Nastasya box - character biography, appearance, character, quotes


Character History

The elderly landowner living in the vicinity of the city N is a colorful and recognizable character. The life goals of the widow, which manages its own estate, is to get in all sorts of money as much money as possible. Therefore, the old woman without inflatable sells the dead souls chikchiku. The only thing that the lady cares is - whether she has extended.

History of creation

For the first time, the box appears in the work of Nicholas Gogol "Dead Souls" in the third chapter. The old woman does not occupy a central place in the work, while the author has invested a large number of contempt into the resulting image.

Nikolay Gogol

However, with a negative attitude to the character, Gogol recognized the household domestic talents:

"The College Registrar Box, who has not read any books, except Chase, and even then with sin in half, without looking at any elegant arts, except for fortune telling on the maps, he knew how to fill the chests and boxes."

The late analysis of the "dead souls", where the Nastasya box appears in all the magnificence, configure the writers to build a variety of theories. For example, Dmitry Bykov argues that the work of Gogol correlates with the creation of Homer Odyssey.

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In this version, the old landowner is an analogue of the ancient Greek Circus character. Grekanka poisoned her husband and installed hard order in his own possessions. The same behavior is characteristic of Nastasya box, which, with all its external nonsense, is shown by the real skillful mistress. However, the confirmations of such conclusions of Bykov not found.

First published in 1842, the work still does not lose relevance. Movies are regularly removed based on the novel-poems, the performances are set and operas are created.

"Dead Souls"

Nastasya box

Nastasya Petrovna Box - a landowner, which leads a relatively closed lifestyle. The biography of the elderly lady is not filled with bright events. Nastasya Petrovna early married the college secretary and after many years of stable marriage of widow. The woman leads the economy located between the estates of the Sobesevich and Manilov.

In the work of Gogol Nastasya Petrovna appears at the moment when Chichikov - the main character of the novel - gets off the way and is forced to look for a place to sleep. Active Nastasya Petrovna, despite the stable income, is concerned about his own financial condition, so it tries to sell various products.

Mikhail Sobevich

The inner state of the woman is reflected on its appearance. A bustling landowner does not pay attention and time to the wardrobe. With the first meeting with Chikchiki, the heroine does not seek to make a good impression. Does not spend time on clothes box and after:

"She was wearing better than yesterday," in a dark dress and no longer in a sleeping cape, but there was still something imposed on her neck. "

The main activity of Nastasya Petrovna is our own economy. Despite the constant complaints, the landowner skillfully led the peasants. A woman has a variety of vegetables and fruits, courtyard full of domestic birds. The life of the peasants of the box is subordinate to a rigorous routine. People either work in the field, or sell their own goods produced in neighboring estates: honey, flour, meat, feathers.

Chichiki visiting the box

Thoughtful mistress watches the slightest trifles. In the fields of the landowners, scarecrow, scouting raven, and spare carts are hidden in the sheds so that the harvesting will not stop even in an emergency situation.

The house of the box, as well as the economy, is strict. A small manor is guarded by the sobes of dogs, each breakdown is immediately corrected. However, the petty box is watching both behind their own estate and the village. Unlike the neighbors, the landowner cares about the out of the peasants.

Manor boxes

With such a right and thoughtful approach to the management of Nastasya Petrovna, it is not distinguished by mental abilities. An elderly woman is small, selfish and looked at thoughts about constant deception from friends and unfamiliar people. Such traits in the character complicate communication with the landowner:

"... one of those mother-in-law, small landlords, who are crying for crop, losses and keep their heads a few days, and meanwhile they type the mean money in the motley bags placed on the drawers of the chest of drawers ..."

Favorite women's occupation, in addition to counting its own state, is fortune-telling on the maps. At the same time, the box believes in God and argues that due to the maps there was a trait.

Pavel Chichikov

After the first communication with Chikchikov, the old woman is experiencing about whether she did not extend with the sale of dead souls. This thought does not leave the landowner, and that by throwing your own business goes to the city to find out how much the goods are in fact.

The strokes of the old women lead to the spread of rumors who turn new incredible details and bring the situation to the absurdity.


In 1960, the theatrical statement of the "Dead Souls" was postponed to the film of 1932. The director of the painting spoke Leonid Trauberg. The artists of the Moscow Art Academic Theater are embodied by the idea of ​​Gogol. M. Gorky. The role of the box got actress Anastasia Zueva.

Anastasia Zueva in the box

After 8 years, in 1968, the director Alexander Belinsky appealed to the classic plot. The screen version was broadcast within the framework of the "Theater on Screen" project. The role of a colorful box performed actress Claudia Fadeev.

In 1984, the series "Dead Souls" was released, created according to the first of the same creation of Gogol. The plot of the film is as close as possible to the original source. The role of the landowner played actress Tamara Nosov.

Tamara Nosov in the box

In 2005, the premiere of the "Dead Souls" was held on the NTV television channel. The series affects the creation of Gogol to the same name, and several other works of the author. Critics did not appreciate the work of the director Pavel Lungin and spoke negatively. The role of the box took actress Elena Galibina.

Interesting Facts

  • In the surname of the heroine in the work of Gogol laid a hidden meaning. Researchers of the writer's creativity claim that the character has become a kind of trap (or a box, from which not to get out) for Chichikov.
Illustration to Gogol's book
  • The main character bought 18 souls for 15 rubles from the landowner.
  • Unlike the rest of the characters, the elderly landowner remembers the names of the dead peasants.
  • The lack of development of the heroine Gogol was displayed with flies. Despite the purity of the house, insects are constantly flying around the characters, personifying stagnation and lack of development.
  • Perhaps the box suffers from a serious psychological disease. In the landlord farm, nothing disappears, even hissing hours and ancient unknown portraits. In psychologists, such a phenomenon is called pathological storage.


"My such inexperienced width business! Better I am a manne scale, there may be a merchant, yes, try more about prices. " "To God, the goods are so strange, completely unprecedented!" "Last week, I burned the blacksmith, such a skillful blacksmith and a locksmith knew." "And so you are a bidder! How sorry, the right that I sold honey merchants so cheap, but you would, my father, I, right, I bought it. "

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