Rena Magritt - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Pictures



Rena Magritte is a Belgian surrealist, whose works are full of riddles. The main principle of his creativity was the combination of incompatible. Magritte was a simple person whose life can be considered boring, but the artist's work speaks about the presence of a wide fantasy. Renee himself determined the direction of his creativity as magical realism and did not like when he was counted for the community of surrealists. The works of the famous Belgian resemble posters and today are experiencing a new wave of popularity.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the artist - Rene Francois Gilen Magritt. Born on November 21, 1898 in the provincial Belgian town of Lessen. He was the eldest of 3 sons. The father of the boys, Leopold Magritte, was engaged in selling fabric and sew, and the mother of Regina worked as a modist. Having lived several years in Lessen, the family moved to Gilly, and then in a shuttle, where Rene lived until the 1912th.

Rena Magritte in youth

This year turned out to be a turning point in the biographies of the boy. He was 14 years old when the mother was drowned for unknown reasons in the city river Sammbre. Son witnessed how her body was pulled out of the water. Mom has repeatedly tried to commit suicide and earlier. She saved her attentiveness of the father, which this time was not near.

The misfortune seriously affected the worldview of the future artist. He constantly looking for answers to questions that arose then in his head, and reasoned about them with himself through paintings. Family tragedy remained a secret for familiar Magritte, even his spouse did not know about it immediately. Rena has always mastered the scrupulous moment, but as soon as he revealed, psychologists began to try to find a non-existent subtext in his works.


In 1916, René Magritte became a student of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels. Having studied there for 2 years, the young man left the educational institution. He got an artist to the factory of paper products. This position of Magritte occupied until 1926.

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Rene created his first picture "Lost Jockey" in this period. Her author considered the most successful work. Gallery Sento offered a contract, so the artist was able to leave work and focus on creativity. In 1927, the first exhibition of the surrealist took place. She did not discharge the admiration of the public, and the reviewers called the wrongness of the unsuccessful.

Magritte went to Paris, where he began to communicate with Andre Breton and other surrealists. New dating seriously influenced the formation of artistic manner and the perception of the artist. Magritte shaped his own style, which was different from the usual fine manner of surrealism. The artist did not like the use of psychoanalysis in art, but preferred poetic philosophy and logical paradoxes.

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After the termination of the contract with the Gallery Sento Magritte returned to Brussels and took up advertising by opening together with his brother, which provided them with financial soil. The first creative search for the artist was conducted in the direction of futurism and cubism. A great influence on Rene provided works of Fernan leing.

Over time and the formation of author's manner, Magritt came to his own solid and deep images. The frequent hero of his paintings was a man in a bowl hat, in which critics saw the image of the author himself. The hero in the coat appeared back to the viewer or hid his face. For the first time, he appeared before the public in 1926 in the picture "Reflections of a lonely passerby."

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The stranger from the paintings turned out to be shown on the sea coast, on the city streets, in the mountains and in the forest. He could be divided or multiplying, becoming a light haze or the main face of the plot. Among the pictures on which a man is present is a hat - "High Society", "Horconda", "Son of Man".

Among the usual creative manner of Magritt Images: Apple, birds, smoking tube and heroes, whose faces are scutched by the cloth. Critics saw in the features of the image of the last hint on the tragic loss of Magritt. His mother pulled out of the water with a cloth on his face, which was tightly pressed against the skin.

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"Lovers" - a picture, which depicts the heroes bored with the white web. She was written in 1928. The main altus of the image lies in the phrase "Love Slepa". But psychologists interpret it and as a description of the alienation of a person, unable to reveal even at the time of romantic feelings. The audience, who studied the work, was remembered and the phraseology "lose their heads from love." This picture has become one of the most recognizable works of the Brussels artist in the list.

In 1948, a work appeared on the light that the author called "treachery images." It shows a smoking tube with the signature "it is not a handset." Stripping from the inconsistency of items in the images, the author came to denial at all, depicting an item that loved.

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Subsequently, the tube was once mentioned in the "Two Secrets" pattern, which duplicates the authentic image within the framework of the new plot. A similar focus Magritte has done with a green apple, depicting a fruit in the picture "This is not an apple" in 1964. Its image has repeatedly appeared in other mysterious works of the author.

The sky is a separate symbol in the works of Magritt. This image he used extremely often. The sky depicted by Belgian is not like anything else. It is reflected in the mirror in the work "Elementary Cosmogonia", it becomes filling the characters, flows from the easel on the background, as in the "Human Loader" series, and it turns out to be the location for a man in the kittelet in the picture "Decalcomania". A mansion from them is the image of the sky in the "Empire of Light", and the picture "Fake Mirror" seems that it is filling the center of the work.

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The creative manner of Rena Magritt may seem monotonous. Starting with abstraction, he drew attention to surrealism after acquaintance with the works of George de Kiriko, who connected abstraction and reality together. In the war years, Magritt adhered to reference to impressionism, which was configured against him surrealists.

The exhibition collected during this period belonged to the style that art historians call "cow". Magritte was the first one who used words in the paintings, believing that they have the same nature with images. Such a point of view also adhered to Joseph Kosut, the founder of conceptualism.

Portrait of Rene Magritta

During the war, Magritte changed the color palette and stylistics, considering the debt to give people a chance to joy and hope. After the completion of hostilities and the occupation, he returned to the usual manner and achieved recognition.

Magritt was underestimated in France, but loved in the United States, where the whole generation of artists was impressed by his work. In 1954, an exhibition of works of the author was held in America. He felt the spirit of the times and was a ideological inspirer for minimalists and conceptualists.

Rena Magritt

The artist left a trace not only in art. Images invented and developed by Rena Magritt were repeatedly used in marketing campaigns of modern brands. The master knew how to make an image spectacular, as he had experience in the advertising sphere. He did not write portraits, knowingly turning the hero from the viewer and providing the opportunity to enjoy the illusion.

Personal life

In love Rena Magritte was constant. Having become acquainted with the daughter of the butcher from Charleroi, Georges Berger, the boy spent all the time with her and was in love. This girl witnessed how the future artist chose a profession for himself. Once, walking around the cemetery, they saw the painter at work, and Rena decided to change his life.

Rene Magritt and his wife Georgetta

In love, adolescents were short enough. Parents of the girl moved to Brussels and separated them. Arriving at the same city on study, Rena once faced a former beloved on the street. Magritt served in the army and, returning, married Georgette in 1922. She became the main museum of the artist, so the author wrote female images from the spouse.

Personal life Couple was happy. It seemed, the feelings of Magritte to his wife were unshakable. But in 1936, the artist started an imagine with some shelya, a member of the Performance, and his spouse began to meet with the artist Paul Colin. In 1940, Magrithes were again together.

Rena Magritte with his wife and beloved dog

The family lived in a modest house in Brussels, did not go into the world and did not travel. Rena rarely visited the street. The master worked in the living room on the strict routine of the day and always came to the table at lunch. Children pair did not start. There were several reasons, including financial instability. But the Magritons had a favorite dog, which the artist took with him to the cinema. After the death of Family Rena made it scarecrow.


Rena Magritt died on August 15, 1967. The cause of death was the pancreas cancer. In the last days of life, he worked on the picture "Empire of Light", but never managed to finish her before his death. The artist was buried at the Scareb Cemetery in Brussels.

Mogila Rena Magritte and his wife

Today the works of the author are exhibited in Brussels, in the museum dedicated to his work. Here are shown pictures, films created according to the ideas of the artist, the lifetime photo of the Ren Magritt and sketches. In the store inside the museum you can buy souvenirs that are not found in Europe.


  • 1928-1929 - "Vertiary of Images"
  • 1928 - "Lovers"
  • 1933 - "Conditions of Human Existence"
  • 1937 - "Reproduction is prohibited"
  • 1951 - "Perspective Madame Remight"
  • 1961 - "Mysterious Barricades"
  • 1964 - "Son of Man"
  • 1966 - "Two Secrets"

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