Big Reynolds - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



Big Reynolds is one of the highest paid artists of Hollywood in the 1970s, famous for the role in the police and gangster trilogy. On his account "Golden Globe" and "Emmy", uncompressed "Oscar", as well as a reward for participation in the worst film, according to critics of Antipremia "Golden Malina" - "Striptease" with Demi Moore.

Childhood and youth

Burton Leon Reynolds Jr. - Son Harriet Fernett (in Maller's Maiden) and Burton Milo Reynolds, was born on February 11, 1936. From relatives inherited Dutch, English, Scottish and Irish roots, as well as, presumably, the blood of the Cherokee and Italians.

Actor Bert Reynolds.

Until 2015, Reynolds himself argued in an interview that he was born in Waycross, Georgia, but in fact his small birthplace is Lansing, Michigan, the city in which his father served. Following the military, the family moved to Ford Leonard Wood, Missouri, then in Lake City, Michigan, the native city of Mother Burton.

In 1946, the family - Parents, Burton, his adopted brother James Hoks Reynolds and Nancy's sister moved to Rivera Beach, Florida. Here the Father became the head of the local police.

Bear pleased the parents with estimates and sporting achievements - in 1954, the young man released from the Palm Beach school and in scholarship entered the State University of Florida. He brilliantly performed on the position of Ranninbek for two seasons and dreamed of becoming a world famous football player.

Bert Reynolds in youth

It is not known how the biography of Reynolds would have begun if in his youth during the match he did not receive an incompatible knee injury. Later, the guy got into a heavy car accident, aggravating the situation, and lost the spleen. At the sport career had to put a cross.

Reynolds thought to continue a family business and become a policeman, his father offered the path of the prison ward. To master the minister's career, the young man attended courses in Palm Beach College.

Bert Reynolds in youth

Here, English classes led Watson B. Duncan III, he pushed Burton to the right future. Hearing how he reads William Shakespeare at the lessons, Duncan offered a major role in the "Outward Bound". The execution led to the first award of Florida State Drama Award in 1956.

In the autobiography Reynolds called Watson B. Duncan III with his mentor.

The young man was a member of the Phi Delta Theta's Brotherhood (φΔθ). He graduated from Florida University in 1958.


Florida State Drama Award provided the right to be theater in the Guide Park Theater, New York. Reynolds considered a proposal as a pleasant alternative to physical work, and not as the path of development of a career. However, in the theater Burton met Joan Woodward, an American actress that helped him find an agent.

Bert Reynolds and Joan Woodward

2 years Reynolds performed on the stage, including Broadway, without having vocational education. To develop congenital skills, the young man signed up for acting lessons. The company made up a football player and commentator Frank Gifford, actors Carol Lawrence and Red Button, Comic Jan Murray.

The will of Fate In 1956, Reynolds was on samples in the film "Soionar" (1957), but received a refusal, because, according to producers, was too similar to Marlon Brando. Colleagues offered a young actor to go for happiness in Hollywood, but he did not feel ready.

Bert Reynolds and Marlon Brando

In the late 1950s, Reynolds was on television. The result of participation in a variety of show was the 7-year contract with Universal. One of the reasons for the design of the document is the natural attractiveness of the actor, which is felt even through the photo.

The first big project was the series "Riverboat". "Double Marlon Brando", as his colleagues called, divided the frame with Dagremen McGeavine. Increasing relations with the partner were the cause of leaving the show after 20 episodes.

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The gap with a "river boat" left an impressive imprint on the reputation of Reynolds - he was not invited to large projects. As a result, the actor was again in the television screen, performed mediocre roles in third-rate serials. 1962 became saving.

Dennis Wiewer was going to leave the series "Flying from the trunk" - one of the most rating shows in the United States. To "stir up" the plot, producers introduced a new character, the blacksmith of Quinta Asper. Reynolds bypassed 300 competitors and received a role. He starred in 3 seasons, until 1965, and then left, because "there was no place for two men."

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On the change of one show, another - "Hawk" (1966) came. This time, Burt got the main role. At the same time, Spaghetti Western "Navajo Joe" was removed, which was a favorite picture of the actor himself.

An attractive image for women made the producer Albert R. Brockcoli to offer Reynolds the role of James Bond, and he refused, because she considered the role inappropriate for the American. From all sides, the actors flew off the proposals to play detectives, but this is the role of "Double Marlon Brando" already exhausted.

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Reynolds jokingly called himself a "famous unknown", which is removed only in those films that "shown in airplanes, prisons and other places, from where it is impossible to get out." He underestimated his skill.

In 1972, the actor received a major role in the "Relomination" movie. According to the personal confessions of Reynolds, he waited for a similar role of 15 years. It is noteworthy that initially for the presentation on the screen of his character wanted to invite Marlon Brando.

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The dramatic thriller narrates about tourists who fall into the ambush sadists, "hunters for heads." The sharp plot, the natural emotions of the main characters made a film by the present sensation of the 1970s. "Relomination" claimed Oscar, Golden Globe, the prize of the British Academy, but did not receive any awards.

Reynolds's career went to the mountain. The filmography has been replenished with projects "All you wanted to know about sex, but were afraid to ask" (1972) under the leadership of Woody Allen, "The longest yard" (1974), "Gressers" (1976). Thanks to the tape "White Lightning" (1973), the actor fell into the top 10 of the highest paid stars of Hollywood (4th place). He remained in the ranking until 1984.

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The most famous project in Reynolds's career is a policeman and gangster trilogy (a different name - "Smokey and a gangster"). Films are removed in the best traditions of the veil. For the shooting of the first part, the actor received $ 1 million. The following cassal role took place in the Comedy "Best Friends" - $ 3 million Record Reynolds fee - $ 5 million for participation in the Dilogy "Race" Cannon Core ".

Despite the high salaries, the quality of the projects with the participation of the Americans worsened, followed a series of failed films: "Racer Stroker" (1983), "A man who loved women" (1983), "Stick" (1985), "Switching Channels" (1988) , "Bearing" (1989). Striptease (1996) with Demi Moore in the lead role was recognized as the worst film of the year.

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The triumphant return of the star Hollywood became the tragicomedy "Nights in the style of Buoga" (1997). The film brought Reynolds "Golden Globe" for the best male role of the second plan and a number of nominations for Oscar.

In the 2000s, despite the honorable age, the actor continued to play. His final works are dating 2018. Reynolds planned to play in the film Quentin Tarantino "Once in Hollywood" (2019) as George Span - 80-year-old blind old man who passed his ranch for rent Charles Manson, a serial killer. Progressive disease and old age violated Reynolds plans. His place was taken by Bruce Dern.

Personal life

Among the elected of Burt Reynolds - the first beauties of Hollywood. From 1963 to 1965, the American wife was Judy Carne, a British actress. Then, for 5 years, Reynolds tried to arrange a personal life with Dina Shore, one of the most popular solo executivers of the 1940s and 1950s. Their Roman made a real Furior, because the woman was 20 years older than her lover.

Bert Reynolds and Dina Shor

Reynolds had a love relationship with Inger Stevens shortly before her death in the 1970s. In 1977-1982, he met with actress Sally Field. Couple starred together in 4 films.

In 1988, Reynolds tied himself to a marriage with actress Loni Anderson. They could not have children, so they made adoption over the boy named Quinton. Their union gave a crack in 1993, when Burton fell in love with the waitress of Pam Sils. In January 1998, they married, but never got married.

Bert Reynolds and Loni Anderson

During filming in the film "Zavaruha in the city" (1984), Reynolds received a serious injury of the face - from the strike of the metallic chair in the actor, the dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint was happening. He lost 13.5 kg, because he could not eat, and the anesthetic that was prescribed to him led to many years of drug addiction.

Despite the same names, Burt and Ryan Reynolds are not relatives.


The life of Reynolds Burt was interrupted on September 6, 2018, the cause of death is a heart attack.

Bert Reynolds in old age

On the memorial service of September 20 in North Palm Beach, Florida, attended the closest: former spouse Sally Field, Bobby Boobby Football players, Lee Corso, Doug Flue.

Reynolds body cremated.


  • 1962-1965 - "Fools from the Stem"
  • 1972 - "Everything you always wanted to know about sex, but were afraid to ask"
  • 1972 - "Relief"
  • 1976 - "Gator"
  • 1977 - "Police and Bandit"
  • 1978 - "Hooper"
  • 1980 - "Police and Bandit 2"
  • 1981 - "Race" Cannon Core "
  • 1982 - "Best Friends"
  • 1983 - "Police and Bandit 3"
  • 1989 - "Mudzhetniki"
  • 1996 - Striptease
  • 1997 - "Nights in the style of bugs"
  • 2006 - "Nine cloud"
  • 2011 - "On the way home"
  • 2017 - "Last movie Star"

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