Igor Malashenko - Photo, biography, personal life, the cause of death, died



Polittechnologist Igor Malashenko is famous for the fact that in the 90s his professional skills sat Boris Yeltsin to the presidential chair. And in the pre-election campaign of 2018, a man put every effort so that the former leading "House-2" Ksenia Sobchak was perceived as a serious and ambitious policy capable of becoming a huge country. Igor Evgenievich represented a political scientist and a journalist in one person and in different years he held the posts of the Ostankino television directors and NTV, after becoming media magistrate with world name.

Childhood and youth

Igor Malashenko - Native Moskvich, he was born on October 2, 1954. The boy's father has a glorious biography: Evgeny Ivanovich, during the Great Patriotic War, was the head of regimental intelligence, then continued the service and resigned in the rank of Lieutenant General. Malashenko grew up in the house, populated by high-ranking military personnel and heroes of war.

After graduating from school, Igor became a MSU student by choosing the Faculty of Philosophy. Upon receipt of the diploma in 1976, decided to continue the education in the same specialty and in 1980 he became a candidate of philosophical sciences.

The further life path of Igor Evgenievich was not associated with abstract philosophical judgments, because he chose a path of political journalism - a sphere that implicitly, but effective is able to direct the course of the history of the whole country.


In his youth, Igor Malashenko was an employee of the RAS research institute focused on a comprehensive study of the United States and Canada. The institution developed the USSR foreign policy course against North American countries. Then the man becomes a member of the CPSU, where he makes a solid career, reaching the senior referent of the International Department of the Central Committee.

Under Mikhail Gorbachev, a novice political analyst falls into the president's office. Since then, Malashenko starts the path in the field of mass media. First, Igor Evgenievich works on the TV channel "Ostankino", responsible for the political component. And in 1992, he is already becoming the general director of the company.

In 1993, a man participates in the establishment of the NTV channel, where for 4 years he serves as president and general director. Here Malashenko works as a journalist, releasing the program "Hero of the day".

Gleb Pavlovsky, Tatiana Dyachenko, Naina Yeltsin, Igor Malashenko in 1996

Boris Yeltsin invited Igor Evgenievich to head the 1996 presidential campaign. The lion's share of the success of these elections is among the work of the competent political technologist.

In the late 1990s, Malashenko continues to occupy leadership posts in the field of broadcasting, and in 2000 leaves the country, moving to permanent residence in the United States. There he rises at the RTVI international Russian-speaking channel and cooperates with a number of foreign media companies.

In 2012, Igor Evgenievich returns to Russia. In 2017, he concluded an agreement with Ksenia Sobchak and headed her political headquarters on the eve of the 2018 presidential election.

Personal life

Elena Ivanovna Biveovarova became the first wife of Igor Malashenko. The couple raised two children, daughters Elizabeth and Elena, and since 2000 lived in the United States. When, in 2010, Igor Evgenievich resumed professional activities in Russia, the relationship in the family gave a crack.

It is known that since 2011, the media magnate, being officially married, openly began to live with a secular observer of the Masonry God. The steam appeared together everywhere, and the adoration publicity of God shared the details of the personal life in the blog and called the partner not otherwise as her husband.

In 2013, civilian spouses fell into the tape of scandalous chronicles, because they participated in the dubious incident. They were accused of applying a journalist NTV, as a result of which the Raski even received a conviction, committed to the year to fulfill correctional work and transfer part of earnings to the State Case.

God has extended his scandalous reputation, undersically over the death of NTV journalists, former on board Tu-154 in 2016. As a result of the statement, a petition appeared, on which thousands of Russians asked to deprive the woman of the Russian citizenship.

Relationships of Igor Evgenievich and God remained informal 7 years. When you try to legitimize them, they faced the difficulties of the protracted marriage process. The first wife did not want to give a divorce to the spouse, as a result of which a man even began to experience health problems. The market began to cover the details of the case on the page in Facebook, motivating this by the fact that the Alley of the ex-spouse will simply achieve Malashenko, if it does not hurt her publicly.

In 2018, the Cheremushkinsky District Court of Moscow still issued a certificate of divorce, and in September of the same year the couple played a long-awaited wedding. The celebration was celebrated in the restaurant "Voronezh" without a hint of boredom and pathos. The party was accompanied by retro-hairs, and the newlyweds themselves sang each other recognition in love, broadcasting their speeches in social networks.

The litigation of the political scientist with Elena Pivovarova continued after the second official marriage. Former spouses divided property in US courts. Bozhena Marcus continued to inform the details of the process, saying that the first wife claims to 80% of Malashenko property.


February 25, 2019 it became known that the 64-year-old media signal died in his house in Spain. The news first appeared in the "merchant" and later was confirmed by the editor of "Echo Moscow" Alexei Venediktov.

Judging by the records in the "Facebook" of the Mountains of God, the political analyst in mid-February was hospitalized. Wife shared hospital photos Igor Evgenievich. February 20, a man spent the whole day in the hospital. God has repeatedly stated that Malashenko is killed with ex-spouses. She practically accused the brewing in the fact that the death of the former husband is beneficial, because then all his state will go to her.

The Spanish police are not divided into details of the death of Malashenko, but it is assumed that the cause of death was suicide. The widow of the political technologist refuses to give interviews and preferred to burn out from the public, restricting access to the Instagram account.

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