Kabaniha - biography, appearance and upbringing, name, quotes


Character History

The powerful checkout, which is afraid of the whole new, - such an image was created by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky in the play "Thunderstorm". As a real dictator, Kabaniha protects the housekeeping and established habits. After all, the new one carries the danger and the ability to lose control over close.

History of creation

Piece "Thunderstorm" was first published in 1860. To write the work of the writer pushed a personal drama, which was reflected in the work. In the Kabanchi island embodied the characteristics of Tirana, the despot and self-director. The writer specially does not describe the details of the heroine appearance, so that the reader independently, only on the basis of the inner world of the character, created the image of the checkpone.

Writer Alexander Ostrovsky

Ostrovsky also does not indicate the accurate age of the heroine. At the same time, Kabaniha relies on his own seniority and encourages the younger generation to respect:

"You do not condemn older yourself! They know your more. Old people have all the signs. An old man on the wind will not say the word. "

The resulting image, as well as the work as a whole, caused fierce disputes among the contemporaries of the writer. But, despite different points of view, the "thunderstorm" became a hymn of the predhormerary public lifting.


Marfa Kabaniha

Marfa Ignatievna lives in the city of Kalinov, located on the banks of the Volga. Woman's husband died, leaving the Kabanchi with her son Tikhon and daughter Barbaroos. In the provincial town of Kupuphich, there are unpleasant rumors. Woman - real hunger. For foreign people, Marfa Ignatievna, I am pleased with the joy of suffering, but the woman terrorizes people.

Woman tells others to live according to outdated moral principles that every day violates herself. The heroine believes that children should not have their own opinions, are obliged to read parents and restless the mother.

Most of all goes to the wife of Tikhon - Catherine. A young girl causes hatred and jealousy in an elderly checkpire. Kabaniha often reproaches the Son that a young man loves a young spouse more than a mother. The heroine spends time for morals whose hypocrisy is noticeably surrounding.


The conflict between the young daughter-in-law and the checkpone is exacerbated with Tikhon's departure. The head of the house, which considers the manifestations of caresses a sign of weakness, punishes his son to strictly read his wife before leaving. A woman despises a man, sincerely loving Catherine. Kupchikha believes the Son is too weak, so suppresses the will of a young man with his own authority, turning the life of Tikhon and Katerina to hell.

As soon as Tikhon leaves Kalinov, Kabanikha monitors the daughter-in-law with double attention. From a woman does not elude that changes are taking place with Catherine, so at the time of the return of Tikhon, the Kupovyha is again in the young.

Varvara and Tikhon (frames from the productions)

When Katerina does not withstand pressure and admits in treason, Kabaniha is satisfied. The woman was right, the freedom of will in relation to his wife does not lead to anything good finals. Even after the death of daughter-in-law, Kabaniha is not mitigated. Marfa Ignatievna does not allow the son to go in search of a spouse. And when the body is detected, Tikhon keeps so that he does not even say goodbye to his wife.


In 1933, "Thunderstorms" was released on the screens, the director of whose director Vladimir Petrov was. The role of Kabani performed Barbara Massalitinov. The film received a reward at the Venetian International Festival as the best film submitted by the public.

Varvara Masalitinova as kabani

In 1977, Felix Glyamshin and Boris Babochem removed the "Thunderstorm" TV link in the same name of the Ostrovsky. Colorful kinocartine has to do with television viewers. Actress Olga Kharkov played a despotic checkpoint.

In 2017, the director again turned to the work of the writer. Andrei Mighty put his own interpretation of "thunderstorms". Telplexaculate combines archaic and avant-garde. The image of the kabani in the scene embodied the People's Artist of Russia Marina Ignatova.

Interesting Facts

  • Analysis of the dialogues of the "Thunderstorm" heroes makes it possible to conclude that Kabaniha is raised in the old supplied faith. Therefore, the woman rejects innovations, even the railway.
Family Kabanihi
  • In the theater Kupchihu often depict an elderly woman. Although the writer does not indicate the age of the heroine, the character is hardly over 40 years old.
  • Ostrovsky awarded Marfu Ignatievna talking name and surname. "Marfa means" Mrs. ", and the name Kabanova is common among merchants. The nickname "Kabaniha" woman received a stubbornness, which became famous among the inhabitants of the city.


"Not really now the older respect." "Do not regain talking to anyone: they will not dare into the eyes, so for the eyes will be." "Full, fully, do not fear! Sin! I wonder for a long time that you are my mother's wife. Since I got married, I do not see from you former love. " "What should I be afraid?! Yes, you crushed, or what? You will not be afraid of, and I am suppressed. What kind of order in the house will be? " "If you want a mother to listen, so you will come there, do the way I ordered you."

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