Alena Venum - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blog, Utub 2021



Blogger Alena Venum has long been shooting rollers for the popular video hosting YouTube, thanks to which, in fact, has become popular among network users. Her canal looks basically teenagers from Ukraine and Russia.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the future blogger Alena (her real name Sokolov) began in the Ukrainian city of Kremenchug, where she was born in April 1992. Game grew in an ordinary family, no different from all others. However, since childhood was active, loved to ride a bike, engaged in dancing and music, attended art school. Thus, parents tried to direct the energy of the daughter in the creative channel.

Alena Venum in childhood with mom

When Venum has grown, she often disappeared with friends, and since the girl's house was located in the "Patzansky" area of ​​the city, repeatedly participated in the couch, often even had to fight. However, the Bunarian character of Alena did not obstruct training at school, she was preparing for lessons carefully and tried not to get bad marks.

In those years, when the girl began a transitional age, she plunged into the world ready, he listened to gloomy music and wore ferrous clothes. From the company, with which he spent time, Alena received several gothic nicknames, she liked Venum more, but his friends called her Buffy.


Over the years, Alena reincarnated in a cute sophisticated girl from the hooligans and rebuilders. But without realizing themselves in creativity, she began to look for other ways to achieve fame and recognition. In those years, "YouTube" began to develop, where more and more new channels and video blocks appear every day.

Blogger Alena Venum

She was interested in this type of activity, Venum watched video recorded by Maria Wei, Sonya Eyman, Lisa He Air and others. Inspiring their records, in 2015 she decides to create their own channel, who, at her wonder, quickly began to gain subscribers and husky from viewers.

The first video that Venum took off for the channel was a lesson for making makeup, which revealed the rules for applying cosmetics. The audience appreciated the first attempts of the girl conquering video hosting, in a short time, her roller scored about 3 thousand "I like" marks, and at the same time the first subscribers began to appear. By the way, Alain herself at that time lived in Sweden, the girl worked, so the career began not in the native country.

Alena Venum in a swimsuit

After the debut, Venum creates more new videos in which it covers the theme of fashion and beauty is the right nutrition, makeup, weight loss, and so on. Also among those covered by it, video tutorials appeared on creating various items with their own hands. It happened just at the time of the increasing popularity of the handmade-little things, so the public was interested in the girl more and more.

Gradually, a list of topics for which Venum removed the video, expanded greatly. Sometimes she laid out rollers about their own lives and travels, and another time he told subscribers that she inspires her and worries. Openness Alena, her positive and sincerity cause only positive emotions from the audience.

Gradually, from an ordinary girl from a small Ukrainian city, it turned into a recognizable personality. People began to approach the streets and ask permission to make a joint selfie, and more devotee fans dreamed of a meeting with a star.

Alena Venum and Nastya Kamensky

At the same time, Alena created a channel on YouTube, the girl was registered in "Instagram". There she laid out a photo from life and pictures from the filming of Vainov. After some time, the popularity of Venum spread not only to the audience, her videos became interesting to such people as Nastya Kamensky, Vera Brezhnev and Sasha Spielberg, who even collaborated with her.

And in 2017, there are even more videos on the themes "What Girls, When Some", "Things to do in the bathroom", "are preparing together" and more. At about the same time on YouTube, a video of the girl appeared under the name "Experiment - change bodies with a guy." In this roller Alain and her guy decided to live one day for each other, while leaving the opponent special tasks.

Alena Venum and Ruslan Kuznetsov in the image of older people

The young man did the house mask at home, felt the depilation on himself, and then took care of her houses in the form of washing, cleaning and cooking. Venum also moved to men's clothing and spent all day in her, then she called the car repair salon instead of a guy and even herself tried to repair the car.

The girl and other videos often shot with her boyfriend. They had joint issues even after their parting. Basically, these were the sobs about living together or setting about the life of young couples in general.

Personal life

Many who are watching the personal life of Venum, associate her name with a guy Ruslan Kuznetsov. They met when young people were 15 years old, he is also a blogger and removes the video for YouTube, and also builds a musical career. In 2017, the guy became the semi-finalist of the qualifying competition for Eurovision, but did not win.

Alena Venum and Ruslan Kuznetsov

He has his own channel "Let's go, show." At the time when the pair was active joint activity, Ruslan was often invited to a girlfriend to film clips, and he himself appeared in the video of the girl.

Alena and Ruslan met for many years, but because of the youth and inability to agree more than once they stopped the relationship. After another quarrel, bloggers decided: either they break up the us, or marry. The guys chose the second option, and in 2015 subscribers became aware of the wedding of Kuznetsov and Venum.

Alena Venum and her boyfriend Aquamen (Daryl Tufkchi)

However, the happiness of young has long lasted. Has Alena Ruslan stayed until 2018, it was then that the fans of the pair became known that they broke up completely.

In 2019, Alena's followers found out that the girl meets with another guy. Her new chosen was Daryl Tuffesh, who in the Tik Tok app creates and lay out the video under Nickname Aquamen. And before that, rumors went that Venum spun a novel with Yegor's crum when he rested in Dubai. However, this information was not confirmed.

Alena Vulum now

Alena and now continues to shoot rollers for YouTube. A video appeared on the channel from her new apartment, which she spends a tour for subscribers.

Alena Venum in 2019

Also, the girl does not forget to replenish the ribbon with new photos in "Instagram". There are pictures in a swimsuit, for which subscribers more than once mixed up a good figure of Venum, at any time of the year she supports themselves in shape (height 159 cm, weight 45 kg).

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