The most complex elements of figure skating: names prohibited, rotation


Figure skating is a spectacular sport, during the championships on which millions of fans do not carefully follow the impressive ligaments performed by skaters and pyruets. The combination of the most complex acrobatic sketches and graceful PAs, executed on the exciting speed of speeds, makes fans admire the fist and tightly squeeze the fists for their favorite athletes, while giving the tribute to respect and rivals.

However, observing with delight for the technical performance of fans do not always imagine how difficult for individual jumps or rotation is, article 24cmi will tell about the most complex elements in figure skating.

Starting with simple

Before dealing with difficult "tricks" of skaters, it is worth first to understand the foundations on which figure skating is based, - without mastering them, no athlete is capable of starting the road to the tops of the Ice Olympus.


A distant journey starts from the first step. In figure skating, the situation is similar - among the basic elements, which are based on the rest, the most important role is played by the steps divided by varieties: covers, snakes, braking is a small part of the extensive list.

Although basic movements are not evaluated by judges at competitions, but without them, more complex combinations are impossible. Using the steps, the athletes are not only moving along the ice field, but also gain the speed required for the performance of the most complex elements. And how confidently the figure skater moves, will not east of the attention of the refereeing that compensates for any blot.

Also the "technical" steps, which are among the estimated elements - for example, for the implementation of the "track path", the duration of which according to the rules is from 30 to 50 seconds, the judges will follow and expose points.


The name element was received for the characteristic traces with a smoothly changing curvature, remaining on the surface of the ice after the execution of the "spirals" of the skater. During the fulfillment of the athlete, long time slides, relying on one leg. At this point, the second remains raised. The element refers to the list of mandatory for pair speeches and contests between women.

How are scores in figure skating

How are scores in figure skating

The spirals are counted and "swallow" - when performing athletes, they slide on one skate rib, lifting the free leg to the level allowed by stretching, and the body hold parallel to the surface of the ice. The following varieties of execution are distinguished:

  • Kerrigan Spiral;
  • "Charlotte;
  • "" Colepko ";
  • "In Arabesque;
  • Fan spiral.

Also, the spirals include individual binding elements that are not subject to evaluation as the "boat" and "Bauer".


Familiar workers also called "rotation", pyruettes are among the mandatory elements of figure skating and are divided into 5 main positions of execution:
  • "Wolf" - executed sitting;
  • "Screw" - performed standing;
  • Libela is performed in the "swallow";
  • Billman - during the rotation, the free foot is held by the skateman for the blade of the skate behind the head;
  • The crook - with a strong deflection of the body, crowned his head and turned outward and referred to the free foot.

The last two are considered purely female - few of the shape men have sufficient flexibility for their execution.

In addition to the main, allocate a mass of intermediate positions - all not suitable for the definition of listed, for example: semi-cylvan, etc.

Although the pyruettes are not included in the list of elements dangerous to health, with excessive twisting there is a chance of injury of knee joints and ligaments. Also, when pairing skating, skaters risen to hurt each other with a skate blade, because of what only parallels are allowed at competitions for couples (when partners are synchronously rotated in one direction) and joint (when the partners perform the pirouette together in contact) of rotation.


Perhaps the most spectacular, difficult and traumatic among the elements of figure skating, the audience is always with pleasure, they are jumping, necessarily entering the competition program.

Distill jumping with the finger of the rip of the support leg - River:

  • Salkhov, called the name of the Swedish athlete Ulrich Salhov, who performed him in 1909;
  • Rittberger, or loop jump, perfect for the first time by the German Werner Rittberger in 1910;
  • Axel, the first performer in 1882, the Norwegian figure skater Axel Paulsen became among the most complicated jumps, it was performed in motion forward from the cover, it has a whole number of revolutions.

Another category of jumps are teeth - with a push of a free leg sock:

  • Tulup (First Artist - American Bruce Miles, 1920);
  • The flip whose authorship is not found, it is only known that the first time in the competition was shown in the 30s of the last century;
  • Lutz, nicknamed in honor of Aloisa Lutz, who demonstrated an element for the first time in 1913.

When combining jumps into a sequence of two or more elements, a combination is formed, holistic both aesthetic intent and implementation technique. A private variant of such a combination is a cascade, when performing jumps, follow a series and are made from the position in which the figure skater is completed after the previous element of the combination.

Prohibited items

Having understood what the basic elements of figure skating are, it is worth remembering those that were decided to attribute to forbidden for one or another reasons. Most of the elements under the ban relate to pair skating are the main of them:
  • Rotation partners in the air with hand or by foot;
  • jumps towards partner;
  • support with the number of revolutions of more than 3.5;
  • rotation of the partner with a coup and the separation of his legs from the ice surface;
  • Pulls partners in the vertical plane and a number of others.

Also unacceptable excessive use of support when a partner spends most of the time in the air.

Back to the number of prohibited:

  • flip;
  • lying on ice;
  • Long either stationary touch of ice with both knees;
  • Cascades, including more than 3 jumps.

Such limitations are caused by an increased risk of injuries when performing the above elements.

However, deliberate violations occur: so, in 1998, in Nagano, the Frenchwoman, Suria Bonali fulfilled his fuel back - at the beginning of the program, the girl fell and, without having a chance of a medal, decided to make a statement to remembered.

And in 1957, Stanislav Zhuk and his wife Nina fulfilled at the European Championships prohibited then supported by one hand, as a result they received silver instead of gold, because the judges counted the element overly dangerous. However, next year, such support was assigned to the "Highest pilot".

Sophisticated elements

Among the most complex elements in figure skating are the following:

  • brackets - turn on one leg with the change of the rib of the skate and direction of movement;
  • Twisp - rotation on one leg with displacement;
  • Hook - turn on the support leg without changing the skate edge, but with a change in the arc;
  • drew - here the direction and arc change without changing the rib;
  • Choktau - the change of legs, ribs and directions using both legs;
  • Triple Axel is a complex leap consisting of 3.5 revolutions.

Most of the listed movements are characteristic of ice dancing, but used in figure skating.

The most beautiful elements in figure skating

The most beautiful elements in figure skating

One of the most difficult juggers consider the Fed-first Lutz, first perfect at the 2011 Championship in Japan Brandon with a brother from the United States. However, since the time athletes in figure skating went far ahead - many of them are easily performed by elements that were previously considered the most difficult, and create new impressive combinations.

Such elements and combinations of steel, for example:

  • "Pistolatics" of Ivan Bukin and Alexandra Stepanova, who became branded for the pair;
  • Three Triple Axel, performed for the performance of Mao Asada;
  • Four flip sema uno;
  • Cascade of Four Salhov with Tulup in 3 turns of Judzur Khan;
  • Rotation in full stretching of Julia Lipnitskoy;
  • Four Salkhov Miki Ando;
  • Four Tulup Triple Tulup-Triple Rittberger Evgenia Plushenko;
  • Four Lutz, Flip and Tulup Alexandra Podovoy, who also managed to fulfill three quad fourth jumps in the cascades in one program and the first to clean the cascade of the Quadruple Tulup-Oil (jump in one turn with landing on the flying leg) -troyal salhah.

Figure skating does not stop in development, so every new championship prepares fans of this spectacular sport new unforgettable impressions.

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