Elizabeth Henstridge - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In mid-July 2018, fans of the superhero television series "Agents" Sh.I.T. "" Exhaled with a noticeable relief. Their favorite Motheric film, the basis of the plot of which draws up the prosthetic target - the fight against crime, extended to the 6th season. However, the authors did not dare to torment the devotees and further, after 4 months announcing that to be the seventh. Starring - all the same recognizable actors, among them in their place there remained beauty Elizabeth Henstrith.

Childhood and youth

Elizabeth Francis Henstridge (this is the full name of the actress) was born in Sheffield in 1987, a day, which after 14 years she was painted in mourning colors in the calendar not only the United States, but also from the world - September 11.

Actress Elizabeth Henstdige

Her parents, Helen-Housewife and Brian-businessman, dreamed that the daughter had mastered the noble medical profession and helped the needy. But the girl from an early age saw himself exclusively on the set or theater scene.

Following the dream, the girl, graduating from 2 schools - Meadowhead School and King Edward Vii School, first became a university student at the University of Birmingham, and then continued to education in the prestigious East 15 Acting School. At the end of the latter, the movement to Los Angeles followed.

Elizabeth Henstrith in childhood

The star of television screens do not mind to acquaint their follovers in the social network "Instagram" with photographs of children's years, accompanied by funny comments. For example, among other photos, there is one, where the little Elizabeth holds the hand of Daisy Duck, and the recording to it says that she with such a young adhered trendy trends - her colorful legins corresponded to the hair bandage.

By the way, as for her relationship with the Canadian actress Natasha Henstrge, it is known that women only come to each other named after one-name.


The acting road began with Liz in 2010 with filming in the short film "under the branches of the apple tree". The girl had to reincarnate in the daughter of Fermer, violating plans and persuasion of her father and traveler, who turned to the family for the tools for his broken motorcycle. Then again there was a short-term filmmaker "and the child".

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In parallel with it, Elizabeth starred in two episodes of the TV series "Hollyoks", showing an Emily Alexander in the form of a secondary heroine. In 2013, Henstridge fell into a multi-sieuled film that made it a real star and the favorite of the fans of the filmmaker Marvel - "Agents" Sch.I.T. "," where she expanded his acting role to Gemma Simmons.

"Biochemistry expert. She is young and hungry, and she is a wonderful woman. It is interesting to play, because she is smart, focused and curious, and she does not apologize for it. She has wonderful relations with the feuit - they complement each other, "so personally described her character Liz.

However, this is not the only contact with the "marvel" - in the creative biography there was a place and sounding all the same Gemma in the animation "perfect spider-friendly man against the sinister of the six."

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Also in the filmography of celebrities there is a teamwork with Silvester Stallone to "Let me, if you can." The legendary Rocky said then that it is extremely proud to be part of the project, because this is the best dramatic film in which he participated over the past few years.

In addition to scenic activities. The actress pays special attention to help people, in particular, supports Smile Train charitable organization, engaged in correctional operations for children with the splitting of the nose (in the people, this is called "Hare Guba").

Personal life

About the personal life of a slender star (height 163 cm with a weight of 53 kg) before the occurrence of Zarqua Berr Abel, a popular American televisionary actor, unfortunately the multi-millionth army of fans, nothing is known. But, to their own joy, the performer of noticeable roles in the "gymnasts", "thinking as a criminal" and even in the cult "theory of the Big Explosion" and their favorite associate sincere and real feelings.

Elizabeth Henstridge and Zakari Abel

The pair does not hesitate to demonstrate on the personal pages in social networks of emotions to each other. For example, on the birthday of the beloved, which, by the way, also falls for September, in 2018 the celebrity published a joint shot and accompanied by a touching signature:

"Happy birthday man inspiring me every day with his passion, perseverance and jokes. It fills every second laughter and clean, unfiltered joy. How many I knew 6 and a half years ago. Now I know much more. "
Elizabeth Henstridge and her dog Maggie

A man does not lag behind his chosen in the expression of love:

"You are my only and unique, my best girlfriend and my queen, you are the first and last one I will always look at."

They often travel, spend time with friends, coming up for them funny surprises on holidays, and together "raise" Maggie - a miniature dog, who loves to dress up in a wide variety of clothes. Pet, by the way, Liz often takes with him to work.

Elizabeth Henstridge now

Henstrith, as already mentioned above, not going anywhere from a firmly occupied post in the Agents "Sch.I.T." "- it was stated that its biochemistry expert will delight audience at least in the next 2 years. At the end of January 2019, the long-awaited first teaser trailer was released.

Elizabeth Henstridge in 2019

Liz does not cease to upload photos to his cheerful "instagram" from the set, as well as frowning, does not regret good words for close comrades and colleagues, including - for stylists, makeup artists and hairdressers. She also devoted a separate post to the world who had left in a different inimitable and great Stan Lee.

In a personal profile, the girl now willingly accommodate and shots from the red tracks, where he shines in unthinkable dresses and costumes, but to demonstrate a chic figure and take offend. The only one by mid-February 2019 "Frank" publication is a touching elderly couple in bathing suits on the beach.


  • 2010 - "under the branches of the apple tree"
  • 2011 - "and the child"
  • 2011 - "Hollyoks"
  • 2012 - "Rubbing"
  • 2012 - "Thompson"
  • 2013 - "Shooting over Broadway"
  • 2013 - "Delicates"
  • 2013-2020 - "Agents" Sh.I.T. "
  • 2014 - "Get me, if you can"
  • 2016 - "Wolves at the door"

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