Svetlana Savelova - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, movies



No wonder the second winter months is called harsh. And it is not only about weather conditions, but also about sad events in domestic cinema. At the end of January 1999, the beloved actress Svetlana Savuelova left the life, and exactly 20 years and one day - Valentina Berezutskaya. However, despite the end of the earth's existence, great actors continue to live in their roles and hearts of the multi-millionth army of devotees of their talent.

Childhood and youth

If the date of death Svetlana Savuelova is similar to the Queen episode, the laureate of "Niki" Valentina Fedorovna, then she celebrated her birthday in Orthodox Christmas, just like another star of the Soviet screen Nina Sazonov.

Svetlana Savyulova in childhood and youth

In 1942, the main heroine of "seven old men and one girl" appeared in the usual Simferopol family. Back in childhood, after watching the soldiers wounded from the front, the girl dreamed of devoting himself to the noble profession of the doctor and heal as much as possible.

A big family (three children - Lyudmila, Svetlana and Sergey) lived in one room of the communal apartment modestly (if not to say poorly) and secretly did not invite guests to him, with the exception of classmates. These valuable biographical information, as well as rare photos, provided one day in an interview with the childhood friend Anastasia Varganov.

"We, children of war, grew on the street. Raced in turn on one bike, played in the lapto and in the Cossacks-robbers. Together with the Light for the first 5 years I studied in the 4th Women's School, then we were transferred to the 5th. Received maturity certificates in 1959, "she added.

According to rumors, the father of the girl, Ivan, died in the war, and Mom Raisa worked by Feldsher at the local hospital. About the development in the youngest daughter did not forget, organizing a ballet circle, where young lights easily mastered the twine and made Pa in a real pack. In particular, the pet loved to dress up a lush Christmas tree for the new year.

Svetlana Savuelova in youth

In his youth, the girlfriend could not calmly move around the city - such was the beauty of Savylova, and in particular - a seductive figure, forcing the boys to lose their head and stretch her to the owner. And invariably received for obsession and unceremoniousness of sweatshirts.

Immediately after receiving secondary education, the graduate, before going to the medical institute, got a job on the local pharmacy of the drugs. This decision played a fateful role in the future life of a girl endowed with a truly Hollywood appearance.


In the 1960s, the director who conceived to remove the melodrama "Farewell, Pigeons" was not to laughter - everything, as in that comedy: "Work is worth it, and the term goes." If the question has been resolved with actrators-men, Genka is played by Alexei Loktev, his comrade Vaska - Savely Kramarov, then to find among hundreds of contenders that the nurse of Tanya Bulatov turned out to be difficult.

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Jacob Segel, desperate, went from the Crimea to Kiev, where he wandered into the pharmacy point and saw 18-year-old Svetlana. The film creator arranged everything in the girl. Without the caustav, the man offered her participation in his own project and glorified the entire Soviet Union.

The young Lady left deeply behind the dream of medicine and plunged into scenic art, entered into the famous "Pike".

"Even the coolest guys were afraid of her. The incontinence of Svetlana often turned into frank rudeness. Savlyov carried his "Star Status" to the graduation. It seems to me that such behavior can be attributed to the complex of her little growth, "recalled a classmate.

At the end of the university, she was invited to the theater. Evgenia Vakhtangov, but the wayward actress - an angelic appearance did not fit with a difficult character - in less than a year later he left him and chose "Lenk". As it turned out, in vain - significant roles were not given, but everything changed with the arrival of Mark Zakharov.

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The filmography of the Russian brigade Bardoo consists of 9 film directions - among them, of course, "Seven old men and one girl" were especially distinguished. Few of the fans of this picture knew that at first Savoylova struggled by the pronunciation of sports teams, but as a result, the actress had coped with the task. Participation in the filming of the failed "in Russia" put the cross on the film engineer of the artist.

In the theater over time, there were also stretched relations - a woman often neglected rehearsals, put the performances under the breakdown. The director patiently talked to the participant of the troupe, not in a hurry to put forward the sanctions, but the number of proposals to play in the productions was catastrophically decreased.

Personal life

Svetlana married in his youth for the future director Gennady Baisaka - a man from an intelligent family, the soul that did not celebrate in the elect. The girl answered him no less reciprocity, but the marriage lasted only a year. As the ex-spouse himself considered, the reason is classical - they did not compare the characters.

Svetlana Savulova, her husband Gennady Baisak and child friend Anastasia Varganova

Next, the beauty was attributed to many novels with domestic sex symbols. By convincing classmates Svetlana, Lyudmila Kravtsova, relations with Alexander Zbruyev - fiction, young people were close friends.

But with Nikolai Karachentsov, love really happened - she patronized just that came to the actor, and he could not fulfill the romances in the dressing room at night. If you take a girlfriend as the basis of the "testimony", then the future of the bright pair crossed the mother of the legendary count of Rezanov.

Svetlana Savyulova and Nikolai Karachentsov

In the future, information about the personal life of the artist will be varied. Some said that Savoilova had a Major Militia retired, who went to take a salary instead and addicted it to alcohol. Others argued that the woman met with a racquer divorced, from which he decided to get pregnant in 40 years, but gave birth to a dead child, which was finally led out of equilibrium.

Savelova adored the sea and the beach, and could sometimes sunbathe at all without a swimsuit.


In addition to close connections with star men, in which Svetlana was too legs, resistant and rumors about accidents pursuing a spectacular blonde. Among them are a car accident or fallen scenery. But, again, according to a firm conviction of a friend of childhood, the first hearing was allowed by the celebrity itself to give some explanation of the changed appearance and mental state.

Svetlana Svelalova's grave

In old age, the once-sex symbol of Soviet cinema remained quite alone. After the death, the coming on January 30, 1999, it was found only in a few days. The cause of death: acute alcoholic intoxication with liver damage. The funeral and even the robe of the deceased organized the native theater. She is not buried in the grave, the urn with ashes is located in a niche at the Nikolo Arkhangelsk cemetery.


  • 1961 - "Farewell, pigeons!"
  • 1963 - "Listen-ah!"
  • 1964 - "Green Spark"
  • 1964 - "Tale of young spouses"
  • 1966 - "Last Jolong"
  • 1968 - "Sun and Rain Day"
  • 1968 - "By Russia"
  • 1969 - "Seven old men and one girl"
  • 1988 - "Three girls in blue"

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