Jesse Pinkman - Character Biography, Character, Quotes, Actor


Character History

Character of the American television series "In all serious". A man of 25 years old with an extremely short haircut, is engaged in the production of methamphetamine. The accomplice and former student of the main character - Walter White, teacher of chemistry on nicknamed Hysenberg and a deadly sick person who decided to ensure the financial future of the family through the manufacture of drugs and trafficking.

History of creation

The series "In all grave" is created by the director and screenwriter Vince Gilligan. The idea of ​​the creator was to release such a series, where the main character as the plot develops to turn into antihero. So it turned out - the main hero Walter White, the school teacher of chemistry, begins to trade with methamphetamine and by the end of the series turns into a calculating gangster.

The concept of a mobile laboratory for the manufacture of methamphetamine originated during a conversation about the unemployment, which Vince Gilligan led with a friend. The interlocutors jokingly developed the idea of ​​drug baboans on wheels from which you can drive through the United States and sell drug people. From this "business idea" and developed the scenario of the series.

Actor Aaron Pol

Vince Gilligan began his career in the cinema from the "Secret Materials" project, for whom wrote scenarios and was engaged in producing. Full Aaron Paul, invited by Gilligan subsequently on the role of Jesse Pinkman in the project "In all grave", also worked in "secret materials".

According to the original scenario, Jessie Pinkman had to die in the first season final, but Actor Aaron Paul showed himself so well in this role that the hero decided to leave to the end. For the role of Jesse Pinkman Aaron Paul received the AMMI premium as the best actor of the second plan.

The shooting of the series "To all grave" was mainly in the American city of Albuquerque and in the surrounding territories. Jesse Pinkmann's house was filmed in the countryside. And the owners of the house in which the Walter White family lives in the series, received half a million dollars from a film company for the right to use a house for filming.

"Breaking Bad"

Clothing Jesse Pinkmanna

Jesse Pinkman was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Jesse's parents were secured by people, but the guy was hooked on drugs and at the time of the beginning of the main storyline already moved away from the family, which did not approve the lifestyle of Jesse. Having gone from the parent home, Jesse began to live in aunt Ginny. The aunt was sick, and I had to care for it, and after the death of Ginny, the hero was left to live in the house belonging.

Jesse school studied in School. The hero liked to spend time in a friendly party for smoking "Grass". The main hero of the series, Walter White, taught Jesse Chemistry and, unlike many other teachers, saw the potential in the guy, cared for Jesse and tried to motivate Togo to learn much.

One day, Walt turns out to witness the detention of people who kept drugs, and sees their own former student Jesse, who is trying to hide from the crime scene. Walt understands that Jesse is associated with drug business, looking for Togo for old school records and is accepted blackmail. Walt offers Jesse Business. Walt will "cook" methamphetamine, and Jesse will sell the goods. From this point on, the biography of heroes are tightly connected.

Jesse gets seven thousand dollars from Walt - you need to buy a trailer that Walt is going to equip under the laboratory. Instead, Jessie descends trusted money in a strip club, and for the remaining insignificant part buys a terrible breakdown on the wheels at his own friend.

Jesse Pinkman and Walter White in the laboratory

Jesse evaluates the quality of the first part of the drug, which cooked Walt. According to Jesse, it turns out to be the purest methamphetamine. Jesse makes new contacts, planning a wide business, but the hero is not lucky, he is running on drug control informant. Meeting with the "partners" is not going on as planned, but Jesse and Walt manage to hide, before that, killing one of the people with whom the heroes met. Trying to get rid of the body, Jesse dissolves that in a bath with an acid.

The idea of ​​relying in the sale of goods on partners is favored, and Jesse with Walt decide to independently conduct trading. The hero sells drugs at parties and finds sales everywhere, where only you can. A new drug policy is deployed in the basement of Jesse at home. Methamphetamine produced by Walt becomes popular in the city, and this attracts the attention of the police.

Jesse Pinkman and Walter White in costumes

Through a friend of Jessie goes on a major drug trap from Mexico, which works in Albuquerque. Jesse meets with this type, but he turns out to be unbalanced by a psychopath and beats the hero. Jesse enters the hospital, and Walt, meanwhile, is setting up partnerships with Mexican drug trap.

The second season begins with the fact that the heroes deliver a new batch of goods to Mexican. Paraborion spiked at the drug trap - he believes that Jesse and Walt are going to pass it. As a result, the heroes are kidnapped and dismantled to a desert in a kind of house where the paralyzed uncle of the Mexican drug trap lives. There heroes are forced to spend several days. Mexican wants to take away Jessie and Walt in Mexico so that those equipped the laboratory there, but the heroes run away.

Frame from the series

Later, to hide from the authorities, the heroes cover the laboratory in the basement Jesse and move again into the trailer. Jessie's parents, meanwhile, find out that the son was cooked in the basement of the house of drugs, and hero evicted. Jessee will not have stopped, and he decides that it will stay in a trailer. Later, the hero manages to rent an apartment and even buy a car.

Jesse's apartment hostess is a former drug addict Jane Margolis, which works as a tattoo. The heroes are tied a novel. The reputation of Jesse as a formidable gangster grows. In addition, the heroes helps the lawyer Sol Gudman. With the help of Goodman, heroes launder money and successfully avoid problems with the law.

Sol Gudman.

At the end of the season, Jesse's friend dies, and the hero goes to the narcotic roar. Walt takes half of money from the hero until the rehabilitation passes. Jane, the girl Jesse, is trying to trample money from Walt, planning to escape to New Zealand. However, these plans are not destined to come true - Jane dies from the overdose of heroin. Walt, who could help the girl deliberately gives that die. After that, Jesse, the winning of himself in the death of the girl, finally goes to the clinic for rehabilitation.

In the third season, Jessie goes out of the rehabilitation center and is going to start a new life, having walked old things before it. In the meantime, the anti-drug control agent finds a trailer drug barrier. However, heroes manage to destroy the trailer in a timely manner, furnishing the agent. He in rage finds and beats Jesse, because of what hero gets into the hospital again.

Jane Margolis

Jesse and Walt continue to produce methamphetamine in even greater volume and earn more money. Jesse starts another romantic relationship with the next drug addict. In the finals of the season, Jessie is forced to kill Geila - another Assistant Walt.

The fourth season is full of gangster disassembly for the redistribution of spheres of influence. And in the fifth season, Jesse finds himself literally in slavery from a hostile gang, from where in the finals of the hero frees Walter White. The further fate of Jesse is unknown.


"- Jesse, you asked if I want to cook Met or jar of dough? Yes. I want to build an empire. - I do not know, Mr. White. Do you think Met-empire is a reason for pride? "" The life experience from books will not be picked up. "" What is the point of being out of law, if you have duties? "" - What did you say to them? "What are they gondo Poet! "" I know, you are concerned. What happened yesterday with my person is terrible ...- When the tower was demolished? Well, yes ... "" - You went to walk, hang, break off. And suddenly the tax employee looks at you. And what does he see? And he sees a young guy with a gorgeous home, an unlimited marker and without work. And what kind of output will make a tax? - I am a drug dealer? - No! Million times worse. You shy away from taxes! "" Whose, Sucera? Wait for the signal! "(Answering machine Jesse Pinkmann)" Where my money, bitch! .. Yes, so I will say ... where my money, bitch, yes, where my money! Damn! "(Jesse Pinkman with a gun going to break into the house)

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