Vitaly Babenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Films and TV shows Vitalia Babenko are familiar to the Russian viewer. "Redhead", "Rustic Roman", "Road Home", "unequal marriage" - these multi-sieves melodramas about ordinary people, their destinies, feelings, actions - sometimes erroneous, fatal. Therefore, they love the works of Babenko, unmistakably learning the unique style of his director.

Director Vitaly Babenko

In the life of the artist, the melodramatic plot was played: Alyona Babenko, which he opened as an actress, left him after 17 years of marriage.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Vladimirovich Babenko was born on June 9, 1963 in Tomsk. There is no information about his parents and childhood. However, it is not difficult to guess that he was carried away by cinema at an early age. And so seriously that after graduation in his native Siberia, he received immediately in 2 metropolitan creative universities - VGIK (Faculty of Directors) and Gitis (acting of the Director's Faculty).

Vitaly Babenko - Graduate Vgik and Gitis

Having graduated from studying in 1984, the guy began creative biography of cinema, removing in tiny episodic roles. At the same time he went to the televisour. In 1988, Babenko graduated from the highest directorial courses in the Gostareudio of the USSR.


The first major role in the actor filmography appears in 1991. Babenko starred in the "tired" melodrama, after which it was close to the director's work. The debut in this profession is the short film "Kremlin Triangle", filmed in 1991 and dedicated to historical events in Russia.

Vitaly Babenko in the film

After 3 years, the director submits to the court of spectators and critics the film-performance "Puppet House" based on the plays of Henric Ibsen's plays. This work at the Theater Festival "Scandinavian Piece on the Moscow Scene" in 1995 earned a prize for the best director.

After that, Babenko is satisfied with the director of television, which gives 8 years of creativity. During this period, shoots video clips, advertising, mastering new gear formats. The most loud project of the early television period was the famous "33 square meters".

Director Vitaly Babenko in Youth

This humorous series about the family of Zvezdunovy living in a standard panel high-rise building on 33 squares with the participation of such Kavain Stars, as Mikhail Shah, Tatiana Lazarev, Mikhail Belogolov, became a breakthrough on the new Russian TV.

In 2005, the director in Tandem with Leonid Konovalov removed the first television series "My love". The main characters of the comedy - Vadim and Angela, a consolidated brother and sister who share the apartment of parents in the center of Moscow. Breaking through a series of problems associated with the apartment question, they understand that they can no longer live without each other. Denis Matrosov, Svetlana Antonova, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Olga Volkova, and others were shot in the film.

Vitaly Babenko

New job, the series "Redhead", walked on the screens year (2008-2009), and all this time beat ratings in popularity. The touching story about the girl TASES, who passionately dreams of becoming a musician, but blinded as a result of the hooligan antics of the spoiled Major Boris, conquered the hearts of millions of television viewers.

Success inspired the masters for new works. In subsequent years, the series "All for the better" (2010), "Dar" (2011), "unequal marriage" (2012). In 2014, Vitaly Babenko independently (without comgeurians) is working on the project "Road Home". Anton Makarsky is invited to the main role, whose hero is a professional military, straight, honest, open. He will have a difficult life on the "citizen" and meeting with great love. Ekaterina Volkov, Boris Galkin, Dmitry Isaev and others were also starred in the picture.

Frame Film Vitaly Babenko

Anton Makarsky became the main character of another work Babenko - the series "Rustic Roman" (2015). He plays arseny - a worker of a local farm, where an ambitious and self-confident girl Svetlana arrives from the capital. A resistant antipathy arises between it and arms. But from hate to love, as you know, one step.

In 2016-2017, Vitaly Vladimirovich removes several projects in the sports drama genre - "pure football", "Winning time", "Dream".

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Another long-playing project director gives the audience in 2017. This is a melodrama "Lessons of happiness" - a story about how in a moment one mig is collapsed by the family. The husband goes to another, and the wife remaining with the children, in addition to betrayal, receives a number of shots of fate. But life will put everything in its place.

The main roles in the film were performed by Ekaterina Solomatin and Denis Matrosov.

Vitaly Babenko on the set

In 2018, the TV show "Russia-1" showed a new series Vitaly Babenko "on the threshold of love", telling about the fate of ordinary people against the background of a common tragedy - World War II.

Personal life

About the personal life of the director became known thanks to his marriage with a popular actress Alena Babenko. More precisely, the popularity of the spouse was only in the future, when they met in one event in Tomsk. She was a five-year student of the Tomsk State University, and he is a young director, a newly minted Muscovite.

Vitaly Babenko with his wife Alena Babenko

The acquaintance immediately turned into a serious relationship, and Soon Alena had already moved to her husband to Moscow, in 1992 they had a son Nikita. It is the "cinema" communications of the spouse led the young Siberian to VGIK for the course of Anatoly Romashina, and then in a big movie.

After the film "The driver for faith" the popularity of the Babenko's actress was simply incredible. All of this, of course, did not contribute to the strengthening of marriage. But here's a real impetus to the divorce, journalists call the romance novel Alena with a colleague Alexander Domogarov on the shooting platform of the film "Ind" (2007).

Son Vitaly Babenko with Mother

And although these relationships did not exceed something more, the actress did not return to Vitaly. The former husband of Alena Babenko did not give comments about parting. About what is happening now in his personal life is also unknown. But Alena was confessed in conversations with journalists about his experiences during this period. One of the frank interviews of the artist gave in the program "The Fate of Man" in February 2019.

Son, daughter-in-law and grandson Vitaly Babenko

In 2015, Vitaly with Alena became grandmother and grandfather - the son of Nikita and the daughter-in-law Salome gave them the grandson of theodore. Nikita in his youth was carried away by photography, eventually graduated from VGIK, became the operator.

Vitaly Babenko now

In 2018, the director worked on the series "Who we will not", telling about the lives of two friends - Ira and Sony, who lose their husbands in the car accident and learn to survive after trouble.


  • 1997 - "33 square meters"
  • 2005 - "My love"
  • 2008 - "Redhead"
  • 2008 - "Squirrel in the wheel"
  • 2010 - "All for the better"
  • 2011 - "Dar"
  • 2012 - "unequal marriage"
  • 2014 - "Road Home"
  • 2015 - "Rustic Roman"
  • 2015 - "Male to Growth"
  • 2016 - "Pure Football"
  • 2017 - "Winning Time"
  • 2017 - "Dream"
  • 2017 - "Lessons of Happiness"
  • 2017 - "On the threshold of love"
  • 2018 - "Who we will not become"
  • 2018 - "On the threshold of love"

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