Jean-Batist Grenui - biography, appearance and character, actor, quotes


Character History

The works of Patrick Zyuskind excited the reader's audience of the beginning of the 20th century. They felt the freshest breath of the new time, the treachery of outstanding literary experiments and the charm of intricate plots. "Perfume" is a book that has become a vivid example of the creative read of the writer. It attracts intellectuals and ordinary people, leaving the trail in the souls.

History of creation

German playwright and prose, Patrick Zyuskind used a curious approach to creating literary works. Each of them tells about the human drama. Roman "Parfumer" was published in 1985, having collected enthusiastic reviews of criticism and readers. Among the nine books Zyuskinda, he turned out to be the most popular work.

Patrick Zyuskind

Full name of the book "Perfume. The story of one killer. " The action unfolds in the 18th century. Researchers include a novel to the direction of pseudorealism due to the image, with which the author recreated the described era. The plot complements the detailed characteristics of the heroes and the surrounding environment. The writer indicates the dates, the slightest nuances of relationships and physiological details, creating a feeling of reality of what is happening.

For the first time, Roman was published in Switzerland. We released 12 million copies of the book, which was transferred to 47 languages, including Latin.

Book of Patrick Zyuskinda

Russian readers got acquainted with the work in 1991, when he was published in the journal "Foreign Literature". The book tells about a person reptiles in front of everything that is stronger than him, and towering to the status of the Divine.

Plot and prototype

As in the case of any work, where each detail has a detailed description, the plot of the novel provoked the question - "did Zhana-Batista existed the Grenya prototype?". Was the real character in France lived, what is his biography - it's hard to say. But the facts confirm that the history keeps the secrets of people engaged in similar activities and had similar guy interests.

Jean-Batist Grenuy

The image of the compiler of aromas, whose main desire was to come up with delightful spirits, cannot be considered a fictional. People of this profession did not disappear by any experiments and manipulations to get the desired. Some rablius, who studied the action of incense, chemistry and medicine, claimed: the smell of the body of a newly deceased young man has an ingredient capable of strengthening the action of the flavor of the spirits. Crollius believed that the perfect victim would be a man with a dust red hair hanged or planted on a stake no later than the day ago.

The researcher voiced the recipe for 100 years before writing a novel. Previously, such instructions offered to use the pharmacist and chemist Nicolas Lefevre. He believed that the muscles cut off from the body of a young man, mocking in wine alcohol and dried, possess precious for spirits component.

In the Spanish Galicia in the second half of the 19th century, a trial of a kind of manuel of the Mizaanta Blanco was held. He was accused of serial murders of women and children in order to pump out fat for the manufacture of fragrant soap. In Nazi Germany, there were similar experiments for the development of a perfumery hygienic line

Manuel Blanco Romasanta

Hero Zuskind Jean-Baptiste Grenuy united the maniac and genius, inclined to the practical application of theories relative to the perfumery business. He was born near the innocent cemetery and was not a welcome child. Mother tried to get rid of the child, giving birth to the market. The baby was miraculously saved, and the woman was executed for decorating. Grenuy got on the care of the monastery, to the cormal. But the woman refused him, motivating this unfamiliar smell from the boy.

Going to the priest Terrier, Grenuy is the first thing sniffing a new acquaintance, and he sends a child to the shelter Madame Guyar, where the boy was brought up to 8 years. Jean-Batist was not a soul of the company. People's peers did not love him, counting the weak freak. The hero since childhood had unusual abilities based on the finest sense of smell. He predicted rain and found money on the smell. Having matured, the boy went to the apprentices to the leather, where he transformed heavy labor weekdays for the sake of opportunity to get acquainted with new aromas.

Once having met the girl on the street, Grenui was amazed by her delicious aroma. He decided to take possession of them. Having strangled the chief, the young man enjoyed the smell and conceived to become perfume.

Jean-Batist Grenuy

After hitting the students to the famous Baldini, Grenuy will find out the fools of skill. He invents brilliant flavors that Baldini assigns and presents under his name. Becoming a subset, Grenuy began to work on himself. Perfumeman went to the Grass, accompanied by a new discovery: he did not smell. At that moment, the hero decided to invent perfumes, thanks to which there would be a bandwidth. Under the auspices of the Marquis Taja-Espinass, Grenuy is working on special spirits.

In the Grass Hero hires the apprentice to the widow Arnulfi and again a magical fragrance. It exudes Laura. Studying the effects of fragrances and the features of their captured, Jean-Batist concludes that the fabric soaked in fat retains them best. So begin the serial killings of the perfume. The victims are young girls. Their corpses are found without clothes and with overwhelmed heads. Father Laura realizes that the daughter will be a victim of perfume because of its amazing beauty. The young man is arrested and sentenced to execution.

Frame from the film

Going up on the scaffold, Grenuy opens the bottle with the invented spirits. And everyone who came to look at His death are fascinated aroma. The smell awakens in people a carnal passion that provokes an orgy on the city square. Those present admire the perfume. Gradually, the adoration reaches a peak. Father Laura recognizes his son, forgiving crimes. Jean-Batist is hiding from the frontal place. When the fragrance is dispelled, the inhabitants of the city remain amazed their own appearance and what happened.

Realizing what his power over people, Grenuy analyzes how much such power is. Such spirits will give a perfumer to the appearance of God in the eyes of people who will not appreciate his creation. Grenuy returns to Paris, in the innocent cemetery. Once among vagrants and bandits, he causes invented perfume. The surrounding pounce on it, tear into pieces and devour the remains.


Actor Ben Wiswow

Roman "Perfumeer" was specialized in 2006 by the director Tom Tombver. The director exactly referred to the environment of the era described by Zyuskind, focusing on the subtleties and the nuances of the given characteristics. The main role in the film was played by Ben Wisow. The actor whose appearance, like the appearance of Jean-Batista Grenoi, was not attractive or rejected, created a reliable screen image. Thanks to the professional face of the artist, the dramatic grooves in the tape increased due to the development of the identity of the hero depicted.

Participation in the novel project has become the first major work for Wisow. Busy in dramatic productions on theatrical scene, the actor instantly gained fame in cinematographic circles and received a lot of proposals. The following films with his participation were "Cloud Atlas", "Adventures of Paddington", "007: Skyfall coordinates.

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