Terry Gudkind - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books 2021



The American author of the novels in the genre of Fantasy Terry Gudcaynd was famous for the whole world thanks to a series of books entitled "Truth's sword." The works of the writer are translated into more than 20 languages ​​and published in general circulation over 25 million copies. Based on his stories, the popular series "Legend of the Seeker" was removed, which positively met all connoisseurs of exciting adventures against the background of colorful landscapes of New Zealand.

Childhood and youth

American Terry Gudcaynd appeared on May 1, 1948 in the largest city of Nebraska - Omaha. Since childhood, the soul of the boy lay to work, so he entered the school of arts, which he successfully graduated from. However, the young man suffered from dyslexia, which stopped him from writing the first works.

Terry Gudkind in youth

Therefore, studying in college, he chose the work with his hands: The guy was restored by rare things - antiques and historical artifacts, engaged in carpentry and the manufacture of violins. Also before becoming a well-known writer, Gudcaynd became famous in narrow circles with its canvases, which portrayed wild nature and marine element. In addition, Terry participated in several auto racing competitions.


The debut romance of the novice writer saw the light in 1994 and was called the "first rule of the wizard". The book in the genre of Fantasy Terry wrote for the year and published it in collaboration with the book publishing house Tor Books, which immediately saw the talent of the young author. The work was sold at a record price of $ 275 thousand at auction organized for three editions that fought for the opportunity to publish it. In Russia, the book was released 2 years after the American publication.

Writer Terry Gudkind

Roman tells about the consequences of human nonsense. The main character of Richard Saifer, who is a Westland forest conductor, dreams of revealing the mystery of the mysterious death of his father. At the beginning of a trip to the hunting forest, the guy saves the beautiful girl Calen Amnell.

The share of an ordinary young man falls the honor to become a seeker of truth, but he is not happy yet, because Magic is not happy, but the consequences of election are too large. Richard will have to enter into a deadly fight with the strongest of dark magicians among the 3 kingdoms by Darken Ralle and prevent him from achieving the magic of the Order, which is an ancient force.

Craig Horner in the series

Fantasy with delight met the book and literary critics, and in 2013 they were reproving in an updated series called "Legend of the Seeker". The same title received an adventure series based on the novel "The first rule of the wizard" and released on November 1, 2008. Total viewers saw 2 seasons consisting of 44 episodes. The main roles performed the actors Craig Horner, Bridget Rigan, Bruce Spence and others.

After the success of the debut novel, Terry Gudcaynd wrote a whole cycle of books, united by the common universe called the "Sword of Truth" and consisting of 14 novels. The series rotates around the main characters of Richard Saifer, Caelen Amnell and Zeeddikus Zoole Zorander. They go to search for the rescue of the world from the evil oppressors who intend to manage them with the help of evil forces.

Books of Terry Gudcayda

The universe in the books is divided into 2 worlds, known as new and ancient. Closer to the final the narration focuses on the virtuosity of Richard, as well as the rules of the wizard imposed by the Order.

Fantasy Bibliography Gudcayda is not just traditional novels, the main emphasis in which is made in philosophy. The author believes that Fantasy genre gives him the opportunity to further explore the human nature and emotions. Artwork works of Terry, including the plot, characters and topics, are inspired by the books of Ain Rand. She was a Russian-American writer, who was the first to develop the philosophy of objectivity.

Terry Gudkind, his wife Jeri, publisher Ivan Held and Editor Susan Ellison

According to this theory, only the sensual perception of a person can decipher the reality. It determines the purpose of life through inductive knowledge. Gudkind has become the main supporter of objectivity used in the work of Rand. In his novel, "Faith Fallen", the objectivist topic received the most vivid expression. The active use of this philosophy in the book caused disputes and discontent among the fans of the author.

Opinions of literary critics regarding the creative biography of the writer are divided. Most of them believe that Gudcayda's books are written by a cynical language, which makes the perception of works are dull.

Terry Gudkind at a meeting with readers

Others argue that the main characters possess delicious personal qualities, only if they are opposed to the devilish villains. Also, books are criticized for severe sexual and sadomasochist content.

Be that as it may, Terry Gudkind does not stop in his literary development, trying to write in various genres. One thing is clear - he found his reader at the time of the release of the debut novel and continues to expand the fan base and to this day.

Personal life

Terry Gudcayda has a wife named Jeri, together with which he moved to the Northeast American State Maine in 1983, where he built a forest house on the ocean.

Terry Gudcaynd and his wife Jeri

Also, Chet Gudkind owns the second personally designed housing on the territory of the country's south-western desert, in which the family often spends time and today. There are few photos from the personal life of the writer, so it is unknown that a couple of joint children has.

Terry Gudkind now

Now the author continues to delight fans of his work with new works: In 2018, several books came out - "Savan Eternity", "Girl from the Moon", "Crazy Wanda", and the 2019th was marked by the presentation of the New Novels "Heavenly People".

Terry Gudkind in 2019

All the last novels of Hoodkaynd are not connected with the Universe of "Mike of Truth" and with a fantasy genre - they are written in an effort.


  • 1994 - "The first rule of the wizard"
  • 2011 - "Prediction Machine"
  • 2013 - "Third Kingdom"
  • 2015 - "War Heart"
  • 2016 - "Square"
  • 2017 - "Mrs. Death"
  • 2018 - "Rude"
  • 2018 - "Crazy Wanda"
  • 2018 - "Girl from the Moon"
  • 2019 - "Heavenly People"

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