Karl Liebknecht - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, Communist Party of Germany



A rare city in the post-Soviet space does not have a street map that bears the name of Karl Liebknecht. At the same time, not every resident without the help of "Google" will immediately answer, who is this person and what is famous. However, it felt that from a difficultly pronounced surname deerates the communist past, revolution and socialist ideals.

Childhood and youth

Karl Liebknecht was born in 1871 in Leipzig, the largest city of Saxony. The parents of the boy had a direct relation to politics, and it seemed that his fate was predetermined since childhood. No wonder the baby became a godfather of the fathers of the world revolution - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Politician Karl Liebknecht

The relatives of the child were eminent and active personalities, among them Martin Luther. The family belonged to the denomination founded by the famous ancestor. One Grandfather Charles is a professor at the University, the second is the President of Parliament.

Wilhelm and Natalia Liebknecht brought up four children, Karl was older. Brothers Theodore, Otto and Wilhelm also left a trace in German history, engaged in science and politics.

Karl Liebknecht in youth

The father of the family was an adherent of revolutionary ideas and was a member of the German parliament, representing the Social Democratic Party, and the sons from childhood absorbed the Marxist ideology.

After graduating from the gymnasium in 1890, the young Karl entered the University of Leipzig by choosing the Faculty of Law, then he continued to education at Berlin University. Being gifted by nature, the guy also showed perseverance in teaching, as it clearly knew whose interests and rights wants to defend in the future. At the age of 26, he defended his thesis and became a doctor of law.

Political activity

Since 1900, Carl becomes a member of the Social Democratic Party, founded by his father. A man acts as a lawyer, defending in the courts of revolutionaries and socialists, exposing the authorities in the persecution of unwanted and infringement of their rights.

In the ranks of the batch, stratification was planned, and Karl joined the left radicals, defending the anti-war principles and setting up the youth to the eradication of militarism. The first Russian revolution of 1905 inspired politics, and he began to promote the ideas of internationalism. Liebknecht speaks Germany's proletarians about events in Russia as an effective example of a political struggle.

Since 1907, Karl is based on the socialist international female. His assistant becomes a convinced Marxist Rosa Luxembourg. Anticipating the offensive of the destructive war, Liebknecht uses all its dust and eloquence for the chief of the militarist policy of official power. For these performances, the imperial court accused a man in state treason and condemned for a period of a year and a half.

Karl Liebknecht

However, the popularity of the policy is so high that he is elected to the Prussian Chamber's deputy while it is in conclusion. Since 1912, Liebknecht is already a deputy of the Reduction of Germany.

With the onset of World War I, the worst fears and predictions of Charles came true. At the Reichstag meeting in 1914, he openly condemns the policies of power, calling the war of the celestial and refusing to vote for military loans. As a result, the Social Democratic Party turns away from the radical representative and excludes Liebknecht from its ranks.

Karl Liebknecht at the rally

The policy occurs the policy, as a result of which he falls into the number of mobilized and sent to the front aged 44 years. There, a man unfolds a campaign, calling for the military to fight with an imaginary external enemy, but with the pest of the German imperialism.

The beginnings of Charles Liebknecht poured into the creation of the Anti-war Union "Spartak", which began to act since 1916.


Spartak's slogans called for proletarians to unite and oppose hostilities. On May 1, 1916, Liebknecht participates in the demonstration and calls the people to overthrow the government leading the predatory bloody war. This time, he is condemned for 4 years in prison, sentenced to religious work.

Carl is serving only half of the term and is released in 1918 after the November revolution and overthrow of the Kaiserov regime. In conclusion, the revolutionary did not leave the campaign work and continued it by going to freedom.

Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg

In December 1918, together with Rosa Luxembourg, a man is based on the Communist Party of Germany. The shooter of the party was the newspaper "Rota Fan". Karl Liebknecht is not without reason accuses former associates in the Social Democratic Party in the Union with the criminal authority of the imperialists and progresate in their face of irreconcilable enemies.

In 1919, Liebknecht heads an anti-government uprising, calling for the overthrow of Social Democrats and establish the power of workers and soldiers. Authority and mass support that communist possessed, forced his opponents seriously fear the consequences of the uprising. It could easily pour into a civil war. Therefore, the authorities officially declared Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg by state criminals and appointed a cash reward for their heads.

Personal life

In the personal life of Liebknecht there were two main women. Yulia Paradise became the first spouse, on which Karl married in 1900. The couple lived together for 11 years, to the death of his wife. 40-year-old widower stayed with three children: Wilhelm, Robert and faith. The middle son of the revolutionary became the artist and graduated from his days in Paris in 1994.

With the second wife, Roshovchanka Sofia Riesh, Liebknecht met in 1903. Jewish by nationality, the girl was a daughter of the merchant and the owner of the plant. She received art historian education in Berlin, where he met with Carl. In 1912, they got married, and Sophia took care of the younger children who remained on her complete care after her husband's death in 1919.

Karl Liebknecht and his wife Sofya

Having remained in a difficult situation, the widow appeared for help from Vladimir Lenin, and the Politburo of the USSR materially supported the family. Since 1933, Sophia Borisovna moved to Moscow, where he lived in a house on a big clearing and worked as a teacher. She lived 81 years old and was buried with honor as a grant of the great revolutionary.

Karl Liebknecht attribute an affair with the Polish Jewish Rose Luxembourg. An interesting fact - they died in one day, and this phrase has a familiar romantic color. However, the friendship and loyalty to the general case tied them. Rosa retained warm relationships with Sofia and joined with the correspondence, providing support during the years of her husband.


The biography of Karl Liebknecht ends regrettable. On January 15, 1919, the revolutionary grabbed on a conspiracy apartment and beat the rifle butt. The punishers acted dry and ruthlessly, trying, however, to portray representatives of the law. They promised to take a man to a jail, but on the way were thrown out of the car and shot. Liebknecht's killer called Rudolf Lipman.

Funeral Charles Liebknecht

The same fate suffered and Rose Luxembourg, whose body found in the river only in spring. The cause of death was the firearms that the officer Herman Sushon inflicted. None of the killers were convicted. Official newspapers explained the murders of revolutionaries by random street unrest.

Grave of Charles Liebknecht

Charles Liebknecht's grave is located in Berlin and is a tombstone of pink marble with a laconic inscription. Judging by the photo, the slab on the tomb of Rosa Luxembourg is similar to him as two drops of water.

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