine, which the creators are jokingly called "frank" and "arrogant" propaganda favorite science. There are the latest and relevant research and news about astrology, as well as astroprognosis. You can go to the journal channel on YouTube: Mikhail Borisovich, along with colleagues, lay down lectures in the video format.

Personal life

About science, the astrologer says willingly, which will not tell about the personal life of Mikhail Borisovich. It is only known that Levin has a wife and children, but the scientist does not devote journalists in details. Astrologer photo with his wife, however, can be found on the Academy's website.

Mikhail Levin and his wife

There is information about some of the characteristics of the life of the scientist: it adheres to rules of vegetarianism and is fond of yoga. There is meat Mikhail Borisovich stopped in his youth, and this was promoted by his school comrade. He recommended Levin to try the medical starvation, and he agreed, although at that time he considered it only as health practices.

According to Mikhail Borisovich, on the 15th day without a meal, he heard an inner voice, which ordered young mathematics to abandon meat and fish food. Since then, Levin follows this advice, although no one forces to follow his example: he did not forget the children to eat meat food, the son and daughter came to vegetarianism consciously and in adulthood.

Mikhail Levin.

The failure of meat an astrologer considers the necessary stage for spiritual growth: the use of such food makes it impossible to develop a person above a certain limit.

Mikhail Levin now

Now the scientist remains the rector of the Moscow Academy of Astrology and practicing specialist. In addition to consultations and teaching, he regularly conducts new research, writes articles and books.

Official "Instagram" from Mikhail Borisovich no, but wishes can learn astrology news thanks to the Academy's site and the channel on YouTube.

Astroloologist regularly publishes new astrothrognosis, both general and individual signs of the zodiac. Predictions for a year ahead Mikhail Levin properly gives at the end of each annual cycle. Therefore, with the news that Russia is waiting for Russia and the world in 2019, who wish to familiarize themselves today.


  • 1992 - 1993 - "Lectures on astrology. Initial course"
  • 1993 - "Lectures on Astrology"
  • 1996 - "Planets and Professions"
  • 1998 - "Symbolic Directorates"
  • 2001 - "Astrology Tutorial"
  • 2009 - "Solar (Solar Return Map). Quick Start Guide"

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