Brian de Palma - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Brian de Palma is recognized as one of the most significant directories of the new generation. Fans from the first frames of his films will recognize the unique visual style, which is consistently remaining at the height, regardless of the overall quality of the painting. In the quarry of the director, there were world-class blockbusters and failed films, however, the influence of de palm to the world cinema is difficult to overestimate.

Childhood and youth

Brian Russell de Palma, the youngest of 3 children, was born on September 11, 1940 in Newark, New Jersey, in the Italian family. They often moved, and Brian had managed to live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.

Brian de Palma

The relationship of a boy with his father, an orthoped surgeon, was bad. At one time, Brian even followed him to appear in the marital infidelity - later it will affect the image of Peter Miller from the film "Razor" (another translation - "dressed for murder").

During his studies in high school, the young man was far from the movie - he was fond of computer equipment and even received a regional scientific award for the project "Analog Computer for solving differential equations". After receiving school education, Brian entered the Columbia University for the Faculty of Faculty, but the scientific biography of the young man ended, really not started.


The cinema struck Brian while studying at the university - seeing the "Cayne Citizen" the Great Orson Wels, de Palma "fell ill" with the idea of ​​filming. After that, he entered the college of Sarah Lawrence, where he ended up higher education.

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Acquaintance with young Robert de Niro led to the creation of a film "Wedding Party". This film was shot in 1963, but the screens came out after 6 years, after de Palma acquired a sufficient weight in cinematic circles. Brian's debut is interesting in that at work he used meals a silent movie and jump-cat during the installation process.

The most significant works of the director in the 1960s are the pictures of "Greetings" and "Hai, Mama!" With Robert De Niro, then not yet reached today's popularity. The tape "Greetings" was shown at the 19th Berlin International Festival, where he won the first filmography of De Palma award - "Silver Bear".

Director Brian de Palma

In 1970, the director began to try himself in Hollywood. Brian's first work was the film "We must know where your rabbit", but later he was dismissed from the directing position due to disagreements with colleagues on the site.

After an unsuccessful experience, de Palma created several independent films, including the painting "sisters" about Siamese twins, removed in the thriller genre with the elements of the slash. The inspiration of the director served as the history of Soviet sisters of Masha and Dasha Krivoshalyapov, and the film himself was removed under the strong influence of Alfred Hichkok's creativity - Brian even persuaded the "Hichkokovsky" composer Bernard Herrman to write music to the picture.

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In 1976, de Palma removed the film "Carrie", which did not affect the cinema, as the story of modern literature. The basis for the picture was the Roman "Carrie" of the beginning of the writer Stephen King at that time. The first full-fledged work of the "horror king" came out 2 years earlier and did not gain special success at neither readers or critics. However, the effect produced by the film de Palma awakened interest in the work of the writer and gave his impetus to his further career.

Interestingly, Cairry's casting coincided with the casting of "Star Wars" George Lucas, so the actors rejected by one director often went to another, and a kind of "interchange" of colleagues for roles took place.

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Criton's approving reaction and commercial success "Carrie" allowed de Palma to return to his projects. Inspired by the young man's youth "man without face" by Alfred Betztan, the forerunner of the Cyberpunk genre, Brian in 1978 she took off the science fiction thriller "Rage" with Kirk Douglas in the lead role. Now the film is considered to be a landmark for cinema, and Stephen King made it to the list of the most significant works of the genre from 1950 to 1980.

The next decade passed from the director under the sign of gangster films. Among the works of this period, the paintings "face with the scar", "untouchables" and "puncture" can be elected. For these work, for a long time, the tapes of similar subjects for a long time, the shooting process participants received many awards and nominations for prestigious cinematic awards.

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Despite the double taking critics (from delight to renewal), the public has gloomy films about harsh criminal realities invariably caused delight, which provided tapes good cash collections.

In the 1990s and 2000s, de Palma tried to return to the threeller genres and science fiction. The results were ambiguous: some tapes "shot", such as, for example, the "mission of impossible", and others expected a complete failure. However, the film "Rock Woman" of 2002 with Rebecca Romaine and Antonio Banderas unsuccessful rental did not prevent in the future to become a cult picture among the kinomans.

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In 2007, Brian's film "No censorship" fell out with a cracker, dedicated to the atrocities of American soldiers during the war in Iraq. Critics perceived the picture in the bayonets, the director was repeatedly accused of bodies and providing false facts.

The picture had a modest budget - $ 5 million, but at the box office barely hit $ 1 million. In addition, under the impression of cuts from the film In 2011, Albanian Arid was shot at the airport of Frankfurt 2 American pilots, although the video viewed by him on YouTube was mounted not from Newsreels.

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In 2012, another scandalous film de Palma - "Passion". The erotic thriller was highly appreciated at the 69th Venice Film Festival and claimed the "Golden Lion", but a predominantly negative reaction of critics was awarded. As a result, the picture failed at the box office, having collected less than $ 1.5 million at a budget of $ 30 million.

Personal life

Brian's personal life proceeded no less violently than creative - de Palma was married three times and has 2 children. The first wife of the director became the actress Nancy Allen, the marriage was launched from 1979 to 1983. In 8 years after the divorce, the man married a re-producer Gail Ann Hörd. From this union that existed for 2 years, the director in 1991 was born daughter Lolita de Palma.

Brian de Palma and his wife Nancy Allen

The third marriage with actress Darnell Gregorio de Palma also lasted 2 years and presented Brian's second daughter Piper, born in 1996. She, like the Father, is passionate about the film industry and tries herself as an actress. In 2019, the drama "Spiral Farm" comes to rental, where the director's daughter performs the main role of the girl who grew up in the commune, cut off from the rest of the world.

Brian de Palma now

In 2017, Brian de Palma started shooting the next thriller "Domino", talking about the Copenhagen police officer, the investigating killing of a partner. While a little about the film is known, but there are photos from the set on the network.

Brian de Palma in 2019

In the summer of 2018, after the sexy scandal around Harvey Winestein, the director said that he plans to remove the horror film inspired by this story. Now, with the words of Brian in an interview with "Le Parisien", it is known only that it is a horror in which the rapist will be present. Given the experience of de Palm in the creation of a film of this orientation, fans rightly expect that the tape will at least become the subject of rapid discussions as critics and the audience.


  • 1968 - "Murder a la mod"
  • 1968 - "Greetings"
  • 1970 - "Hai, Mamasha!"
  • 1972 - "Sisters"
  • 1976 - "Owning"
  • 1976 - "Carrie"
  • 1978 - "Rage"
  • 1980 - "Razor"
  • 1981 - "Poll"
  • 1983 - "face with a scar"
  • 1987 - "Unreasonable"
  • 1996 - "Mission: Impossible"
  • 2002 - "Rock Woman"
  • 2007 - "without censorship"

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