Anatoly Aleksin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Books



Not one generation of Soviet schoolchildren has grown on the books of the writer Anatoly Aleksina. It was on this era who came the peak of creative career of the writer. "Call and come!", "Mad Evdokia", "the third in the fifth row" - Alexin's books did not need to include in the school curriculum, children and so with pleasure they read his works, fonding in the magical world of childhood.

Writer Anatoly Aleksin

Here, as in the world of adults, there is a good and evil, joy and sadness, loyalty and betrayal. In the era of the new Russia, already in emigration, the writer does not cease to write, the spectrum of its adult prose is expanding. For a long creative life, they created more than a hundred works: stories, leads, plays, scenarios.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin (real surname Goberman) was born on August 3, 1924 in Moscow. Father Georgy Platonovich Goberman - teacher, economist, journalist. Mother Maria Mikhailovna Goberman - actress.

The first strong memory of the child's childhood writer is the arrest of the Father in 1937. Georgy Platonovich was a very active and comprehensively developed person. A convinced communist, a participant in the civil war, he worked as an economist, taught at the Economic Institute of Red Professors, before the Second World War was authorized by the state in the Urals.

Anatoly Aleksin in youth

People with such a biography rarely remained aside from Stalinist repression. After the arrest of Father, the mother immediately lost its work in the theater as the wife of the "enemy" of the people. Their small family remained without livelihood. Rescued 13-year-old chains that he began to pay in the Pioneer True newspaper for publishing poems and notes.

"It was illegal from all points of view. First, I am a minor, secondly, enemy siblings. Write someone anonymous, and the responsible people would lose not only posts, but also heads. But they could not do otherwise ... they wanted to remain people under any circumstances, "recalled Anatoly Georgievich.

Later, the publication of the young man appeared in the Komsomolskaya Pravda, magazines "Murzilka" and "Pioneer". In 1939, the Father was acquitted and released. But here I sailed. She became the second experienced shock of the young man. Maria Mikhailovna was evacuated to the Urals in the largest construction team, in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky, where the creation of an aluminum plant was carried out.

Anatoly Aleksin

For a 16-year-old Anatoly, who drove together with her mother, also found an occupation for his abilities. The guy was appointed by a pilot man of the new daily newspaper "Fortress of Defense", and soon and the responsible secretary of the publication.

At the end of the war, Anatoly Goberman entered the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies (Indian Branch), which graduated in 1950. At the same time, his first collection of the title "Thirty-One Day" under the name of Aleksin was published. This scenic pseudonym mother Anatoly and made his creative name, under which millions of readers know it today.


It is noteworthy that the author committed the debut in great literature with the support of such a matra, like Konstantin Poist. He suggested his help in editing the first collection of Aleksina. Preceded their acquaintance. A funny situation: At the seminar, Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak Anatoly began to read his poems, but without receiving the approval of the classics, was upset.

Writer Anatoly Aleksin

So that the defeat was not so apparent, Alexin read one of his stories, which was very touched present, first of all - Marshak himself. From now on, he advised the young man to write only in prose, and the Pouustsky joined to conversation proposed to become the editor of the future book.

Listening to Matrah, Aleksin began to develop himself in the genre of children's prose. The period until 1966 is considered the time of his work for children of preschool and younger school ages. The author writes such wonderful stories as "Sasha and Shura", "the extraordinary adventures of Seva Kotlov", "Kolya writes Ole, Olya writes Kole", "in the country of eternal holidays" and others. The works of that time are published in the collections "In one Pioneer Camp" (1954), "On Friendship of Hearts" (1959), "School on the New Path" (1959).

Anatoly Aleksin and Sergey Mikhalkov

After 1966 and during the period of the stagnant 70s, the author dedicates his work of youth and youth. The topics of his new works - stories, stories, plays are the relationship of children with the world of adults, the first experiences of pride, pity, shame, manifestations of children's egoism, property, and sometimes cruelty.

In the story, "My brother plays on the clarinet" Zhenya girl in favor of his own vanity organizes a successful career of the older brother-musician, depriving him and so few joys, including communication with the girl you like.

Anatoly Aleksin at a meeting with young readers

In the work "Call and Come!" The story is leading a sixth grader, telling about his family. The young reader, together with the main character, is experiencing the fear of the fact that mom and dad are divided, and proudly for his father (he is a doctor and saved many lives), and the first love in a classmate Lil. For this story, Alexin later wrote a play for which he was honored with the first statehood.

In Alexina's books, serious things are very clear and easier:

"Close people sometimes carry the operation difficult than the patients themselves. After all, they do not give anesthesia "(" Call and come! ")" When there is nothing to say, it's easier to breed with your hands "(" My brother plays on the clarinet ")" Live only yourself is Polwy ... Much worse, living only by himself, Touching away and other people's fates "(" Mad Evdokia ").
Anatoly Aleksin

The story "Mad Evdokia" became one of the most resonant works in the work of the Master of the Pen. At the chapter of the plot - the relationship is ideal in all respects of the Girls of Olenki and her strange class manager Evdokia Savelievna, who does not want to notice icy talents, and bring only mediocrity to him. Oalki's parents follow the daughter to condemn the woman and indulge in their favorite. And only when it happens by her fault, an irreparable, his father sees the true essence of things - they looked at her eyes with their selfish and darling daughter.

Until the end of the 70s, another number of outstanding works are written: "The third in the fifth row", "section of property", "heart failure". It becomes the owner of another statement, a member of the editorial board of the journal "Youth".

Anatoly Aleksin with schoolchildren

In 1980, the writer receives an international award of the European countries named after Maxim Gorky for the best work for youth. At the same time, the bibliography replenishes his "Collected works in three volumes", and in 1987 it will see the light of the "very terrible story and other stories".

In the status of the secretary of the Union of Writers (1970-1989), Anatoly Georgievich led an active social activity, including participated in foreign trips. So, after the American tour, the US journalists died the writer "Russian Mark Twain". Not once, Alexin was the chairman of the jury of the competition of children's and youth films of the Moscow International Film Festival. 14 years old conducted on the air of the Central Television, the transfer of "Faces of Friends".

Writer Anatoly Aleksin and Peacemaker Patricia Montadon during the opening of the first in the USSR of the World Club

In 1993, Aleksyn's spouse immigrated to Israel, settled in Tel Aviv. Here the writer has already been working in the genre of adult prose, publishes the novels "Saga on Pessers" (1994) and "Mortal Sin" (1995), a number of stories and stories ("If there were two", "diagnosis"). Children's and youth theme of those years are devoted to the work of the "Smeshka", "not boring beautiful."

Also in Israel, the book of his memoirs "Pouring years" was published, the cover of which decorated their photos with his wife Tatiana. The last story of the master "Look my eyes" was published in 2008.

Personal life

The first wife of the writer became Seraphim Kuzmichnna Gorodnikova, also graduated from the Institute of Oriental Studies. Apparently, the young people met, being students. There is almost no information about the first marriage of the writer, and the writer himself does not mention this segment of his personal life in an interview.

Anatoly Aleksin and his wife Tatiana

But the second wife of Alexina - Tatiana Evseevna (nee Fainberg) - became the faithful muse, inspiration and love of life for him. They met at work. Tatiana worked in the publishing house was the editor of his first books. She remained the first and most important reviewer of his work, devoting his life to serving her husband. The couple got married in 1968. For a woman, this marriage also became second. From the first spouse, the surname Setunskaya and the only daughter of Alena remained.

Anatoly Aleksin with his wife and daughter

Anatoly Georgievich was very proud of the receptional daughter. Alena became a journalist, TV presenter. Many years led on the Russian television program about the stars of domestic and American cinema. He was the wife of the famous film director of Karen Shahnazarov, but happiness found in the second marriage, coming out for the American producer of the brand of the Oder. After the birth of the daughter of Ani, the family moved to Luxembourg, where in 2011 the journalist transported the elderly parents.


News of death of the writer came from Luxembourg on May 1, 2017. Anatoly Aleksin died on the 93th year of life. The reasons were not mentioned in a necrologist, but in one of the interviews the author was mentioned that he suffered 2 oncological diseases.

Anatoly Aleksin in old age

The classic of children's literature survived his beloved wife Tatiana for 3 years and bequeathed to bury him in Moscow, next to his parents in the Kuntsevsky cemetery.


  • 1950 - "Thirty One Day"
  • 1956 - "Sasha and Shura"
  • 1958 - "The extraordinary adventures of Seva Kotlov"
  • 1965 - "Kolya writes Ole, Olya writes Kole"
  • 1967 - "In the country of the Eternal Vacation"
  • 1968 - "My brother plays on the clarinet"
  • 1970 - "Call and come!"
  • 1976 - "Mad Evdokia"
  • 1978 - "Section of Property"
  • 1980 - "Bride Diary"
  • 1985 - "Signals and Hornists"
  • 1987 - "Good genius"
  • 1994 - "Saga about pessners"
  • 1996 - "Diagnosis"
  • 1996 - "Smeshka"
  • 1999 - "Do not be born beautiful ..."
  • 2006 - "The mixer is me!"
  • 2008 - "Look my eyes"

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