Craig Horner - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Show business knows many examples when one good actor and one musician are hidden in the same artist. To take at least Lady Gaga, which in the world of melodies made a lot of noise, and as an actress in the movie "Star Born" earned a nomination for the prestigious Oscar Prize in 2019. Australian Craig Horner also successfully combined stage activities with "singing" art.

Childhood and youth

January 24, 1983 in the capital of Queensland - the city of Brisbane - a future television serial star and the conqueror of the maiden hearts Craig Horner was born. However, in childhood, the boy's dreams were not associated with acting or music - he wanted to become an entrepreneur, although he did not deny that the cinema was always attracted.

Actor Creig Horner

Some frank facts of the biography of early years old man posted in Twitter. For example, that Michael Jackson was Michael Jackson, and some of the questions worried Craig then:

"Why are all toys taken in China? Is it really possible to create a plastic pistol in Australia? "
Craig Horner in childhood with his father

His mother worked by a nurse, and it was she who gave his son the first guitar at 15 years. And on the personal page on another social network, he now periodically posts its own rare photos. For example, on June 17, 2018, a publication appeared in "Instagram", where the little, still fair-haired Craig hugs his father. The inscription to the snapshot reads:

"I love my dad. Photos, I think, 1986 or 1987. "

A persistent interest in the theater scene originated in the senior class schools when the guy participated in the production of "Sleeping Night" William Shakespeare and the "maid" Jean Wife. The last performance is familiar to the Soviet and Russian viewer thanks to Roman Viktyuku.

Craig Horner

In parallel, it began and the passion for the music, who gained its embodiment in the Earth for Now (in 2011, it was renamed Unstable Conditions), and then at the IThaca team, who released a debut collection in 2015.

At the end of St. PETERS LUTHERAN COLLEGE A graduate went to Sydney to seriously take an acting career.

"As a child, I was a little fond of fantasy Terry Gudcayda, and my friends were real fans. Somehow in a conversation, one of my buddies in Brisbane issued an interesting thought: "Dude, these books are really very good. You have to get the role of Richard Saifer, "he told once in an interview.


In 2001, Craig starred in a multi-sieu-free film "Cyberdewochka" about the adolescent with supernormalities, then in the full-length youth picture of "without bills", telling about yesterday's graduates who went on vacation. Next, in the artist filmography, a biographical picture "Against the flow" about the Australian athlete - Plovce Antony Fingelton appeared.

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The most popularity of the actor was involved in "H2O: just add water." Here the guy reincarnated in the beloved of the main character - the girls-mermaid Emma.

Next, Horner's success fixed his success in the "big wave" and followed by the "Legend of the Seeker", where he performed all the fights on swords alone, although he had a double. Plus - I learned to confidently stay in the saddle. And this is not surprising, because the professionals who collaborated with Viggo Mortensen and Brad Pitt worked with him.

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His partner Tabrett Bethell recalled that at first it was annoyed as Craig and Bridget Rigan constantly fondered on the court, but soon the woman was accustomed to it and even sympathized with what was happening. As for Horner himself, he literally swallowed the work in front of the shooting of a friend and often turned to him during work, to play it more accurately in one or another episode.

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Journalists in vain asked the actor questions how to achieve such a practically perfect torso. This is his lucky owner willingly frank himself that he tried to fit the description of his hero in the book. Therefore, I did not get out of the gym, followed the nutrition and did not forget about the daily run in the morning.

In 2016, Craigue was lucky again - his acting ampoule was expanded to the Graph Monte Cristo in the TV series "Once in a fairy tale."

Personal life

When the actors convincingly depict lovers in front of the cameras of the cameras, often loyal fans or hungry to hot news journalists hurry to attribute to them strong feelings and in reality. This fate touched Horner with Bridget Rigan. But, contrary to the existing opinion, only strong friendship connects a couple. As the actress itself was later, it was precisely this partnership helped her calmly "worry" intimate scenes.

Craig Horner and Bridget Rigan

Before the autumn of 2017 "Instagram", Craig and his girls, designer Adrienne Cassie Kerna, was literally crowded with joint happy pictures from secular events or rest. Further publishing, covering a personal life, declined noticeably, which marked the beginning of reflections on the parting of lovers.

Craig Horner and his Girl Adrienne Cassie Knena

In the Russian fan group of the actor in VKontakte in January 2018 there was a post:

"It's rumored that Craig Horner and his girl broke up. I remind you, it's just a hearing! ".

The couple is still together, which prove the general "Storsith".

As for the celebrity hobby, here preference is given to travel, basketball (180 cm growth with weight 70 kg allowed), surfing, snowboarding, swimming, football, volleyball and tennis.

Craig Horner now

In 2018, an episode of Cuddle Buddies appeared on the Internet with the participation of Craig and Alexandra Bard. But the musical creativity of the star of television serials left: by the beginning of March 2019, the latest Singles of IThaca dated 2017.

Craig Horner in 2019

Communication with fans Australian supports through social networks, where it willingly publish personal photos, among which the most frequency are their own in a variety of fashionable outfits. January 27, 2019 Male did not forget to make a post dedicated to the 10th anniversary with a press conference "Legends about seeker" in New York. In addition to the fact that it was almost "broken" the fans, this day is also remembered by the fact that Horner visited this city for the first time.


  • 2001 - "Cyberdewochka"
  • 2002 - "Without bills"
  • 2003 - "Moment later"
  • 2003 - "Against the current"
  • 2005 - "Cape"
  • 2006 - "I do not see evil"
  • 2006 - "Royal Bay"
  • 2006 - "Putanitsa"
  • 2007-2008 - "H2O: Just add water"
  • 2008 - "Big Wave"
  • 2008-2010 - "Legend of the Seeker"
  • 2012 - Joey Dakota
  • 2015 - "Look in the past"
  • 2016 - "Once in a fairy tale"
  • 2018 - Cuddle Buddies

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