Daryl Dixon - biography, actor, quotes, age and character


Character History

The brutal hunter, deprived of fear and pity, - in the first minutes appears to the audience Daryl Dixon. But with the development of the series about Zombie, a man is revealed on the other side. For self-confidence and excessive rudeness hidden a soul, which is capable of empathy.

History of creation

The series "The Walking Dead", whose premiere was held in 2010, originates with the eponymous comic series. But, unlike the rest of the post-apocalyptic saga characters, Daryl Dixon is not mentioned on glossy pages.

Full Norman Ridus

The image of a closed rebar with a kind heart is written specifically for the actor of Norman Ridus. The artist came to audition, wanting to get the role of Merla Dixon, but late. Producers have already been approved into the series of another performer. At the same time, the samples of Ridus are so impressed by the representatives of the film company, which it was decided to create a character specifically under normal.

Invented a brutal image The main screenwriter "The Walking Dead" Frank Darabont. With the development of characteristics, Robert Kirkman was helped by a man - the author of the comic book. And from the first appearance of Daryl on the screens it became clear that the character was doomed to success.

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Fans of younger Dixon were bought by Robert Kirkman as requested to introduce a favorite hero in the book. But, despite the fact that the writer openly recognizes Daryla's favorite character in the film, the author of comics refuses such innovation.


To the world cataclysm, the biography of Darila Dixon was the history of the unworp. The boy grew up in Georgia Mountains with his father and elder brother. What happened to the mother of the child is unknown.

Brother Daryla - Merl Dickson

His brother is the only person who was interested in Daryl's life. Father Dixsons spent his free time exclusively in the company of alcohol. However, Merl often left the boy one. The elder brother was nursed by theft and discard, so it was often behind the bars.

Teen used to independent life. The boy mastered all the skills necessary for survival in the forest. Daryl learned to track down to death in the footsteps, distinguished the types of berries and collected crossbows from breed materials.

Once a teenager was lost in the forest and spent 9 days without food in search of the house. However, no one noticed the lack of youth. Father was too drunk to even once again beat the young man. And such violence took place with Daryl often, the cruel attitude confirm the scars on the back of Dixon.

Zombie Apocalypse found Daryl aged 35-40 years. It is not known who a man worked before the appearance of the walking dead. Most likely, Daryl was engaged in poaching.

Rick Grimes

Together with his brother, the hunter goes to the Atlanta, when it faces Ricky Gramas and the rest of the survivors. Realizing that hope is not justified in safety, men join a new acquaintance. So the column of technology is replenished with a gray Pickup Daryl and Merla's motorcycle.

But the relationship with the team does not add up. Merl is too asocial to get along with a multifier company, and Daryl is not ready to turn away from his brother. After returning from the next hunt, a man learns that the older brother was chained in the city, full of zombies. Daryl in rabies rushes to salvation of a single close person, but late. Merl got out of the trap and escaped in an unknown direction.


Left alone, a man opens in a new way for a group of survivors. Daryl spends a lot of time on the hunt to provide people with food. He himself is called in search of the missing girl. True, after the detection of a child, whom the walking dead was bitten, the consciousness of the hero was clouded.

A man is distinguished from new friends, arranges cruel violence over the zombies and makes himself a necklace from the ears of those killed. From the heavy state of Daryl pulls out Carol - a woman who lost her husband and daughter in the battle with the revived dead.

Gradually, the influence of the elder brother, who left Daryl, disappears. A man takes a more active position in the group, listens to the Soviets of Rica and helps friends to organize life in difficult conditions. Dickson becomes a real defender.

Frame from the series

But the whole of the kindness of a man manifests itself after the appearance in the newborn girl's group. While the leader of the resistance suffers from the loss of his wife, Daryl cares about the baby and leads people, defending the boundaries of their refuge from zombies and other salted.

The noble gusts of the men will destroy when Daryl returns Merl. The hero throws a newfounded family and leaves his brother, which people do not want to accept in the company. However, the changed Daryl has soon understood that it is mistaken, and returns to friends.

The death of a sole relative is becoming another heavy blow and loss for Dixon. Daryl sees that Merl, turned into a zombie, left the man forever. The hero is deprived of the last support in life and in rage personally scores a changed brother. Bind, insult and suffering, a man expresses tears, which, alas, will not return his native person.

Beth Green

Zombie apocalypse - not at all reason forget about a personal life. The fight against the dead is mixed with complex relationships. In addition to Carol, with which Daryl is associated with ambiguous relationships, a man is tied to Beth Green - a young girl who remained orphan. With her, a man is truly honest and frank.

However, her Daryl did not save from death. A man loses people meaningful for him, but continues to fight for life. Perhaps someday the hero will be able to save the one who he loves with all his heart.

Interesting Facts

  • According to the original design of the screenwriters, the character has an unconventional orientation, but carefully hides it from others and does not recognize himself. So far, Daryl remains open with the personal life.
  • In the TV series, Dickson owns alternately two crossbows: "The Horton® Scout 125 HD ™" and "Stryker Strykezone 380".
Daryl Dickson with Crosset
  • No one knows personal details about Daryle Dixon. Another character of the series is unknown birthday Hero, zodiac sign or beloved color. It's all about the domestic violence, which made a man closed and closed.
  • Fans with hope waited for the development of relations between Deril and Catherine, but a man and a woman connects only a friendly kiss in the forehead.
  • Vest, emphasizing the brutal appearance of the hero, is decorated with embroidery in the form of angelic wings.


"The main thing is the brain. Do not stupid. "" You can not just survive. It is necessary to beat the enemies. "" You tried to protect people, you are well done ... But if you shoot me again, pray, so that I die. "" I never ... I never ate frozen yogurt, I did not have a home pony I did not get anything from Santa Claus, I did not trust my security to anyone, and I generally did not trust anyone! "

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