Manilov - biography, appearance, manor, meaning and lifestyle, quotes


Character History

Character of Prosaic Poem Nikolai Gogol "Dead Souls". The landowner, a lackless dreamer. Manilov has two sons and wife Lizonka.

History of creation

The idea of ​​the "dead souls" Gogola suggested Alexander Pushkin, as follows from the book of Gogol "Author's confession." Pushkin himself intercepted this idea from a kind of lord during the link to Chisinau. Someone told Pushkin about the town in Bessarabia, where no one else is dying, except for the military.

Nikolay Gogol

At the beginning of the XIX century, many peasants fled from the central Russian provinces. The fugitives were looking for the police, but they took themselves the names of the dead, so finding out who there is someone, it was impossible. As a result, it was out that in this city for a long time death was not registered. According to statistics, people stopped dying. The authorities started an investigation, and it turned out that there were fluent peasants who had no papers assigned their names of the dead.

Gogol himself first mentions what works on the "dead souls", in a letter to Pushkin from 1835. A year later, Gogol rides in Switzerland, then to Paris and Italy, where he continues to work on the novel.

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Separate chapters from the unfinished Roman Gogol at the meeting read Pushkin and another own familiar. In 1842, the work first published. The novel is not completed. Incomplete drafts of several head volumes have been preserved.


Manilov is a man of middle-aged noble origin, a landowner. The hero has blond hair, blue eyes and a having smile. The hero is causing and taking, often laughs and smiles. At the same time, it pursues or clogs his eyes and becomes like a cat, which "told the ears". It seems the impression of a prominent and pleasant person at first glance, however, the appearance and maneres of Manilov is peculiar to some sophistication, excessive "sugariness".


Manilov was an officer, but now retired. The colleagues considered the hero of the educated and delicate man. Even in the army at the hero, the habit of smoking the tube appeared. The hero is married for more than eight years, but still happy in marriage. Manilov and spouse Lizonka are satisfied with each other and gently communicate. The hero brings up two sons of the six and seven years, which was given unusual names for the "Greek" manner.

Manilov differs little from the people of one of the circle with him, it is a typical rich Mr. Noble blood. Despite the pleasant and kindness of character, Manilov is bored, it's not interesting to communicate with him. The hero is not distinguished by anything, it is not able to carry a conversation and looks like a soft man deprived of an inner rod.

The hero does not argue and is not coming, does not have hobbies, his opinions or views, which would consider it necessary to defend. Manilov in principle is not surrender, is more inclined to twist in the clouds and reflect on abstract items. The hero can enter the room, sit in the chair and for a few hours to fall into prostration.

Cabinet Manilov

Manilov is unusually lazy. The hero was launched the farm for samothek, and things in the estate are settled without the participation of the owner. Manilov never in life did not see their own fields and does not keep taking into account the deceased peasants, which speaks of a complete indifference of the hero to his own estate.

In the house of manile affairs, they also go out of the hands badly, and the owners do not pay attention to it. The servants of Manilovy drink, do not follow their own appearance and do not fulfill duties, the keystitch brings, in the storeroom is empty, and the kitchen consumes the products of stupid. The owners themselves, as well as servants, do not pay attention to what is happening in the house and in what conditions they live.

Manilaov treats Chichikov sch) and, apparently, there are no other dishes in the house. The manil food "replaced" a pleasant conversation, and actually does not show attention to the dinner.

Pavel Chichikov

In the living room Manilov, there are two chairs, which need to drag, and the owner has been lazy for many years to order upholstery, although the family has enough money. The hero cannot furnish empty rooms in the house from the moment of his own wedding and not able to read one book for two years. One of the few advantages of Manilova is a neat handwriting.

At the same time, to people in general and to serfs in particular, manifers are good. The hero is causing and polite in a conversation with a simple kucher or teacher of his own children. Manifers with trust belong to people than the peasants belonging to the hero. The men used to come to the owner and to ask themselves allegedly on earnings, and in fact, having received permission to be abolished, sent to drink.

Manilov loves guests and does not regret compliments for new acquaintances who want to like. Manilas often flaps to the main hero, Chichiku, praises the education and manners of the guest. The surname "Manilov" is given a hero to emphasize the "gentleness" of the character of the hero, attempts to "lure", attract people to themselves, be cute.

Lunch Manilova with Chichikov

"Dead Souls" Manilov gives chikchiku for free and even draws up the necessary paper at your own expense to make a new acquaintance pleasant. Chichik himself looks at Manilov as a man "sugar" and boring.

In comparison with Manilov, Chichikov himself looks pleasant and worthy of her first glance, but in essence it is a blank careerist and stuff.

In the image of Manilov, the writer draws one of the typical portraits of the era - a hazard dreamer landlord, who lives empty, devastable life in idleness and laziness. At first glance, Manilov is a completely harmless man, however, he may be a lot of damage and his own farm, and society as a whole.

Nastasya box

The opposite of Manilov - Nastasya Petrovna a box, a poor college recorder, a widow that lives in a small house and behaves with trade attractiveness. The only meaning of the life of the heroine is concern for its own farm and the accumulation of good. Heroine surrounding people perceives as "wallets", from which you can pull out money.


"No, I'm sorry, I will not allow us to pass behind such a pleasant, educated guest." "O! Pavel Ivanovich, let me be frank: I would gladly gave half of my state to have a part of the advantages that you have! .. "" Let me not allow it. This chair is still allocated for the guest: for the sake of or not for the sake, but they must sit down. " "One God could not say what the character of Manilov was. There is a genus of people known under the name: people so-so, neither ... "


In 1960, Director Leonid Trauberg removed the drama "Dead Souls" on his own scenario. The film was based on the eponymous play, delivered in Mkate in 1932. Mikhail Bulgakov wrote the stage, taking the Roman-Poem Gogol as the basis. The role of Manilov in this film was performed by actor Yuri Leonidov.

Yuri Bogatyrev in the image of Manilov

In 1984, the Soviet mini-series "Dead Souls" out of five episodes. The genre of the series is a satirical tragicomedy. Mikhail Schweitzer became the director, and the role of Manilov was performed by actor Yuri Bogatyrev. Hero's spouse, Lizonku, played actress Larisa Udovichenko.

In 2005, the eight-grade series Pavel Longgin "The case of the dead souls was released. The scenario was created on the basis of several works of Nikolai Gogol at once - "Dead Souls", "Notes of the Crazy", "Auditor" and others. Pavel Chikchiki here is a fraudster who disappeared from prison.

Full Pavel Favimtsev

The main hero of the series - Ivan Schiller, the college registrar, is investigating the case of the disappearance of Chichikov and for this comes to a certain county town. Local officials in every way prevent visitors to Mr in the investigation. In the course of the case, Schiller is forced to go through several strange meetings, and in the final hero himself turns into Chichikov's fraudster. The role of Manilov in the series is played by the actor Pavel Favim residents.

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