Ellie Dee (Eleonora Dundukova) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Utub, Blog 2021



Ellie Di is a Russian video clogger millionth with several channels on YouTube. Due to the diverse content, high activity activity of video and easy information, the girl is one of the top domestic bloggers. Eleanor, his example showed that the cherished dream can and need to go, the main thing is not to retreat and not be exchanged on trifles.

Childhood and youth

Eleanor Dundukova's biography (presumably, the real name of Ellie Di) began on December 17, 1992 in the village of Ermolino, which is located in the Moscow region. The girl grew in a secured large family - she has an older brother Arthur and younger sister Julia.

Blogger Ellie D.

According to the memories of the girl, in childhood she was a perky, sociable and emotional child. From an early age, Elya loved animals and dreamed of surrounding himself with cozy fluffy lumps, as soon as she grows and would live separately. As a result, the plans of young beauties were carried out and even became the first step to all-Russian popularity.

The girl went on his studies to the local Ermolin school, but the secondary education was already in Moscow in Moscow in a general educational institution No. 16. The fact is that her father has made a profitable proposal for work, because of which the family moved to the capital of Russia. At this time, Elya fell in love for the first time - a guy of her dreams became a high school student named Vladislav, who did not know about the feelings of the tastech of schoolgirl.

Ellie di in childhood

Next, Eleanor successfully passed the entrance exams in one of the metropolitan universities, where her choice fell at the Faculty of Law. As a result, becoming a certified political scientist and a lawyer in 2013, the girl chose not to move on in the direction of work by profession. And immediately after the completion of education, in August, she began to move towards video blocking.

During the years of Student, Ely Dundukova loved experimenting with his appearance - she was blonde, red, brown, brunette. However, I never wanted to fill a tattoo or make a piercing, as it believes that natural beauty is the best thing that can choose a girl.


The first step towards the video cell's career was not the creation of a channel on the "YouTube", and the posted photo with the beloved dog of Ellie nicknamed Ginger to the profile in the social network "Instagram". The charming pet conquered the virtual public, the girl began to rapidly appear new follovers. It was they who threw a novice blog ideule to start shooting a video about the dog Gina. The launch of the channel called Elli Di Pets on the video hosting "YouTube" took place in February 2016.

At first, the girl called her brainchild "Eleonca D", but after it realized that it was too long and cumbersome, decided to change on the "Ellie Di". Now, in addition to the main one, it leads a few more channels: Elli Di Online, Let's Play Ellidi and music Elli Di.

Initially, Eleanor treated the creation of rollers as a hobby - told about the features and habits of dogs of breed Jack Russell Terrier, about the correct care of them, the need for training and vaccination. For a fairly short period, the canal scored 10 thousand subscribers, after which the blogger decided to create another, but other orientation, which later became the main one.

The content was so much like the audience that now the number of subscribers passed over several million. The secret of the success of the Ellie Dee is that it submits information easily, ignore - immediately it becomes clear that the girl enjoys the process.

Ely often exploits in his video Klikbeit - makes a rapid headline and a bright preview with its image on which it is depicted with a horror grimace, surprise or delight.

The main "chip" of her canal in diversity - here you can find mystics and horror stories (Ceft heading, in which Ely overlooks old things from "Ghost Houses"), Pranki, sobs from recreation and Rum-tours (and not where it fell, And on the yacht), beauty-video, unpacking and much more.

Ellie Di is proud of the fact that, unlike many other bloggers, its content can be easily called unique, because it herself comes up with ideas for a large number of video. So, the rollers about the tower of toilet paper and the sofa from the film - completely its idea.

The girl, in addition to the dog, there is a jungarian hamster named Eddie, Nemo's fish, Rabbits Elsa and Lizun.

Personal life

To the disappointment of many of the audience, the personal life of the star YouTube is already established - her husband is called Kirill Donskaya. Spouse of bloggers, though not appearing in the frame, but is a full participant in the events - the guy stands behind the camera at the time of recording video, helps with installation and generation of ideas.

Ellie Dee and her husband Kirill Don

According to Ellie Dee, she is a happy wife and just a man. Elya took the surname of her husband, officially becoming Eleonor Donskoy. Couple has no children yet.

The girl is often compared with another popular blogger with Nick Annie Mei. The fact is that they are very similar not only to appearance, but also by the names.

Ellie Dee and Annie Mei

In his free time, Eleanor loves to shop, buying decorations and feminine things, spending time with your favorite pets and with his wife Cyril, as well as watch Russian television shows. She likes to follow the events in the show "Voice" and the program "Verizorro", gladly watches the transfer "Evening Urgant", is a fan of an intellectual project "What? Where? When?".

Ellie di now

In 2019, Eleanor managed to lay out a few videos on "YouTube", such as "injuries and fractures in my life", "New Year Gingerbread Hands", "fortune telling on candles", "My Collection Skvishi" and much more.

Ellie di in 2019

Also, the girl enters the "instagram" daily, where the events of his day lay out through "Storsith" and alerts about new video.

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